OCR Text |
Show , . , .,! - ", IV( t. .,,,,',101,fiC.f, 4,- - Vbdb.AkktVg.lg,A.R..V,t,.PtvliO4,4e.ttaOPT,Ar.ltil.,EilWtWaig ,,,..v, 44. ,..,. ,,,,,,. , .0( ,, ,,,,,,,,,, ,.., .,..,, ,,,,, , , ,..,,,,,,, ,., ,, ,......., ,,, 0.001.,.. t..,,,,,,, .. ' i .. , 2 - - -- : TWO OUTLAWS ' I , -- - ' r CAMP';. ; J.. Nov. 'I.Camden 'county antiseptics, will claim jorlailicWen in the ease of the murder of Da. 'via at Paul. & local bank runner. who ;was beaten to teeth b an automobile in ;some rho ago, robbed of S96,000 'cash and checks and bin body buried in a shallow grave. Two men under Arrest, Prank James and Raymond :fichock. bays confuses& the police anInounced. and accused each other of morass', They are held in Bur"Baotou county where the body wan taunt Most of the loot was found ',buried In & cemetery bore. were given The alleged contentions In signed statements at the Burling- 'ton county Jail bens where both men lase prisoners. Although neither men 'were abate the other bad confeeeed. ithe officiate mated their Marko were The confessions ;almost identical. Ellie Park fivers not made public but air. Burlington county detective. said but the Inen had 'carefully planned Rob'carried out the job." '"chinusily , rberv was the motive. he amerted., , Paul was slain te Camden. accordAn' to &hock. conies...ion. as given out The detective by Parker, on Oct. tild not my who did the s,ctual Ming. :, The messenger. who woo taking 'about $40.0e0 in cash and $20,000 in 'checks and secorttice from the Broadof Camden to a 'say 'trust company Philadelphia bank. woo picked up by 'Jensen, the confessions revealed ac!cording to Parker and offered a ride to the ferry. A block further on. Oichttek got into the autegeobila which :had the back curtains awn. Near the 'ferry where there was oonsiderable 'melee. Paul Was etrockover the head with a half goring seed for changing This rendered htm uneonerloiss. 'Parker Reid Schuck declared In hie ,stery but did not kW him. Ifie was married several blocks before there was 'opportunity to finish the job." Paul twee then beaten over Ihe bead- until ;his skull eras crushed. 8chtick and Jame. then drove to 'Tabernacle, according to the alleged icontesilene. and thew the body in a !email stream of water en the town They then returned to Camden fend buried most of the money in the Paul's body woe :Evergreen ceinetet-y- . Jett in the Water until Oct. 14 when he two men made another trip to the mine belt and buried it in the shallow found Oct- - IS by ikrave where - it was - .hanteili Ur. Parker would not diodes bow much of the missing motley bad been :found. stattng only that the laulk;of it bad been recovered and that Schuck had led him to the 'port miters It was burled. James who is 26 years old. 4a an automobile sallentan. &buck is and the eon of a newepaperman and political loader of Camden. Peal dinappeared Oct. b. Virfell days later his body with the bead teruabed was found buried in a shot-loMPS near Tabernacle. ''- ' .1k,, ' ' - - I , at the Real , roal caueo of tits booed& liver sod disordered Dr, lAwardir Olive Tablets stooge healing way., Hi. liver In a soothing. When the !Ivor and bowels ars peraway natural functions, their forming stomach trouble. goes inditeation a and coated bad you tags" Hays a logy. don't tongu& poor noappetite, ambition or enmity, Car. feeling. Takeo trouble with ondigested foods? to cab.- Olive Tablets. the.embstitutsmet Sr. a pe. Edwards Olive Tablets compound mixed with purelyoil.vegetablo Ton will know them by thoir olive olive color. rimy do the work without cramps or paingriping. ono Or two at bedtime for quick Tato relief. Eat what you film, tic and ed - - RP FIVE poucEmENR- EPORTED DYING IN LONDONDBRY , - - , out-inki- ng i . w 01 ' , ., - ) , : . t' ' (BY Associated Prem.) 'WINDSOR. Nov. I.Following (By international News Service.) tense situaBELFAST. Nov. tkin prevallod in Belfast and Londonderry today and troops patrolled the streets-- , to prevent further flghting following the outbreaks on Sunday when many persons were wounded. Ptve policemen were wounded At Lon--' donderry and two of them are report: ed to be dying. There was 'considerable shooting the rioting In the Crumlin during road district of Belfast Policemen and 'soldiers charged the crowds with riot sticks. A bowie knfo and an automatic pistol were found upon one of the ring leadere . who was arrested. Finally artnored cant were tolled out The disand dispersed the crowds. orders at Londonderry followed the shooting of ,twopolicernen. Orange-e- n between parading the streets burned the property of Sins Feiner& escorted by troops. were Firs compelled' by rifle volleys to turn bsok while attempting to respond to on alarm from Foyle Street- - - - , :Bé Ikkof aitib',:. ::,''Ariti:Bii.i.litifris (Br Associated YEW 'YORK. Nov. Prsea) liks other great reforms le snoring rAtr Nnrrry DAIS: but in the right direction, and . CORK. Nev. trout the slowly' all traces of th. se' rCork kW today described the condi- clue year bears , Mr deer. Kies 04 the nine reinalsias Irish loos, saes gossibtr ?Al- wtfl be effaced. IOLA T. 'trainer. fed-e- s themi'as precarious. , al,thoug this was the teth day tit their prohibition commissioner. said la , ,otriki the emaciated prisoners were !declared to be Mill determined to re an address it the Y.' 3L C. A. today. -Liquor. like other MI vita be sat& has had men is ati grasp Inca Adam IMGAGE21110cr ANNOCNCED. and Eve. Ind 'prohibition. the "moat -rh PAW& Nov. turedertent radical principle seer adopted in the 'in sinno3noe4 br the Perk ?Isere of of the world." mum secemarily !Robert Walton Goe tot. "'wittily New historylie three before realising victors. Mork rest oeteto owner. fla&neter and bide Mr. Kramer said the Urns soon arill iclubmen to Mn.. Anita Guosuer. comet when violators of the prohibition tdeughtor of & large Bordeaux land law will Ito so few "they will have .oweer and director of the Orleans shasserfor themselves sad thenI will mitres& b out of a MO . ' 1 I ' , 1 .. 1 , - l' . i i - ' dead Mag.-- atteerting Madame Manes, through hot marries. and also because of bet- approaching motherhood. would.; I..a11y ; herit Alexander's ploperty. Aa another acting for formet Xing Constantino then asked L he court to outspend action until he had time to Institute action in op. position. 14. declared .Conetatto tine intended to contend that the marriage of Moderns Manes and the late monarch wee invalid. .tilhould Constantine tali legal action. the jurists point out. it would constitute an stimission that he is no longer king of Greece as the chief of onto. beo Ins the dispenser of justice. tannest appeal to the courts. Thor I. some speculation here as to the statue in the dYnamI of the child to be bons by Madams Manes if her marriage shoull be declared valid. - Vomolt "- - -- - 11111111 W MAIISHALIOCHBRINOS , 1 TRUTT ;rip and Influenza - 4 STrIPTOPISt Diet ileadsche, Running "PSC, The germs ot Colds. Grip and Influenza are dangerous and should be destroyed as' quickly as possible. Crovo'n (Lamtaillre L. EL Q. Icitleta Slivostotto 0410111mo TalloApeol destroy the germs and act as a tonic laxative. Be sure iou get the genuine. Ask for Orovo's L. B. Q.,' tablota Price 30c. 04 Y BESTS HOLI Allgoolis HAIN tCestsoued front page sal saisitakirs Dr. A. C. So 1w7 r fur Senator 1..0d so. ' ho tiorelui spcial is ass to ar. rice in breersevillo et iteilatOr Cortilaued trete page $ Herdic' probably will sot be ablo to Our tell), is tbot there ie Ca rePt7 ficcopt an levitation to the- Houstes tar. i. ovuth to Peru'this I 'Tstieerlog poeltilre), declined od the treat,' I. &need the ettiteicre Crowd et erectile& I Doty unease-moatter Cosmopolitan . thocntii u. clog ptootiont b President.' but --Gree- ts Elect arise the elonalento bud been anted 11111010 reoutrked te lb. !cluster ot Moult", 111110WICATILLZ Tessa, Nov. K lett: 1 Iodootkla tromoy sU vac Met hooted ramekin Abolition os tyrtot troth COreflittlyt..111 Von Com stal panda aoA swarthy )4 Mock." torsod nut is lord iturntiOrt to drool Provident-0on- e Ilariltitir ea his arrival Jackknife Precinct in trr. shortly &riot moos today. The Ste triumphal tour oti Idaho Solid Republican limbASIOr 11110004 th. viols of Tolima with a bile( 'root. in4 to tho poopto of Pnwonvilie load illy Adoec Wel rripto ) them woo orioriod away to twist IDAHO rA pc.m. la as autotnobito. ignite precinct et Sotietivitt At Paint loattol. tb prooltiontAtiont neunty. keeled In the imeentaihe tit the love? dastormit itto will Is kW hoot to keep; etheaeleca tip et lash ad)eining out of limo tiouripaporo and Metals' licrenoes. ger. literdint the entire warrountling ittoo have tot it Ito knows voting treturilt of the precinct. Ontp that any visitors oa loudaota would 14 II vet. were cost, but thee Peva anwologina. Domande tor oposobge etcsieht Ppehlicen trill. the revtom knight and warty today and uliew orpf two teener MIMMIL I S ri moot woo of the timate morning spent Iloilo gam. ppootirtri rev "Moo I a brush lame. tit ognotor found it Ilivuthos I Mb ts 1041 tor PrectiKt monogamy to a make diens soogettait in Idaho reperlini PIM ttepuhlkim Amiloge to sot th kimonos. of trag, 44oo44tEibol4.noolerommm. estiostinp surto& the goolor woe I PT AU tilIA.ArnE IrATAto imppotul of motint Lit shoo "holes' toot IS. Met,:srt trtntlA lb. roottm, faro oundown (odor. Mr, Itoritiscr. pritoo otos It Mott and wit has lobate thottootado of koala tohtto4 whoa a ot stream st4 botwoos ktartos sad torewoovillo itati rItà0004 to4ott doting ogootowattat Oat trial sod to mum À tWatt 1.0 porootot e.rit loy somplots root. to thot irrvol boo tho Oro. var. "Now Ada are toollimets Iettil I Bab- - - , , (Sy Aasociatad ?rasa) , - Ightano....At 371 .14:r11.1.112011Witas. bet raVillitalaIltinrNaLlnest4- - . '''' - as WARSAW, .Wort T.Fighting has been resumed between" Lithuanian troops and the Polish "rolunteet army commanded 'by Oen. Zs ilgonaki. An official statement from Oen. Zell--, genakfa headquarters declares the, Lithuanians, Without reply to a Pre., posal Sor negottatiotuk attacked tbe, Poles near Giedrojets north of Vilna. forelag ZellgouskYs forces to retreat. They later launehad a counter attack. however. capturing SS prisoners. who included one German .and wzruesthich ittfe.inaThoully fgobrmatedul one,Chtnese. fetmvinocuineelo flera'ber Cdaugill'hiLialter.".11141"Abire, A.t thliar" clantly.' Poliait , newspapers estimate that more than SLOOP Germans, some in there. It has of late years been Eighth Float MrlOt, M hedger. II years old, died Nov. I. She uniform, bare passed through , East eracted to Stine. or Tina or sometimes Iliad been a resident of Salt take three Erna. to Prussia Lithuania during the Bohemia calls her by the elaborate' T,T,L11..connell here from Erie-- Kan. few weeks. America ;;;;;;;tleal1ar at:71:1,7o tiliala:ebxitkriZelpliatee;t eels Arnostinka, but England and Look her over Ite Ernestine., and Pre- - I Helier and Mrs. William Danneiley :If s Served her AS such. ,Chirago. Mrs. Walker Hancock and CHU-- , 'The moonatone is Ernestine'', tails- ford Limbocker of Ardmore, Okla.; Capt. manic gem. It la said to bring her C-T. IL Limbocker, Monterey. Cal.; Mrs. - fi. Isom, Rawlins. Wyo.; Mrs. John good fortune and good health, and is Jacksoo and Zee Lionbecker of Los Auparticularly lucky for rem who. old be seat te Erie. folrbeiorederiaranwt.ill initriclio.16. legend insigne. may read the future its depths. SundaY ii her lucky daYs the tomer:-- is Clerreta Amnia and k her lucky number.--.Tello, tee north Sixth West witted. Clarence , ' (By Associated Press.) said to be her color. 'Yemenis Pox. 6 years old. on of James BULNOS AIRES. Nor. t,COmD. and Bertha Ray Fox, died Sunday. .. s a Th. body is at the & IL Taylor andrPmenting on the presidential election in , the 'United States La Macias safe: leaking establishment-. Mes. lista "Confronted with the diternma of kerne roeseolrrod 1920. th Who ler Bra- been recrived here of the death at bat ber abandoning eitherthe League of Na- (Copyright. - &este.by Ina.) - r tumuli In Mrs. North Dakota. of Kamilla" tions or the Monroe doctrine. the Latin Petersen, formerly ?Maine Hail Odin of American eountries probably would Salt Lake. She was born in Nerwlir choose to abandon the latter. 11171. In d db la survived by bee "The declaration on the Monroe and two bitting'. - ; doctrine. Senator Harding made to the oorrespondent of La Nation hardly iterricts. seems an adequate cause for the South ?unreal services for Clarence J000tst American members of the league to Toe Yee: The DeseretNem By be bald in the Twenty-eight- h will abandon IL In affect Senator Harding ' ward chapel at I p.m. WednesdaY, 1::Senn Loyd told Now IL Interment will be Ls that the Monthe s , roe Doctrine was not an International city conietery. or pact agreement but a declaration Minutes to Answer This. of policy by the United States which ' 1111,0S1111 promised protection against abuses or in of "I spent my years aggressions by European nations. PrezRNErr LAMBOURNS. SALT as a old the remarkee bon" country an which cisely miters les4117i7 thirlet. new atom Interpretation , h In business' In Lake's the greatest resistance from moot, if the boom Dorsi iostrroo our sportalitzr Deese. Hs and New York nem 41 livola Saha Wadi. 1114. onemesenth and not all of these countries. and whicu an In politics and matrimony. when is contrary to the interpretation PresnortAL, co imolai. ident Wilson has to Jimmy was born. Be was elected Al- olgrao.1111110 114 IL 1r tikk. Tel. Wag 14111. which the doctrine establiehM among derman four yearn age when he was How old half but my premmt ego." the American - tuitions a moot perfect FLORAL DEPTIGNIO A SPECIALTY. was the hose? equality." glossa 1Plarsi Cs.. Is)I $s etas, , a1"P-onet- eadel.htedede tt , ,irs con-'11- It , SOUTH ATRIC - ' ., PREFERS LEAGUE V.At - w -- yyl i . - - 141441 . MN-ban- Brain, Tests - ons-six- th I. 'ne-twelft- D. g Dritzerons VVWERAL DOCKITIORKERS::::-..--H-- ' SPURN PEACE (By Associatsd Prom) ?IRA CRUZ. Nor. stevedores and deck workers is this city bare refused to accept tha armistica agreement reachod kiosk CitY ea Friday by representattves of th Chambers of Commerce 'tad industry and the Shipowner association whit Provisional Presidia de Is Iluerta. They bare lettuad a call for a general etrike to begin today and it la said ths snore will be supported by sympathatie striks by railroad nom Orders for a general strike have base received from Mario, City. This marmoset was begun months Aga aa4 preparations were made for a general walkout which would be Dation-wid- e In its effect. It was to begin on Nov. It. but the dock workers sulk hastened final action. ay Search for Alleged Ahductor. is Ended (By Associated 'Prom) C)tICAGO. Nov. $.A search cor Jamas H. Witcher'. of Francisco wanted for tho alissed abduction et Miss Melon Damon. death.. tar of the bead of tho English colony at Saigon. Cbtn, onded today whoa federal agents arrested him I a downtown hotel. Ho was held in 09 'rondo tor violation of the Slan act. witchell Is mid tti bo tho ten of a millionaire hotel owner China. , JOS. WM. TATUM. 11411 IL we Tim. Me St- - Uta lee leading as sad embalmer. Seretees sad las beet. Prices al peer ' termini.. ;Vita leee. AIL I e ovelortr. libeintore. trot IPPRESLAL Funeral eervieee for Percival Rick. 411 peers eiti, who died at WestCsi-- , Nev. 4, len) be hetet et the Hasesio temple ht title city at I:le p.m. Wineeday, Hew. le- - Interment will be in the Chi cemetery. lin Ricketts wee se engineer en the Souther. Witt railroad., He is survived by his wit end live children. Jordan Student Active....Students school at the at Jordan have earned MOTO than Steed thi year for beet harvesting. carpestry and other work. chording to a report. booed Saturday. The boys also laid the hardwood floor of the Sandy amusements ball. receiving tbOir traktirit work soder the Mauve-tie- s P. PereetesI rat gem wAsA SALT weetal ISO B. School Officiabp Pratt. . V. Claltigtha Mate St. Ws& 64446 Italxu3cE3rTs It41121141) A- D C, AU Iltiorks - 11 Q N- Joluummt. 4 MONO. Pm.. . orricAL. - , - COLUMBIAN OPTICAL. Sol Duvet Wora. 'rums. depesdaiblo iktA SAM& , !EMNSCM SRMXI MZTAla IrtrIVIACEN MATZ lercie e Iva Re30. Zee TentP;dmi SL EntertalitAn on.' e . Item LA WN 64 Nike at' of Patter $411431 CUMItna Onotnnom efts- wood, : mrcrienurrna booth CO.. tempt. U--c- 0017 Oratt TALI' AND li MONS ZT. 1St $uit aLs a CAM, BOCPCgor0; FUNSRAL AMMER TO No. teL Ta diagram shows bolt that goitrehaped ;Hem of property was divided among the eight heir& iCoPYtillbt. 1910. by Liam Loyd.) totalantent for Prot. D. W. Parrott. supertutendent of the Granite school district. the supervisors of the schools and the school principals et the disU. trict woe give Friday night by MOM, hove St the Ortinhe high school lac nitY. The affair was given in the Wire dining room of the high school feentw. The 'affair wee given in the largo dining room of the high school building. the program including a baequet. tames. meek, and dancind. About SO per soots were present. nearly all of the 21 wheels In sand:err:I the matte school district. 141111 WSW? DU. turaeow Was. , T SALE A CTOS. e SATE TRAIN TARE IN LOCATING 71 It VSED CAR Tot; WANT. - Ns seed et 'bowline the Steamy tit sorsa se t Balt Lake on a citrates or Itro sort of store tar yes wish.finding Just halm rOur vitasto pet se stallias ilJ kaow almost list sad pogo rivory 0110 ltbo ru. umbor of stsaitore sore cars that pass taroagit ems imam Naar high-clakliadocis aa4 Easel rare routs Is os change that yea gas pia up at a flours that wtfl tiotosioit 1.111"tiblit sou. lidera!" our need Coo DesereWO ii bo aloe t untoward tzscitints aro reported. pot you so the 01 ' Rod Cross SundaySu day. Noir. 14. garret has been set apart ly proclamation et hot without Oblisalloa to soisroott. , Gov. Rantherger se Red Cross $uaday. 111011TRILL ACTOMOBILZ CO. Natittkiesit Alamos. to limitMs 1 Is. Osage Street. first Of a course of nutritional classes salt Lake City. for feathers el underweight rhildree of the Lanzallow echo district. will , be Streit watlesedet al CIO al the Vint 1 A 1.11 V11111111111111. tribael eabieet Will be. "tionith Habits: Thais' Halation to orstame LEAruza ovrintrirrrn Taint sad Health.' by him Cassini P. (By Associatod Prom). wife: Imolai bolid stalloory 8Irtwary h Brash& A att., Il ilo... 178 rivet 'Nowt. record WASHINUTON. ).ev. Movie Ilareme m!nralmee TiokaItearee crop of ears. oz000ttitus the previous TOR liaLS &CAL tovvrir" (Fato) Arbuckia. Lb mos magmata. larval crop by 16.6.00 bushols. came op trona Lao Ansa lee es 1b0 WHO WANT; TO was announced Welty bythe thwart-me- 13;16 Hut. train and arts Mort eels et Isle Mask of irkulturs In Its prelintInacy lit&if et 14 Vint lit Oa a4titinuo41 oast ever glasslike PVIPter Or.V eet elr set leultrato ptacing prductlou thls rear Um Value Pact's). CO 1s Crima $0, basica. Grral bolt Lake Itionamhp imel et Lela cast Me icss Hee. will take lite a! 2 160.121.1r1 bushota. Groot Salt Liao roads 4 toot abase islet gels WLU esesittee Intik Totems priktootioa this year also lha Ices. ease Lived. tioa the We PIM at a rise ist .3 flan1 ',steak reser4 with s total ut- et setabitabod nova I. a teat la Loa evoke. Ono raw ascx. avseick peones. or put of 2.416.444.00 111 f. Om moose The prio00e.000 pounds More than hist 'vie rat rim is was a Milo enure& for this MEMO X AL. resew. crop. a pees.. and to doe to the Cora lost 17.00.Se sabots eeriest time at NOTICS-e- l moisture WILL NOT SS RIthe litaleles ituriag the mouth; totecc was tare winos eaesetaio hereafter foe eery welt? sift month ace pounds less than forecast I oar WUL Resaftaa A. Vtliei sae there was a toss of ono Wilton lieboal of Xmas ltoritol-.arit- o L. D Other la her seems sr in bushels Is the buckwheat crop. I. lichen! of Mamie atudoat roanal cant Harrel rev errlfte grommet. any IMMO, !scrotums wore shown for unities woo to bar. boon pima this stoning. Nair, tate lith J V Pt )kolnyembil. lint W. ll WOOLLET. - , St crops including potatoes. 1.0o4.eoo Ito boos pootaosion to mom Moan, bushels; sweet pouters. 1.66.690 eight, Imo woolt, ea apnoea( et raIPZU ALIC Mn.? W unite ilvahto. palm bola; mode la tato auditorium. swamis gird &prim 1100 S. ream-wanti- rift CROP REPORTED Mentigana oak-teet- 1.--- Sett 111:, Arso at is t 14I-4- it. on-M- "What's In a Name? - WMONONNME.WOMMIERNMENOMMO Ma k Marisa DocreAso-.,:radatem! bank clearings asnovatod LNrwmirirxcrn re log bowl.. to vrvt. no, Denigisa ittalr et es. 11.111.1111.1. so compariod with $4.101.1)1.14 12r the oorrospoadins OE. ItIMAL tint IntWORIC OM?. day of isal rear. , vreitt4; Iles. Arrir 1111 Closses )1eat ea IroaalCithomps At to4 A to, lII teet et I 111!!!ETM!'",-- Dr. IL. G. r'''Inntruetlenst Valiant Tosollop alibi at Itorratt bon rem e ILW.411111KVILLA MK 06 so itsual. bad orlil &Ottani at I retkrek to boar Dr. J. Maps Airionpos. pu, D.. TM rAgiryry WAY yo leAci mature opal child weitiwo to tit it)X11-- -1 IY) RAVI; IT..41T and PMMT toorhoto et fait Lnno. (MIMS PVT ;Cow Yowl IIIINTIER t 1ot4aa Mott-kistsso, 14SO stormeitm 044 64 !Ss are. Tito blab arlooto of Liaaht asks ratotaker. hes II IS 'welsh. Nms. Ithe allebbsrd mem. ISNoials. boid rotator quorum will Ito 11,-- est tt SI t)'rir O- Is Itas It So 1latt lo tits itorond "lord thopoi pserSa I sea 37 11.164, 01100 It. at 1 p m. A tail Airrottanea ter0Sa 141 Ihe rarest. 01,10 Aro& Is asocial a, I opt RaekromogonatON. a pesos ...leo, It StaS tbeiS otho woo I poweAlek, ...Ilk; 46 Ow limo) 1111 Cezcs As' Aiwa Ss arse? ortlualteltio4 PO-01- . Fato obour your sionot , boto., Ito rososhogs Soso. IS woo dortoodi No idgetegoomo; poor bosky dot and books No4C Sy SHWA'S) MARSHALL born 0 rax17,11:1E--101- 1. rfl Erneo One hes se origin DI !eV Crotty. She to one "Logi" twee& LAkik 'moor of the feminine homes evith Inytholory: the oceisysed a position if Stool reoineot WWI eves eioretkre mw the oetieteto sod hie oesie kti worlooe Etelltsee protteee tereteholl maim et tee sec. Irsogais Illovipstro4 tio.40 Al fl, mope owes hoe le moo- it ereirs I P1ir it In moillied the etotll l'or ole woo ta fareottot, Medi altbe I. ?km, 41 Ik it et-th- e by Death r-.- me lb 1 IPS Clio-rot- 14 Irvw 000 1111It4ATIWAT W.04 weir Pt T woo rpm , irfae, 111I1 rt.'s , lotAIN, few...or , pt - 1 1 - , -- 4 TALKS:REcon coRN Hard's' 'mai. and the Harding him& Sweaters Democrats and R. p1millanakta Itave all board hem tbe soat with pesiderit that we am threat and the most tour polities partisan flaril will b. ter Amorica &lose. Th oonater boo bad kis jokes with tho crowds sod hie party bee boos grostiy stesoo4 at the inelitesto of this throngs . Dry Feverish Lim; and Throat, Tired Feel IND', Aches and Pains, , AS 1 , two-Ye- ar 2,..-Jud- NM , - named Kitten Th Imr. Thug lady had ban", England, June II, 1131. and the good fortune to find a quantity of one of the early Utah pioneers, coming' be ra tsetb.i.vt:twezkeIrts:b.rtialtsiter!.....411 7 t mho sineolvetkr :uheMe 6.. of three. rbuansot the Twellih.Thirteenth ward. Neawife 'Mirror. of tided to remain the Nixon is survived by t we sisters. Mrs. end roes down nti hillerl all "I. , 'Wilson and Iltra. Fannie Salmon. '',Julis the famous womea-o- f Iceland- 'and a number of II iile41111 and nephews, The next step in the evolution of Jruntwal services were held this after.. Ernestine IOW Arnthora. and later An- - noon. Interment was in the city yam.. dlo ten'. , , .. nom who was the wife of Bernard Intel . St. ValerY. Her name was carried seettismital altheria.-l- a a local hoe-- - , John'e the family of Braes by King anal. Megliemint Vittorio. SS .yeers old.' elettin. Maude de St. Valery. who died Nev. I. He vras a resident of Bing- a Iras r of. H. twa. "Inaetzarnoestafiiihrineeer:rbeetdairartughtt47whaAteispnpearnaprora.rokektieattiorniEse seand of tke Wiliam th, ' snrrived by his wife and first in bombard? in the year 162. four minor children. Ireneral services , through Markgraff of Austria Ernst will be held at I p.m. Tuemmy at the spread an over Germany after the Qualtrough-Alleochapel- - Interment Beformatiort. and it was Gertnany will be In Mt. Olivet cemetery& (By Ammoolated Prost) go PEORIA. EL Nov. Lewis P. Pitsbenry, this morning filed his opinion in the case of the Hit ;Awls coal company. where Rice Hiller and Herman C P.M. two of the Indian-&mil- ts defondants. aro affected. bold. Mg that section S of lb act to con. titutional and nlld nd that Um attorney general. and district atternays are acting within their Powers. Ho akoo holds that this statute is nimbus' crrtra 'cuter. aimed at oft oottorpirectoo to onhanou the Wee of coat within or 'Athena Robin, Boo:, tedious ilie coal Induirtry. at Milan. Naples. Bart. Patorawk Plea. Bones and Flores 'rem hold roistor. 111. .11r1 Cal , - 114 de- fendasta,th the coal conspintoe,ertm- Mal fawn in the United fitateneniort at Indianapolis today Iola their ease In the federal eourt in which they sought $e islet officers of the government trent removing and g them at Indianapolis on the of the Lever ground that eoetion act eras unconstitutional. Decision Upholds Stand DI Attorney FREES ARNSTEIN . PEOPLIS.',I1L. Nov. - ,..- aiirvilad Mbar, , prose-votin- SUPREME COURT I & ' .yht.,..11.1"1141 ! (Coutinued from yeas 06.,) Wei not in sympathy with this preso cation?" Mx. Simms was asked testiin fling about removal proceedings other states. "We were," he anewered. Wee that repeated?" "Very many times." mild Mr. Simms, but the source of these was not brought out. Charges Puppe& Just before the investigation ad. keened to the renewed later in tho day, Judge Andenson deciared.,"I am going to find out if' this government centers in a few individuals in and ha added that be also wegisi learn whether he was a puppet tole controlled by strings pulled from Waahington." or contempt proceedings and is not to be based upon URN facts which kd to these proceedings' which were a part of the government's fright last year to break the soft coal . .4,,, lwall t - P 1 ,INSE Morganatic Vile Cause Difficulti artZrtiht..toleirlanract- "henteostriesumlytth ship - Nee- - "Me I Nowt; self-defen- Rights Of ..- - - I Womb-Ingle- I - ru- federal a eI the Geortia prune farm at 'Rey two saheb ter ' )1 tied; ovt I le, Ge.., arrived past the grand tam, and today will take Juanita Weaver. IS and J. weeks bait besii ittreeilaating alleged INw. Gone. a frItS111. WIMP toped with whisky rime la Meuse and ether 'the girt prisoner. bock to Itedgei- cities today eentetiefel IS vitiating viVe. The couple were on their as to it ban obtained. It Iran estimated .cubs. bet their Blaney troy Out het that between IS anti lee ineicunents at a local mien be ratting,l whoa the they were . arrested ;hetet. try annetisteee ita topeet. Meantime Pe atemetated Proem) Weaver girt declares Gana was fPdoral offloiato asked thet worrooll WASHINGTON. Sot lintatuated with her end threatened to prepoto4 foe the entire lino of MOWS tas tb federal tiletrkt court. the so- rain her it elm did not ;accompany litatrot whom intitetereate wore Ion,. prime court oda ordered the no- ;ease of Julie W.' Clack?, A II et el woo boo beets Imprisoned In New 'fork more Aug. IL on charges of contempt followtas Ito refusal to newer ogee. WWI put t hint In a bankruPtc beartrs. Aroeteta name eras eon. CH ICA G O. I ' ECU!! - ',, ' - , to wot:t in CI tresrLitIbitnlbc:Lti:, I MMJMIIMIS II. , Arartattr. or Araoltler. was tha first eti has Nall ths bents. wa, mid I. .40, ',Aim, l'ut "Ird 8uth street. Mrs Mar,' at Ashlers, at the nusili pollisil to, daushtsr Iola to lin leelanderIAtaa: I ti rep lug-potio- Elopers Front Prison Whisky Probe to Bring Returned by Warden Hundred Indictments f By International Biwa attrvietal tar Motietated Preet TA M Plt.'- Irle . Nov. S.Warden - 3 iner" of intended Violence police of today spirited Rev. Z. O. L. Spracklin. Methodiet minister and prehibition enformment gond who hod bee held , hi Jail idnee yesterday rooming in connection' IrlIA ihs Mooting to death of Beverly Trumble, an bin keeper.-- to the jail at Sandwich, it became known tonight. Removal of the prisoner was effected quietly. The action is maid to have followed telephone messages to the Jail here that an attempt at violence was contemplated by friends of the slain man. Removal of Spracklin will not prevent resumption of the inquest tonkrrow night. it was said. .the minister strike. Mr. Palmees letter added that Ids hie teetimeny last having submitted "instructions were in accordance with night. our understanding at the time," but The inquest was adjourned early today pending search for a man known Mr. Simms declared that no agreeas "Rd Smith" Inte whoa arm Trum- -, ment of any sort relating to suppressof the evidence had been made bit is mild to have fallen after he had' sionhim or other attorney. for the govbeen shot. Smith's testimony as to by was armed Is de- ernment. whether- 'frusta) Later dr. Ames, interpreting Mr. sired. Tremble was killed in his hotel early, Palmeri letter, said the attorney tenyesterday while Spracklin and four ral intended only to give inetructions other prohibition sigents were raiding regarding tkle contempt cases and addthe place. Spracklin testified at the ed that "illadvertent luso of language caused a different interpretation beinquent that be shot in the ing made by Mr. Simms and assoasserting Trumble bed pressed stem-.4 1 ciated counsel. muzzle of a revolver &gains. Ids Mr. Ames declared that Mr. Palmer ace'. He also asserted his,men had been assaulted by Trimble and guests believed he bad the tight to elect in the hotel and that Truznble bad whether to proseduto court actions at threatened to kill him-- Mrs. Trumo, the time of the seal strike as civil wife of the slain man, teatified or criminal cases and having chosen to her husband was not armed. Local act on the civil side that he also shodf officers- say they have found no trace not- attempt criminal prosecution& lot a revolver Trumbls is said to have lAke Army Strategy. lbad in his poneession. "Do you understarid that the atterWhether charges will be preferred ' nay general has the right to fugue pardeagainst Rev. Spracklin will not becondons irt advance?" asked Judge Antermined until the toqueat is derson. "I understand that the attorney genMembers of Methodist churches in has the right not tp;prosecuto titia border cities today pledged funds eral miners for the strike. for Rev. Spracklin's defense if he Is these Asked why the attorney general did , to trial. brought not want evident that was the bests for the contempt proceedings used In the present cassis. Mr. Ames said that was because the miners subthis' ICmg's mitted to' Judge Anderson's order di- -I meting cancellation of the strike crder last year. This was challenged by Judge Anderson. who asserted the miners' flouted his order. but pub. Pal- mitted to negotiationg with men "Here are two armies." continued the Jude referring to the coma "The general of one agrees) to hold back - his . strongest division. Cu be do it?" 4By Associated Prem.) R. may. but be would be courtmerquote- ATHENS. Nov. tialed if he did." tion of the legal rights of Madame. ' Mr. Munn& L. Ert Sleek. !Medal Manes. morganatic wit of tho late prosecutor. and District Attornel..Van ' Muir Alexander. Nuys toStinall that there was no agreeseems likely to create Immo difficulty. according-t- o ment for the suppressed) of any evt leading jurist of this city. Ile attorney on Thursday last Illinois Defendants asked the court to remove ths Lose First Legal Tilt seals from the apartments of the , momPi.iimg110 - ) RT . 1.-- . IN rIggiTrel 01 AGefir e . -- , , - - . , , , , - , MONDAY ,NOVENBER 8 '1920 tX!7Tal LAT To CaueaTake 1 I luu1STIREITE11 Edwards' Olive Tablets. ?liars what, thousands, of stotnub sufferers sr itoIng 110IW.to Tykotobad ata patch up trYing taking tonics. orthey ar attacking the Poel'oltreetten. alimeat--clogg- BANK RUNNEI E STO!!ACHIJPSET: ...... ,.. - - - . Get , . TIIE' DESERT NEWS --I ItDIP , . , . , ,,,,.,.............. 0,....,. , - - , , ..0..,,,,,,,,,f,.. ... , , , |