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Show TTIE DESERET FUND TO FIGHT ; r i POUCYPLANNED Nasty Colds TRADEBOARDS A !D DRASTICTARIFF FARMERS RAISE1 Committee of Seventeen -. I S&y Italian Fruit Vender And j Undersell American Become Wealthy. NEWS MONDAY NOVEMBER 8 1020 'i BY NEW CONGRESS Senator Smoot Expected to Aid in Outlining Plan to Provide ProtectionAgaint Foreign Market. Get Instant relief with Pape's Cold Compound The First Printed Advertisement appeared 273 Years ago (By Unhrernai Benrlc ) was printed in an EngWASHINGTON. Nov. 7. The tariff bill that will be passed by the Inlish newspaper, April, 1647, coming Republican Congress promand advertised a book. A lot ises to be the meet drastic protective measure that has ever appeared upon of people wanted book thf federal statute book according and knew where to get it. to Republican senators and representative now in Washington. It will be ready for algnature by Freaident Harding early nest summer, it was stated Today advertising is potoday. Representative Joseph W. Fordney, tential business and social chairman of the house ways and means committee, ie already hard at force. furthers democwork upon the schedules and will soon have able assistance from Senaracy by disregarding distor Smoot, of Utah. The bill. It was learned today, will tance, position and wealth. Include every sort of commodity in !ie which America Is In competition with No matter where yon live foreign countries where labor and raw qent in the cost of selling. He also materials are cheaper, but will be esBill-makes said the policy had saved possible pecially aimed at protection of farm the growers of California 159.00 manufactured good steel to product for the you get products tear since Us organisation. and Iron product. The measure. It Is understood, will service you want. and t "The Italian fruit grower can sell be bitterly contested by Democratic . bis lemons and orangea In this counmembers of Congress aa one designed try cheaper than we can," said Mr. to tax the poor while conferring fa- -i By Associated Press ) PowelL vors on special interest PARIS, Nov. 7. An appropriation J There ie such a difference In money Summarizing the sltuailoh which, makes a high tariff lm- -i rates between this country end that for carrying out tho plan of tbs in his opinion, on senator said today: of all other countries In Europe the French government fbr the transfer of peratlve. "Producers of an sorts of farm pro-- ! foreign grower can sell his goods here the body of an unknown soldier from particularly- - wool, are facing much cheaper than we can and when the battle sons at Verdun to the Pan- duel bankruptcy and must be protected. la i he changes it Into the currency of hie theon here on . . labor, d Europe with Its cheap of Thursday next, the own country he is a wealthy man." her old role strong anniversary of the armistice, has again resuming A k IsvestigaUoa. market competitor for the world An appropriation was made to se- been approved by the finance comFactories ar shutting down all cure the services of experts hi mar- mittee of the chamber of deputies. The over the United State because Ameriand practical sum approprlatsd Is 100,00 trance. can employers cannot produce certain keting and economto to re- The claaaea of goods ln.competitlon with porkers In grain selling, these committee, - however, expressed various will countries abroad. port at the next meeting, which the are the da that opinion ' triomph ' is becoming or probably be In December. "Unemployment be a more suitable resting place will . wants , The committee the govern a serious threat. the body than the Pantheon, which soon will bocom,.sensible and pracment to investigate the rules of the tor Tha only logical, is intended to receive the bodies of tical way to meet thla situation is to trade, which bar membership great men, to whom owed the country rirds of boards farmto members of pass a drastic protectionist tariff. Th debts of gratitude. The feeling is that th dangers ers companies. In othwaa that the "pollu was not genera') sentiment er words, the farmers want a voice in In this sense with which w art confronted by man a but a great symbol call for the highpost-wthe- pries fixing of grains ef thousands who had sacrificed 0 To est and firmest tariff wall ws have carry on tbs battle against the lives for France and a symbol oftheir the ever American boards of trade, the following around Indutry. built victory that had been attained. tariff will do was named Beeondally th The on cabinet decide will Monday now revenue much to Increae th Gustafson, Nebraska, of the burial place. LC. IL needed to meet a maaa of Dr. E. F. Ladd, North Dakota. theA question train greatly Mawill Andre take But the protection feaindebtednea Ralph Bnyper and A- - L. Middletown. gi not,special Veransae and Clifford Thorne. Chicago dun. minister oftopensions toname-lesture Ie th Imperative point upon s the Wednesday, bring resolution w Is of are a all the which agreed." copy Following soldier's coffin to Paris. M. declining to discus th policy bearing on boards of trade passed by will be aocompanied by fire war of While David J. a She legislative committee. high protective widows five permanently maimed sol- Lewt a member of thtariff, United Btate " Rmolulioa Adopted, dier five other eoldlaes and five vet- tariff commission, pointed out today f The farmers' marketing committee erans of the war of 117. The eofftn a low tariff has frequently proof 17, tn executive eeeeion. dismissed Will bear the insert pt loo "L eoldat that duced as much revenue as higher tits fact drawn out In the public ofhear- Franca is" which shot off revenue by schedule the ty that the grain exchangee discouraging Import to country deny ail membership not Th last protective tariff was that s Mbits companies bill by Ih provided the finding in way any Palpating Under It thu duty on various Import? not rvooiaiiini tad cvRiiutttH 101 and fii ed artlclse ranged between drain exchanges as ths best poseibls 1010 from 00 00 per rent to 41 II per method ef marketing grain, the comcent Under the Underwood tariff mittee unanimously adopted the folthe ratea varied from 11 17 to 17.11 resolution: BT WALT MASON (FOR THE DESERET NEWS) lowing cent, between 1117 and 1010. per - where. The principal grain Th Income from th tariff under (By Associated Press) of the Lnlted Blatea bar cobill we HIC.IOI.-(1- 1 h th TOKIO. Nov. 0 Tbo cabinet. U la operative companies that distribute In 1010; 1101 HI 01 In toil; vln I stood protesting to epeod fiend no they pass; they oeem to with the deqnetr profits in proportion from has ths 104 007.100 In 1113 and 1111. 501.010 proas by today, reported Th coroner la busy, Im Jesting, and give their hoots more parIN volume of business handled 1911. tn cided to withdraw the Japanese troops of checking up the dead, run do wn by truck or llxxt or ento. painted hill th Inticipating in the buying and selling Underwood th Under same from area Kor the Chants the along the -- red. farm products: and whereas, collective001 In 1017; till.-11- 0 Th constable te weary, be toll by dxy and night; bio task Is eed come was till border, despite the prevents the producer from 107 In 1011 and 1:17.410.010 la end dreary, and theres no end In sight. Th tiling cop am c hexing the on the own their product ly selling fact that the activities of the bandits mo. fteade oer htl) end dele, end after bitter racing they put e few tn JalL markets of the country, thereby creat- and Korean insurgents to combat of the And then thsym fined eo lightly they think It ell Joke, end leave the ing a monopoly in the hands not )u which tbs troops were sent, hare not Storms Cauae Loot in traders, a situation which Is with courtroom brightly, end make their autoe smoke. Through h'ghweya The withdrawal the been suppressed. and which Is not In harmony Idaho Potato Crop e traffic busy mart with ardor pestilential thsy run their spirit of American institutions, Ihre-for- would be contingent upon an underbe It taking by China to maintain order aod I Th Newn) deadly cert They wing th fleeing baker, they maim th frightened clerk, (Ppocial " Resolved. That we cal) upon the protect Japanese life and pro party in Th doctors nerves A toes and now tke endertakar gets In bis gmwsomo work. RUPEKT. Idaho, Nor- federal trade ccmmlseion. the attor- the C bents area. The diplomatic cent Ih 10 la coroners eo asd wildly call more th potavictim am of than per disgusted, many yelp, hosted, concouncil been to summoned ha ney general or other public authority to crop la setlmaled aa Ih result of for help. And still th crazy motors go rushing Abrough th town, and be necessary sider the cabinet e proposal. On take such Peps a may to e te weak storm, la last regard Hoc hi Bhlmbua (he The newspaper the th adalt voter and mow Ih children down. And whoa I stand protopen the said markets com pan lea. unless adds to Its reports of this decision the hay It la thought that th toes will slay and Jauntily go queming for soma 0 per sent. mom th tpeod flendg acorn my rhyme, tbaa testing not be statement the American. shall that British voluntarily Die grain exchangee The thrashing of clover and alfalfa one they can climb. and French governments have recentde the earns at once." temporarily. It ly Inquired es to how long Japan seed has been sloppedseed ths crop ho a I ARIZONA PUBLISHER DIE. proposed to keep her troops la the Is tiwiory thsl soiutely dry for three! Ins. Chentaa aiea. TUCSON, Art, Nov. 7. Atlas B. Th loss oa seed win ho tn th Rest Jaynes. publisher of the Tucson CIU- dis- neighborhood of 10 per cent. It waa annooaetd In a and Republican national commit-ma- n patch of October IS that Peking China had pulling wsa delayed for a time, bat resumed. for Arizona, tn tho past two pro lasted again the pres .are boa been of JapTHERMOMETERS AND TEMPERATURE. national campaigns died here today anese troop oa Chinee territory and rOAAK HUNT OUTLAW. Mr. had ef an Illness of nine days deotre ail Its that Japemposoteed n had ef ths beep publisher Jaynes LETTCBL CHAMOTTE- - N. C. Nov. T. Tw anese troop pa withdraws as eooa as By end for four years was sine Chttkao troop which had been snldentlfted negroes tonight held ap rlerk of the C. 8. I ederal Court, bo, the tws automobile of In young tbo district, the party dispatched arrived (ng appointed to that position -by Chinee a mad wear gam- - a teeing protoettea te men end two girts o BENTON was a very fussy. Cut when aha went bom ah bought resident Teft , kilted one of the young Gastonia, woman , a tbarmomeiyr and decided to lake Japanese little sufficient If V Llnoolnton. mew. of who John Ford, her huabandf temperature whenever ;j Of course, he bad th Mlghtsot with a heart of gold. Ih resisted from them, dragged echo or pate. gtrU General Wood Advocmte I ho automobile to a aeerby wood and th warn a little Inclined to Th opportunity mm wort oooa. neighbor FDRTY-FI- VI I a a utied them coord leg flushed of face and Job Pants emit about her behind her bock, at Strict Anti-Alie- n Policy r. iiwige to Ih Lhariott aelghbom ham a way of doing. unU. Benda them some very real anilely A pm began a march for Ih (By Universal gar Ire.) firing to each ether arm after HIBBARD. Ind. Nov. 1, The Unit! whlrb they forget about tbae ervt ed Plate has M place within her while smile and aachangao Vrocha C AM BO MAT ftmiLE. borders 1or any rare that renaoi be lams aod pickle recipe children Canassimilated an( who FARM, Nov. T Th retirement 04 pelTh trouble wtth Mr Bentew wo with A met Van chil- en early del ef Real Cam Sen as that ah had never been lit In ber not A Word of Help to Wotnet dren, !Ma)or General Leonard Steed Frewrh amheawdnr to Urwmi Britain, Is abort, aertouo life until no emergency enld In an address here today of Middle Age From a ge Faria today. )is forecast hr tha , operation sent ber whirling off el midSt a conference Of apok "I night Jn a hoepNal ambulanc with a Mrs. Raney. menders and adjutant ef lb Indians every woman, but good very frightened huabend clinging to American Logtna. - health is vitally important VanGeneral t oed directed a fierce kaaaa doctor ensuring Her thet It was Moras, Okie. "W ben I waa 43 year I rags oa Japanese Immigration is ik to Attention eh would be that liver, asd kidneys realty, nettling, p!4 Lydia L Plnkhara Vdgetabie Cam country. Mo onid tho colored people ail right tw a few lore Knlhuetamie will bowels and improve Bo pound rerned m already within the country should am like doctors henna that. I eem through the entac (Ives Justlm. hut that America should full of epilmiem. 14 hick la really a beauty and health. be I ha refugu of groups of period o( the Chaag M mrr goeiHe thing. Hindu and Chinan. other Life la ealett whe teamed Mr (Japan and African that Renton I A el. Ur . t frutl eta anrreput lovely carried to a I National Commander of Iha Ameri- rT . . 4 . a bedetde. when sold pattant lent pel tr logic n. aim addressed the had bee ordered Is have a eirlctly nr He set 4 he had teemed Ih Itul4 diet, tt waa taken away, gently am la Bm bsaltt fere w. Wa and other radical , had but M firmly. Hr a tnetstent person to f daughter am Thin person In uniform uniform. deeghlere-lgda- t labeled Ih package eed pvt H awar reeemaied ywe 1111 the hen nf i Pin id diet Wee lifted 6no Vegetable and she Imroed that Inriewd Of deand I at. II lake voting Wary apart moment lo mhta an the He hoe and foaming ea tonally my rlL You are at fherty t u frnlts the! belonged Ie their r IS KIIJA.D. ttUTiiR Pam 1 rou wish." Mr Aulx Kxxx) are a boon to women, bepattern t here wee a It tile heetilWT J BFTXIT Win, Nev t TborGe among the names upon the matter ef Mores, CSklnboma. cause they regulate the funcI was killed hair 17, lent' They belonging pel today when Change of Life is one of the me Hopkins. he Jumped from ea airplane with guard 4 them with cam and ware rrilwul perlmia ef a woman exists The parachute failed I me knee wpnw emaaien to become tions of all these organs TV la good old fashioned met and heft parachute aw fend nf certain until he wee nearly In the withou t any irritation or dispallrm (bat Ihry mar he iriiad Upon tn miiia (ope Wee 14 slip stir sheets end plflow-altp- e The pine wee el aa allltod. Die diftreeaing eymptnm whtrb seem ground wwt of th line basket fee them feet whew Hopkins Jtyrped I,e0 agreeable effect pa try it end vow erwyolwie abook and fence al them atubf flu I teeing remember that there I a oihrr rerned; I dew e Ihe rn'rldor fled Key prone known to retry worn so etmeemfulh Icf It we sit very nice, end vry friendly, Cfcafe d. Inlamrd lV!n fen K A Nil Ft. M. Nee 7, eed llttto Mr Benin teamed a g reel through I Me trying period as I ydia end prodily lets rnedldata for l edrvttv.1, keeled Li rh ham's Vrrt hi ('owrpooed. many thlnew ee he farmer lather links', to. W! Reevwd (Wmem It CnrU. )f k If ywn want e perns adrica wrK 4 I dag laid ea eudtenr Mr Bee I no Pwaa Agatw, a 1 Ih IS emantog. and ri'uro elrrn, Irtitk K. rinkkaio Medirin Oa f e I temple Her I h. I hta erg. n me t loo wo She loved Ie bay kef temper el ere the kidammatirsi almra Imnwihaltly. H never nolle liked 4ira(iai). I me, , XJ see. Tear l4k jI already mo king plan for 'he I'M lake, rhooeh a pmKd (X 4 ws will be cprw.it. read and Swwered by nod that h hoped I be It the idea wf H- Chari being kept tn campaign I standard bearer. another mem. Phe wanted lo read M. hamaa asd held Ie strict eceli.no , (By Universal Service.) r&ZC iGO Nov. 7 A fund of 150.-0,appropriated at the n4.tig of the farmers committee of IT in Chicago yesterday to Tight the grain hoards of trade of the country. The hich represents the farmerorpv ing rttrerest of the entire United 8tatee ttso appointed a legislative committee to push their contention against hoard of trade with the attorney gen- and the federal trade comrals-niitte- e. j Dont stay It Quit blowing end snuffling! A dose of "Papas Cold Compound taken every two hours until three doses are taken usucold ard ends all ally breaks up grippe misery. p The very first doss opens yonr nostrils and the air paasagee of our head; etopa noae running; re, lieves the headache, dullness, aneeslng. soreness, stiffness. is ths "Pape's Cold Compound quickest, surest relief known and costa few stores. cents a st It only drug acts without assistance. Tastes nice H. I at yesterdays session J. Powell, Contains no quinine. Insist on Papes' penerat manager of the California Fruit Growers' exchange, addressed committee and said the exchange vu stuffed-up- ! te, The development vertising is fever-lehness- a ' It ' Study the advertisements in this, your newspaper. They bring you the news of busy market places, where the best of everything can be bought. i . distinctively great united people. Nameless Toilu Burial Fund ad- American. It rightfully takes its place as a leading force in bringing together the Interests and wants of a that clog-fed-u- of it Passes Deputies I Read the advertisements! Buy advertised products and you will be practicing to the greatest degree, real see-en- economy. The advertisements contain the best of news where to buy and, what, when and how. ar com-ail'.t- f Ms-gln- ot Payns-Aldrlc- The Speed'Fiends BORDERTROOPS Pnyne-Aldrlc- gx lit Home Nursing and Health Hints C1U-se- ll . - o FROM tl. TO Sim Imar-marr- ; Beauty a Blessing lo jr 01 -- J i LT-- Tr PILLS red hot-bev- trs from chafed or irritated kill will Hnd relief t ttg 1 mu, mm, rriy r mRe8inol preU-idea- laid ew-r- -C , I I. bom with a pom very croe came throat- - Mr - Benton flew for th thermometer and thrust tt between his unwilling lip After fir mutinous momenta be pulled th llttl glees stick from bis mouth and declared It was all darn noneena" Thar waa nothing wrong with him except a sore throat and he would be all right If ah would only leave him akn and not bother him. Men am Ilk that. But Mrs Benton waa scowling and wrinkling her pretty face over Ih little Mack Una In tha thermometer which plainly registered at 104. With a llttl acroam ah flaw at her husband. QoesUoa of Temperature. Oh, John, dear! I know the burgee said you should novnr-te- ll any on what their temperature waa but oh. Im afraid you're awfully sick, John I Its 104" And T ah burst Into tear "Wbat'l 104 Who onid I waa elckT" demanded ber husband, taking th thermometer from ber hood pod glaring at R suspiciously. It wag I0A Bo John Benton looked a llttl alarmed himself and ataight-wa- y began to wonder whom be felt Lonnan, president of district C MU, d Mtn Workers of America, said tha, men would return to th mines "pending settlement of ths points at ta.ee In tha dispute. "Did you shake It downT" Than: bn demanded, suddenly. Mr Benton stopped crying, bold ber breath a moment nod diacov orod that ah bad not. "Isn't that Jnst Ilk a woman?" said John Benton, unkindly, shaking th thermometer down carefully and discovering la do time that bis temperature wee suit normal and that he did not feel so badly after alL Mr Benton now to very particular about shaking dawn tb mercury In a theremomoter. But bar husband 4 neon T tall to toll tho atory of hie to any en pba will high tempomtum listen. - Far colds andcangbs, . 4 . SocIaIUU And Soviet ' 1. Neglecting That Cold or Cough? , Why, when Dr. Kind's New Discovery So Promptly Check It? T ETTTNG the old cough or oil oa, or the new oa develop ' seriously, m fatly, eepedsiJy xrbea at ' druggists, you can get such proved ' qnd succeyaFul remedy x Dr. Kmgg hew Disco very. i For over fifty yean, g standard remedy for coughs, cold and gripps- Esse croup also, .1 phlegm, quiet tha etunaUtes tha bowels, thus' ruLsriw ! tha eongcutsoa. cart, (U0 l 5 4nnrW, AH bottle. Dr-Kings? New Discovery' 1 a! vet-eer- Colorado Strikers Will Return lo Work (By Amoeteted Free) minDENVER. Tote, Nov. 7 er In Ihe northern ('olorede fields etne on strike Rept, who have been r1 are I I heir it, today voted loefflrtatn of their wwrk tomorrow, Union en non need tonight. John Me- - CJ j Wake Up Clear Headed That tired out feeling" monungi. In due to ooaadmtioa. You can mucUy end eosdv nd yomurlF o it by liking LA . JGng I'dls. They act miVi, etw ap th brer nod bring a brekbybowi ' cUoa. Sam oid pure, 23 cent. Jn Berlin Celebrate Ruga la n Revolution I By Associated Frees) BERLIN. Nov. I. The Left Wing Independent Socialists Joined with the O sem a Communists today hi commemorating tho anstvemery of the FI seels a revolution. The demonstration brought 1 1. 000 to the Inetgerten. opposite the former Imperial pebtcn, whero tbs orators lauded a world revolution a c4 the demonel re, ore cheered for the third International. Tb demonstration peeeed off In. an orderly manner. Tb radical labor oovleto today placarded Berlin vltk peetero celling for a general strike In support of th pwi locked oat at the Bores g Looomet tv Works pnd striking electrical power boos workers. German orgaolved la-- r supported by Ih social demoors 1 end oommnnM peril be voted to make Tuesday n bodday Tb government's ref east tn fix Nee on th German 0 ns a red letter-da- y re lee day find th Gorman pro let a rials lb sole ppludero f the eocoad an-y nf lb German revslutloik I DM. BH0RE3 A SH0&U !w tAPi.g gwgciAt tv roe a r t! ' OAft Adel Bo. f Can or wens I S' J Sssslanotk ""wU " 5 , .. Ini nnd r I I, x g genc--1 puZ S e. , . |