Show r r PIONEER MERCHANT SUDDENLY STRICKEN i Francis David Higginbotham Passes Posses Away at Home of Daugh Daughter ter of Heart Failure DIED WITHIN AN HOUR Was Prominent in Mercantile Busness Business Business Busi- Busi ness of Early Days Funeral Days Funeral s I in Ogden H 4 tw w ay t FR FRANCIS CIS I D. D SR SU RANCIS DAVID HIGGINBOTHAM I F FRANCIS FRA-CIS one of the pioneer merchants or ot Utah who has been favorably avora known In to business circles throughout the Intermountain west for more than thana a 0 quarter of ot a century died suddenly at the home borne of ot his daughter Mrs Irs Laube Louise Louise Lou Lau ise be it IL Woodman 15 8 Seventh ent East street shortly after 5 o'clock yesterday yesterday yester yester- day afternoon He lie was In his sixty sixty- third year Heart failure 11 1 b by PI pneumonia U- U monia was the caus cause of ot d death th 81 Six weeks a ago o Mr HI m suffered Buffered n IL JlII slight Might ht a attack Ie of or rheumatism and while convalescing con from the ailment aliment he contracted pneumonia It was be- be Ie d that ho he was recovering reco yester yesterday da day afternoon when he re read d to Frank D D. W Woodman odman hl his favorite grandson and seemed to be In tho the best of or spir f its Hs ts He Hc became seriously I. I at 4 o'clock and died almost within an hour Ills His tie M Mrs Elizabeth Ann Alln Rawson and his daughter Mrs Woodman n were at the deathbed Fun Funeral ral services will r take ke place on Tuesday Short services will be held et I the home of or Mrs Irs Woodman at 10 In the morning At t noon the body bod will be he taken to Ogden where the principal services will be held from the chapel of the Fourth ward at 2 j 1 m. m Burial will be bo In the family plot in ln the thc O Ogden d n City cemetery JI I Born Dorn at ot Mr HIs Higginbotham was as born at Nau Nau- Nauvoo au- au roo 00 Ill III March arch IS 1848 the son on of ot William HI Higginbotham one of the oar ear ly h y members of the tho Mormon church who mil had been boen a n bodyguard and personal friend of BIl llam Young Shortly after the tho birth of Francis David his father moved mo his ils family from Nauvoo to Burkes Burke's Garden Garden Gar Gar- den denn Va n where the family remained until the death a of William tham Francis David Higginbotham was then In his sixteenth year car and md ho he accompanied his mother r rind find brother and sister r to Utah crossing the plains with one of the team ox companies In 1864 Tho The family settled In Provo PIO valley aU e Intel ater coming to Salt LaI Lake C but finally taking up Its Us residence In O Ogden llen Wh Yh When n they hey were young men Mr Higginbotham Higgin botham and ind his hiI brother Simon S. S HIJ- HIJ entered Into the mercantile business at Ogden Meeting with Unusual unusual unusual un Un- un- un usual success 8 the they built l up an exten extensive save sive business firm of oC which Frauds Francis David HI Higginbotham was wal senior member member mem mem- ber bel at nt the tho time of oC his hlf death Fifteen years a ago o Mr r. r HI Higginbotham also allo o neel a grocery at nt Fifth South and Fourth l Last Kast a t street streets Mr HI Higginbotham was married to Elizabeth Ann naw Rawson on daughter daught r of ot Daniel R R. Rawson who ho hoa was rives an n officer In n the Mormon battalion at O Ogden den In 1868 Besides his widow Mr Ir Higgin ln- ln botham Is survived ed b bv by the thc following sons and daughters Francis D D. D HI Hig Jr Mrs Mr Louise H II Woodman Woodman Wood Wood- man Mrs Irs Letetia Thornburg and nd Karl Earl C. C HI Higginbotham of Salt Lake SImon Si Simon Simon SI- SI mon II H. Higginbotham of ot Preston I Idaho Ida Ida- n- n ho and Mrs 18 Rosalia Rosalla Moore of Los Angeles An An- geles gees |