Show 1 i FIL igo go go LIly LIl No held a well attend on Thursday last at which tho committee for tor the tho minstrel which Is to be hold held October 25 2 6 made a a. report Tho show bids fair a bl big success and with the talent lie ie 8 two city lodges es Taking part and assistance of the Troubadours It Id ild be bo a hummer Tho The entertain entertain- t committee which was appointed weeks a ago o reported that after ater the Ies session on Thursday October ere would be bc a cobweb party for lumbers embers All members como come anda and a a 1 good time I h ut lodge No o will hold Its rep rep- business meeting on Wednesday Iber ber 11 All members ire re urgently to be bc present as there are aro I tens ers of at Importance to be discussed 1 1 r arrangements for the big biff min min- show will bo made I Friday evening Octo October bel G 6 C. C O Ogden den denheld held high jinks j nka In honor of ofer 4 her er Henry Klenke who is to be beI I led ed the tho latter part of ot October Ther The Tho sock shower r r was a necktie and nany an were the exciting episodes of oC The Tho women brou brought ht tics ties the he men socks After Aner a Jolly jOll even- even ill 11 adjourned to a a. nearby caterers caterer's enjo enjoyed ed a delicious luncheon I her Klenko Klenke wat at at the head of ot the them m wore vore upon his lapel the hit hite hitI pair of ot socks much I e 0 evening a mall for his No 10 io toot root Ogden Ogdene I life e is planning for an evening of ot for tor Its friends In the future ROYAl HIGHLANDERS l fe e Busiest busiest meeting Utah castle has for ifor some time was held last MonI Mon- Mon I evening even In The new Dew state deputy II 5 O was present presen t and was to the members He comes t to Utah from Omaha Neb Nob andI and nako ako his headquarters at the them theL I L m hotel where he will receive sUo members at an any time and andr Ir r rall all assistance in his power b L treasurers secretary treasurers campaign full full tull swing and tho the results should c ebest best in Sn years The members arcIn are arc I In their promises s to aid the new newIn newy newl l y In his work The transfer card Jansman ansman Holland of or Bonnie Doone Doon 1 Je e C was voted on and accepted The Theon Theon on of ot a a. warder was po postponed wc Installation of J J. J F. F Watts Valls as guide 1 pair air Lady Lad Bush as herald followed man in Hubbard acting as Installing 4 L r r. r assisted b by P Gardner as asI I I w y evangel A A. committee consist consist- t L. L A. A Carmen T T. H. H Bush and Pearl Pearlner Pearlner Ll ner ncr was as appointed to make arIll ar- ar ments for a l progressive party lau Ill given October 16 Is Is to be the tho first of a a. serIes of ot parties to be given the tho third Mon Mon- sf t f each month during durin the tle winter a to be given at each party and a ad ad api pi d prize to be given at the of a tho the series There was also a appointed to arrange for the theal al I 1 Halloween party Under Good Goode ic e c Fraternity Clansman O By ot of his plans Ill Pro S. S T. T Car- Car responded welcoming the deputy deput Jib i n castle Captain Hubbard also alsoto alsoc work Fair Fall Fairi to c 0 In regard to the l i Bush rendered a n. beautiful piano J There will be a R regular meeting TYli di ig at the Federation of Lai La- La i- i bor bar hall ball and all Royal Highlanders arc are urged ur ed 10 to o be present and assist In the I fall Call campaign n WOODMEN OF AMERICA n RIGA Great Salt Lake camp cami No No met last Tuesday evening with a good at at- at Every Evon officer was waa In his chair when the m meeting was called to order Several applications were pre pre- and anti referred to the Investigating ing committee The entertainment committee announced a dance to be behen given hen In conjunction with the Royal Roal Neighbors Monday evening October 30 which they have designated Halloween Hallow eon een Spook Dance the camp has also decided to give Ive a n. smoker on the last meeting night of this month and It has been Sug suggested that same game be made madea a monthly affair There IR is every ever in indication indication indication in- in that th the tho regular meeting Tuesday evening e will be of ot unusual interest In Interest Interest In- In will terest as 58 matters mallers of ot importance come up for discussion and the tho beneficial beneficial bene bene- Ile degree ree will ill be conferred upon I two candidates It IR is hoped that every neighbor who can possibly do so will willbe willbe wIllbe be pre present ent Members l o of the Forester team arc are especially urged to attend Visiting neighbors always alwa's welcome I ES Tent No 2 hold held an interesting meetIng meetIng meeting meet- meet Ing last Thursday night with State Commander W. W A. A Wight present He gave a talk on fraternal Insurance Miller and Sir Knight Henry also spoke along the tho same line The Tho entertainment committee commit commit- tee will get et busy bus this week and report something definite next Thursday night It is hoped that the tents with the hives will be able to give a number number number num num- ber of oC entertainments this winter The ladles ladies of I Liberty hive No 9 L. L O. O T T. M M. M I and their friends will be entertained en entertained entertained en- en b by Lady Harrison Thursday evening October 12 at her home Fourth East All AU Lad Lady and knights are cordially cordia invited I. I O. O O. O F. F Jordan lodge No 3 on On Monday londay night the de degree ree staff put on the In Initiatory In- In degree to a crowded lodge room The candidates were much in-i- in the work Tonight the staff start will vill confer tho the first degree degree- Those who are absent will miss a treat The Past Noble Grands club will be entertained at the homo home of Mrs Irs Dover 1150 East Third South Thursday aft aft- A cordial invitation to all an visiting vIsiting visIting vis vis- sisters Naomi Past Noble Grand club will meet Thursday October 12 at the home o of or Sister Luc Lucy Norton 36 K IC street All visiting past grands are cordially invited ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA A Salt Lake Valley camp was royally royally roy roy- all ally entertained last Thursday night by Neighbors Burklund Davis and Rothwell Roth Roth- well wolf A Chinese supper was served with chopsticks taking the place of ot knives and forks Nel Neighbor Emerick won first prize Neighbor Rothwell's horse took first prize at the state falland fair fall fairand fairand and she presented the same to the camp for a free tree ride Neighbors Gels Geiger I Stiles and Hamilton were visitors Neighbor McKinley was present after an absence of or three months The Tue Thimble club will meet Thursday afternoon afternoon afternoon aft aft- from 2 until 5 6 o'clock LADIES DIES OF 01 THE TIlE Lillian Hollister hive No Xo 15 Ladles Ladies of oC the will celebrate tho the nineteenth anniversary of the founding founding found found- ing inK of or the tho order at the home hom hon of Mrs Goodro East Second South Thursday Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day evening October 12 12 from 8 R to 10 A All members and husbands are arc Invited WOODCRAFT Salt Lake circle No 55 met last Monday Monda evening with Guardian Neighbor Neighbor Neigh Neigh- bor Hobday In the tho chair with a good attendance A vote of ot thanks was extended extended ex ex- tended the guards for the banquet the they gave grave the officers G. G A. A R. R There will be a regular meeting of or orthe the Oliver 0 O. Howard post at the post I hall ball Market street or Postoffice place at o'clock this evening Members of ot the post arc are urged to bo be present and visiting comrades In good standing standing- are Invited most cordially to attend The ladies ladles of ot Gordon circle No 4 G. G G A. A R R. will ill hold their regular re ular meeting meet meet- In lag ing Tuesday at 2 p. p m. m In Eagles Eagles' ha hallAH hall All AH members requested to be present Reynolds Reynold's circle No Xo 1 will hold Its regular meeting Tuesday October 10 10 In 1 I. O. O O. O F. F hall ball ha A good food attendance Is de desired FRAT FRATERNAL HU UNION Ul OF 0 A AMERICA I The regular meeting and class Initiation Initia I tion of oC Evergreen lodge No will ivIll I take place tonight at the Odd Fellows Fellows' hall Every effort will be made to show tho the new now candidates a beautiful ceremony as well as a splendid drill b by bythe bythe the team A special Invitation Is of offered offered of- of to all aU members to be In attendance attendanCe attendance attend attend- ance to witness the tho ceremony VETERAN X REBEl CAlls KA liS Th The Veteran will make a fraternal visit to Queen of ot the est West No 22 Z MIdvale Monday londay evening e October 9 Th They will also pay a visit IsH to Wasatch lodge No 30 Sand Sandy Monday Mon Men day evening October 16 All Veterans and are Invited lu to attend LOYAL LOVAL AMERICANS Salt Lake assembly No 30 will hold holda a a. meeting October 11 In I. I 0 O. O. O F. F hall There will wi be an election of o officers and eTer every member should be present i I FORESTERS OF AMERICA A Court Salt Lake Lako No 1 met In the I IE E Eagles Eagles' les' les hall ball Tuesday evening evenin There Therewa I Iwas was wa a good attendance o and several eral I matters of Important business were ere disposed of ot The auditing committees committee's I report showed shoed that the court was ina In Ina Ina a prosperous condition PYTHIAN SISTERS Hermione temple No 8 Pythian Sisters Sisters Sis Sis- Sis Sis- will hold Its regular meeting Friday Frida night at 1 K of ot P. P hall Second Sec ond end East at S 8 O O M Il EN 0 OF Ol F WOODCRAFT IT PP Woodbine circle No 41 H will not hold holda a regular meeting Thursday evening e on account of guards guards' drill The Pa Past t Guardian Neighbors Neighbors' club will give a asocial asocial asocial social and card party part at the home of Past Guardian Mary E. E Conley All AU circle members and friends Invited The social will wUl be held at 1516 Indiana ayen ave aye n nue u e. e |