Show SPIRIT OF CHRIST MAKES DISCIPLES Baptism Merely an Outward Demonstration of Inward Workings of Holy Spirit Rev Hc W. W M. M Paden pastor of the time First Presbyterian church believes that the mission o of Christians is to make disciples anti and to baptize them He said that the ordinance of baptism itself itsel did lId not ba have ve an any effect except that It is time the outward sl sign n o of the inward work of oC the time Alm Almighty He lie advocated the time baptism and teaching teach- teach In ing ng of or children to be he disciples as children chil- chil dren can learn easier casler than older per per- sons His text was Matthew 0 O- O Make O Make di disciples baptizing them thom leaching teaching them thern Dr Paden said Make lake disciples Is 18 our commission children are arc not excluded The Time commission commission com corn mission which is wide enough to In Include In- In I elude clude the whole world is warm enough to welcome whole households May Ia we make disciples of oC the time least of the little I Iones ones h Why not nol Disciples are arc learners learners learn learn- i ers who can learn I If IC they cannot Disciples are or become obedient who I Ican can loam learn obedience better beller than they Disciples trust who ho can trust if IC childhood childhood child child- hood lood cannot And are arc children over ever too young roun to learn the lessons of or love Forbid them not suffer them to come unto Me Ie says Jesus Of or such is the kingdom om o of heaven The promise the promise of the holy hoty spirit is is to you vou and your children This Is the time gospel of Pentecost Can any man nian therefore forbid the water that these should not be baptized which have re received re- re cl 1 ved the time hol holy spirit as well velI as we Make disciples baptizing them Not that baptizing baptizing- will make them dl dis dis- Baptism is only an outward sl sign ri of Gods God's Inward work we do not baptize either parent or child to make them hem disciples or because we are sure the they are disciples but because we have credible assurance that they are or orwill orwill will be such You are the child 1 of or God ba baptism m declares you OU such mch You are arc a child of or promise baptism is a pledge e that time the promise e will be kept God od promises to adopt our children as Us Ills children before the they are arc born when He tie promises to be a God to us and to our seed after aCter us This promise includes th their ir salvation There arc uro conditions The conditions emerge e as children come Conic cometo to o years of accountability Make falc disciples therefore of the children baptizing them teaching teaching- them Not that teaching will ivill make them disciples we wc are arc not made Christians b by accepting baptism or be beIn being be- be In lug ing baptized or b by e educating ourselves cs or being heim educated Nothing but the 8 spirit irit of Christ can make a disciple of or Christ This Is a as true of ot the oldest oldest old old- est eat as It Is of the youngest Our p. p eyes es esmust must be opened our ears must be wakened wale wait ened our hearts must he be quickened lJ by bythe bythe the spirit of God Only he lie that Is of or God heareth Gods God's word Back Dack of ot Gods God's word the Lords Lord's prayer or the tho holy holi sacraments must be the tho divine spirit All An appeals to the soul from without must find divine response from within or there can be no divine dis- dis The means mean of or grace race supPOSe suppose suppose sup sup- pose the existence of or the tue principle of divine life In the soul Thc They do not beget but only assist or assert the divine he beginning |