Show STRIKE INDORSED J BY THE SOCIALISTS Salt Lake Organization Passes Resolutions Indorsing Metal Craftsmen's Demands At a meeting of the Salt SaH Lake Lalo Socialist Social SocIal- organization org last evening e In Federation Fedoration Fed Fed- era oration of ot La Labor bar hull hall tIme the action of or orthe the time Harriman In going on a astrike astrike strike for a n. reco recognition o of their new now I f federation was Indorsed U by a n set of resolutions I J. J E E. Sn Snyder er of oC Los Angeles Angeles An An- geles national or organizer for the time So Socialist So- So party part was toe principal speaker It was rc reported ported that the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen at their last decided to refuse to do an any work such as coupling cars or testing which is 15 required of oC carin car car- in men en If It told tOll to do this work b by their employers employers em em- they will quit Trainmen are not supposed to test air except on the tile theroa roa road and the time men have hac declared the they will no longer stand stanl for the time practice of oC the railroad In sending trains a mile or 01 so out on the lino and then asking the time men to do 10 U time the work performed cd b by carmen In the tho yards ards It was announced that there would wout be jo a labor parade next Saturday evenIng evening even- even Ing ng from Federation of If Labor hall ball leaded bv Imi 1 the time strikers and comprised of all organized org labor In time the city Harr Harry McGee McGeo of Los Angeles will speak next Sun Sunday a at Federation ration of or Labor Labom hall Tail at a combined meeting of strikers and Socialists In n 4 Accord curl J. J I. I L. L Donnelly vice president of the tIme Denver Rio Hlo Grande rande system federation federa federa- tion of read the resolutions which were iere unanimously a adopted The Time resolutions I To all members of ot the tho Harriman federated The Time Socialists of Salt Lake assembled as- as In this meeting extend to you their greeting In your present struggle for tor the time recognition of your our federation you Ou have the sympathy and good will of every evero member of or the time Socialist party In this city An Any aid of an any kind that the tile Socialist organization of Salt Lake Lalee ma may he be able to give Ive will be treel freely Riven given Riv Iven Iv- Iv en you The The Socialist press and andaU andall andall all aU Socialist speakers are arc already en enlisted on- on listed In iii your our cause The following resolution relative to your our strike has been passed b by the Salt Lake Socialists ts tsat at tonight's meeting Whereas our brothers bre and comrades comrades com corn rades on the Industrial field are arc noI no now fighting I against the despotism of or capitalism capitalism cap cap- for the rl right ht of organizing their various arlous shop crafts Into one ono fe federation of ot the tite entire HarrIman system and Support IH Is Pledged Whereas as Socialists we heartily heartH Indorse such concentration of labor tending as it docs does toward the time complete Industrial or organization of ot tIme the working class be it therefore Resolved that as an organization o of labor upon tho tIme political field we weI I use e every resource at our command to aid the time members of or the federation In their present struggle and be it further Resolved that all collections at our propaganda meetings s be divided equally equal equal- I ly with the strikers be he it further Resolved that an any member of ot the tIme I Socialist or organization found guilty of acting as a union non worker or aiding aldIn aid aid- In ins ing capitalism In an any way to break this strike shall be expelled in disgrace disgrace disgrace dis dis- grace from tho the Socialist part party Signed MURRAY Y E E. KING ICING Cli Chairman airman ROBERT TT Secretary |