Show CROP REPORTS ARE EXPECTED TODAY Those on Grain Are Expected to Show Improvement Over Recent Records BY fly THOMAS C C. SHOT SHOTWELL WELL In Special to The Republican Herald-Republican From International nal ws Service e e. e 1 N nv Y rk Ocl Reports s. b C the I United cl St States te-s te te government ov tomorrow and T will ivill tend to to settle all disputes disputes dis dis- regarding the size of ot the tho crops II Tomorrows Tomorrow's crop report will be on on corn wheat oats barley rye and po- po chiefly and Tuesday the government gO gov will give Sive a general report covering all crops On Tuesday also the time steel corporation corporation corporation corpora corpora- tion will announce the volume of or unfilled unfilled un un- un- un filled orders on its hooks books books and and the Copper Copper Copper Cop Cop- per Producers' Producers association wi will give production of or the United States for tor September The Time official plan for tor reorganizing tho the American Tobacco company is als also o expected as Is a detailed report on tho the steel corporation b by the tho commissioner of or corporations at Washington The Time grain reports by the time government o are expected to show some Improvement Improve improve- ment meat over the disastrous announcements announce announce- ments of August Augu t and September but the fact that there has b been on a n. disaster In the agricultural ag sections of or the whole world n needs eds no further confirmation confirmation confirmation con con- than tho time constantly Increasing ing cost of or food rood in London the cost of ot food has nearh nearly nearly near near- ly h reached the high record having In Increased Increased increased In- In creased two sixty points during September Sep Sep- according according- to the calculation of or orthe the time Economist The Thc greatest g rise was in coffee sugar and butter which contributed contributed contributed con con- 3 points of or the increase while cereals and meat contributed twelve points I |