Show tie lie Numbered among arons th the few tew merchants of this vicinity who cho are try try- In big ing to do busness bus bus- mess iness ness without the aid of a Checking Checking AcCo Ac Ac- Co count U fit This bank cOrdially cordially cor cor- dl l Invites YOUR oua ACCOUNT AC AC- i COUNT large or nr small J Jt it t will wf handle handl your money tran transactions safely and promptly aid you In business when necessary help you to grow growl If U you you haven't a Checking Account Account by an all al means see Bee our ur cashier today THE UTAH NATIONAL BANK SUMMONS IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE IE Third judicial district of ot the time state of Utah coun county ty of or Salt Sal Lake Hannah Petersen Peterson plaintiff vs s. John ohn A. A Petersen defendant defendant Summons The State of ot Utah to the said do- do de de- You are arc here hereby b summoned to appear within twenty days after the service of ot this LiLa summons upon you I if I served within the time county count In which I this action acton is brou brought ht otherwise within with with- wih- wih in thirty days after service and de defend defend do- do fend the time above o entitled action acton and in incase case caso of ot your failure so 50 to do Judgment will vill wil bo be o rendered against you ou accordIng accordIng accord- accord according Ing to the lie demand of or the complaint which has been beert filed tied with wih the clerk of or said saM court This rids acton action Is brought to dissolve the time bonds of ot matrimony heretofore here here- existing between you and the i plaintiff N NEPHI E JENSEN I M. M W. W MANSFIELD Plaintiffs Plaintiff's Attorneys P. P O. O address 68 Continental block Salt Sal Lake City Utah I Well Vei were we're going to try tr you on onn ona 01 n a t few more Limericks What we ve want is i something on this order only better A kid who was shaking with laughter laugh laugh- ter Climbed up on the coal shed ter When asked aked why he did This clever young kids kid cever kd Replied its it's King Coal that Im I'm Im I aughter I We Wc only require e that you ou give us the ri right ht to publish your our contribution lion tion lon and amid that in it you use ue tho the two words KiD King COil Coal For the best bestone bestone bestone one sent in iu before October 31 we will 1 give she two tons tops of King Coal and for each cach of the three thre next best bestone bestone bestone I one ton of King Coal Coal- Coal Ad Address J. J K K L. L caro care caroI WESTERN FUEL CO J Critchlow Fischer Kittle Kittie Kite CABLE CADLE ADDRESS ADDRES W Phones 73 Main St. St I A AM J U U Sll NOTICES NOTICES- I Consult county clerk OTICE or Ot lIi the r for Cur further ir I IN JN THE LILE DISTRICT PRObate PRO- PRO bato bate division In and for tor suit alt ait Lake Lako county Utah of ot Lavinia La- La In the time matter of ot tho time estate vinia Hawkins mater Wood also known as 13 11 and Lavinia deceased NO o No- No t I Ce Tho petition of or James Jamos I. I II IL Brown ad administrator administrator ad- ad of or time the amos estate of at Lavinia lnla Hawkins also known as Lavinia Ln II I. I oo nfl and d deceased praying for foi tho time settlement of oC first and final account of or said James II H. Brown administrator ames of ot the tho rca ics tor anti and for Cor tho ho distribution ant of ot the time estate to tho lie persons entitled en en- titled tithed and tho time partition thereof has been set et for hearing on n Friday Frida the Oth day of ot October A. A D. D 1311 1911 at 2 o'clock i p. p in m. at it the county court house ouse in the room of or said court in Salt Sal Lake CI City Salt Snit Lake count county Utah Witness the tho clerk of or said court wih with the sen seal thereof affixed this 31 day of October A A. D D. D 1911 MARGARET ZANE ZAI FiR Seal r Clerk Clerk l Uy I. I L. L P. P Palmer Palmer Deputy Clerk Cyrus G. G Gatrell Gatrel Attorney for tor Pet Pet- Peti Peti- toner IN TIlE THE TIB DISTRICT COUY COURT PRO PRO- P I bate division l in anti and ant for Cor bait Sll JaKe count county State of ot Utah In the matter mater of or the estate of ot r Dortea Peter Petersen n. n deceased Notice Tho The petition of ot d. rray- rray praying pray pray- mraY In ing for tor petton tho lie Issuance to himself 0 of CL letera letters let letters let let- era of or administration In the time estate of oC Dortea Dorten Peter Peterson en deceased has been set for tor hearing on Frida Friday the da day of or October A. A D. D 1911 at 2 o'clock 1 p. p m rn at tho ho county court 11 house in the time court courtroom courtroom courtroom room of or said ald court in Salt Lake CI City Salt Sal Lake count county tah Utah court with Witness the clerk of ot sal said the tho seal eitl thereof affixed this 3 day y of ot October A. A D. D 1911 HIl MARGARET Z ZANE ZINE NB WITCHER Seal Clerk B By fly L. L P P. Deputy Clerk C. C iS E. E 1 Marks Attorney for tor Petitioner IN THE TilE DISTRICT COURT CounT PRO PRO- bato division dl In and for tor Salt Sal Lake count county state of ot Utah Department No o. o 1 In the time matter of ot the estate of or Elizabeth Eliza Eilza- beth betim II I. I Park d deceased Notice The Tho petition petton of ot John Joint It 11 It Park lark pork pray pray- inn InK for Cor the tire admission to probate of or a contain certain document purporting to bo time tho last will wil and testament of or Elizabeth II H. Part Park deceased an and for tor tho the grantIng grantIng granting grant- grant Ing Ing of or letters loters testamentary to John Jonn ohn R. R Park ha has been sot set cl tor tOI Hearing on FrIday FrI rl day duy the time Oth da day of oC October A. A I D. D 1911 HIl at 2 o'clock p. p m. m at tho tire county court house In tho court room of or said court in Salt Lako Lake City Salt Lake co county un t Utah Witness tho clerk of or said court with tho thu seal thereof hereof affixed this Hh day of October A. A I. I D. D 1911 MARGARET Z ZANE ANI E WITCHER Seal Clerk l By Dy L. L J. J P. P Palmer Deputy Deput Clerk Goodwin St Van arm Pelt lel Attorneys for Cor Pc Petitioner t i t I 0 fl C r. r IN THE fIB DISTRICT COURT PRO PRO- bate bato bote division in and for tOr Salt Sal Lake county count state stute of or Utah Uth In the matter of oC tho the estate and guardianship gar gar- guar guar- of or Bertha Bertha Jeanette Jeanetto Dunn mi ml- nor Notice The Tho petition petion of oC Andrew J J. J Ekstedt praying for tor the tho Issuance to himself of letters of ot guardianship on tho the person imerson 1 nn and estate of or Bertha Bertha Dunn minor has imas been sot Ret for bearing on Friday Friday Fri Fri- day dar tho timo da day of oC October A. A D. D 1911 at 2 o'clock p p. p m. m at at tho the county court house In tho ho court room of ot said court In Salt Lake Lako Cf City Suit Salt Sui Lake count county Utah Witness time the clerk of ot sal said court with the Ito seal eal thereof affixed this day day of September Sel A. A D. D 1911 MARGARET ZA ZANE WITCH WITCHER ER Seal Sel Clerk By Dy L. L P. P Palmer Deputy Deput Clerk Soren X Christensen Attorney for tor Petitioner S IN THE TilE DISTRICT COURT PIO- PIO PRO PRO- bate bato ate division in Iii antI and fur for Salt Lake county Utah count In Iii the tire matter of or the estate of ot Adam deceased Notice Time The petition petton of or Mary lary McLean George Gerge A A. anti and ant Ernest rnest executors tors of ot the estate o of Adam deceased praying for the ho settlement of or final account account account ac ac- ac- ac count of said Mary McLean George A A. Speir and Ernest rnest executors and for the distribution o of the tho residue of or tho the estate to the persons entitled has been set for tor on Friday ay tho thie Oth da day of or October A. A D. D 1911 at 2 o'clock I i p. p m. m at thu tho county count court house in tho the court COUEt room of ot said court in Salt Sal Lako Lake City Salt Lake county count Utah Witness the clerk of said court with the tho seal Real thereof affixed this da aa day of ot October A. A D. D 1911 MARGARET ZANE WITCHER Seal Clerk Clerk By Seal I L. L P P. Palmer Deputy Deput Clerk William H. H King Attorney for tor Peti Poti Pot IN Iz THE DISTRICT COURT PRO PRO- bato bate division In and for tor Salt Sal Lake e county State o of Utah In the matter mator of ot time the estate of or lal Hall Hail Wylle WylIe le deceased Notice The he petition polton of ot Olive Olve M. M Phelps praying for to the Issuance to herself herselt of or leters letters of administration In the estate estate es- es tate tato of ot Hall Hail Hal I Edgerton d erton Wylle Wylie Yle deceased has been set for tor hearing on Friday the day of ot October A. A D. D 1911 at 2 o'clock p. p m. m at tho the count county court house In the tho court room of ot said court In Salt Sal Lake Cl City Salt Sal Lake count county Utah Witness the tho clerk of ot said court with the tho seal thereof affixed this day of or October A. A D. D 1911 MARGARET ZA ZANE E WITCHER Seal CI Clerk Cleric By ly L. L P P. Palmer Deputy Deput Clerk L. L L. L L Baker laker Attorney for lor Petitioner IN THE TilE DISTRICT COURT PRObate PRO- PRO bato bate Division In and for Salt Sal Lake Lako County Count State of or Utah In the matter of or the tho estate of or Michael Williams deceased Notice Notice The Tho petition o of Charlotte Charlote Williams Wil VU- 1 llama liams lams Henrietta Henrieta L. L and Charlotte Charlotto Char Char- lotto lotte loto I. I L. L L Williams pra praying for tor the tho Issuance Issuance ance atice to Lewis B. B McCornick of or letters leters of ot administration In the lie e estate tate o of Michad Michael Mi Mi- chael chad Williams deceased has been set for tor hearing on Frida Friday the day of ot October A. A D. D 1911 at 2 o'clock p p. p m. m at attha atthe the tho county court cour house in the court courtroom courtroom courtroom room of said court in Salt al Lake Cf City Salt Sal Lake Lako County Count Utah Witness tho the clerk of ot said court wi with th the tho seal thereof affixed this da day of ot September A. A D. D 1911 MARGARET ZANE WITCHER Seal Seal Clerk By Dy L L. L P. P Palmer Deputy Cleric Ceric Pierce Crl Critchlow Barrette Barreto Attorneys Attorneys tor- tor for tor Petitioner NOTICE OF Ol SPECIAL L STOCKHOLDERS STOCKHOLDERS' ERS ERS' EIS' EIS MEETING NOTICE IS IERI HEREBY BY GIVEN THAT THATa a special meeting of or 1 tho the stockholders stockholder of ot the Utah and Salt Lake Canal company company com corn pany will wU be held at nt the tIre of ot the company room 55 fG City and County Count building on Wednesday tho time day of or October 1911 at 11 1 o'clock a a. m. m m of ot said zaid day to consider and act upon the proposition o of putting In an eight pump at t tho the present location of or the pumping plant plant of or tho time company and others othen at tho the head of ot tho lImo Jordan river and and to grant to the tho board of ot directors such uch authority In that regard as may be bo deemed PETER IETER LARSEN LARSE President President Amos S S. S Gabbott ASSESSMENT NO Jt 2 MONTANA MONTANA CONSOLI CONSOLI- dated MinIng company Principal place of ot business Salt Sal Lake Lako City Utah Lo Location Location L- L cation caton of ot mines Blugh Bingham m. m Utah Notice is hereby given I en that at at at a meeting of at the tho board of ot directors of ot the he C mn Montana Bingham Consolidated d Mining company ny held on the tho day of ot Sep Sap 1911 assessment No 2 of ot one cent per share was waa levied lcd on tho the capi capi- tat ta- stock Block of ot the corporation Issued and outstanding paY payable ble immediately to J. J 3 L. L L Sampson secretary at his hf office orle No 66 West WeRt Third South Salt Lake Lalta City Uth Utah Any stock upon which this assess assess- ment may remain unpaid on the day o of October 1911 will wi be delinquent and advertised for sale at public aucIon Ion tion ton and unless payment is made mado bo- bo will wil be sold salt on tho the day of ot November 1911 11 at 2 o'clock p. p m m. at the secretary's office to pay the time do do- 11 assessment thereon together with the tho oat cost i t of advertising and ex of ot sale m T J. L. L SAMPSON Secretary First Frt publication lon September 20 1911 1 STATIC STATE STATI IANI SALE SAIE OFFICE O OF THE in STATE BOARD OF Land Commissioners Salt al Lake City Utah September 6 c. c 1911 Ul la 15 d U h. h given that list In e aC wun jaw hu thu state stat ot CL land W wui u Ii on Octo October IU IV 10 1511 11 at 1 v o cluck p. p m. m l of at trait day oy offer at ut public auction ut at tire thu cuu of oC county at ot f U Utaji tu and amid aid u. u lu tu thu t toi br tho Limo respective tracts the iho du- du und and unsold tato lands hands situated d In lu Millard lUard county Utah No Subdivision Soc Sec Tp TV 11 It Nl NI 1 and ad Ni NJ S at H im 1 IBS iss u IU Am All AU 2 3 BW t ft lt All Al 16 i is 11 1 AH All a 35 3 O tau All AU 36 35 40 V t-V v Wi Vi j O V 6 All J h 16 j ia tao All AU 3 3 H mo tI AU All v y 7 All U 1 16 G 6 v vAl All Al 3 3 O All 36 36 o. o All 1 j. j y 7 al All AU Al 1 i 18 Q b blO 0 All U 3 sa All Al JG G U All 1 z V 8 t All l J 16 10 All Al 3 aa 9 6 U All U J J 38 c 0 01 All 1 2 a t IBS V 3 All Al ib lb 16 IBS JW V All U J 32 3 32 itS it'S aW JW V All AU 36 36 1 cit'S Y J Al All tu All A fc 10 A o O Y T 64 v All Ail 3 32 61 All Al 36 36 GIU All Al 2 2 V 19 t 20 All Mi l 1 i NJ N 3 32 M 30 All Al 36 36 O tO All All 2 i 1 V 6 A All I 16 18 16 NW NEI Elj N NW SWI vl N s SE a NEi E EJ Ei SW SWi SEi 21 All Al 3 2 32 is o All Al ar 36 36 ao All AU 2 2 All 1 16 16 lb All AU 3 32 All Al 3 36 36 O E EJ SWi 32 SW 8 80 8 All Al il 5 5 SW s' 8 SEi SEISEI SEi 7 1 O 40 0 SWi N 13 13 O 40 0 S' S All AU f 2 2 61 All Al 1 16 All Al 32 32 O All I 3 36 36 60 All Al 2 All 1 16 16 64 All 32 All AU 36 36 All Al 36 36 OW w WJ SEi EJ Ei SWi 6 16 SWi Sl Sw SWi 1 M 40 00 E Ei E SV SWI SW I 80 SWi S1 NEi N. Bi NW S SEI 13 10 10 so 80 sow 0 w WJ NEi El NEt NEi Vl N 1 11 12 W WJ Wl NEi E EJ NW NW V N NW NS I 12 12 M H SWI SWi 1 14 SW 40 S SJ SI SElf SEI SE SEt SEi SW 10 N Ni NE NEi 80 80 NV t N NV W 1 23 l M 40 0 Lots 1 and n 2 2 Lots 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 6 5 6 and 7 30 30 Lots 1 1 2 2 3 and 4 99 22 NEt NEi 15 16 O 40 All AH 2 GW All Al 16 16 All AU 32 32 6 0 All Al 30 NES El N SElf SEI SWI S l 4 nv W WJ WI NEi NES SEI SES SEI 3 9 SWi v SEi SF SEi Sfa SWi VI 20 20 SO SOEi 0 EJ El NEi NEl r e. e 21 21 2 O SO 80 Vt N SW Vl S lZ 22 40 0 NEi NES NEI Nl NW SWi S 29 M WJ Wi SEi 20 20 bO 80 10 NEi 1 NJ Ni S NW SWI ot 29 29 Nl E Lt 1 30 O Lots 2 ond and 3 anti anil the Ei Ek EI W WJ 31 n N NF l. l Si i NE NEl N Nj N SEt sW SEi 35 20 40 40 S SJ Si Nr NEI lWi 26 26 6 40 SWI S' Nt NEI 33 33 SWi SEt SElf SE SEi V S sw-I sw 1 34 34 30 SO 1 13 sW All Al 14 14 CO COa eoS o e-o S SI N 34 34 H I a El EJ 35 30 I S v S W i NE NE and lot 3 S 5 SW NEt NEi NEI NEt 8 s 8 40 o W t W Wi SWI SW 2 21 20 E El NE NEi NEl nd the time SEI 29 29 9 40 Lots 2 2 3 and 6 3 SE SKi NW 17 1 17 40 SE SEt SE SEI SEl 7 1 SW 40 SEt SEi Sl 18 18 40 NW 21 21 40 SEi SIa SWi 28 28 40 fO SEt SEI SEl SEI 30 40 0 NEt NES SI 3 31 31 O 40 NI V N NW Vt S 1 14 W SW 6 K SE SEt SEi NEi NEt 15 IB 15 40 All All 2 All Al 16 16 M All 1 32 32 AH All Al 36 36 All Al Al 2 2 W All 16 16 Al E El SWi SW 9 GW SW 80 SO Vl N SWi Vl SW 34 34 34 40 SWi NEi SE SEi SEl V N 1 36 35 80 SE SEi SEl NE NEi 22 22 LW 40 SWi NEt NEi NEi NW W ot of SL SEl 23 23 o NEt NEi NV 34 3 34 M 40 Lots 3 and antI 6 and andE E Ei of or NW and ard ald NE NEt or of the 1 10 All 2 6 33 6 All Al 16 16 Al AU All 32 6 0 All I. I 36 36 6 Lots Lota Al 3 and 4 19 19 SW S SWi VL N W SV Wl SW SV SWi 28 1 0 SE SEi SEl NEi NEt E EJ EA Lots 4 and 5 SW ond I NW SV SW S 33 Lots 2 and 3 and andS S Sl SW 1 1 Lots Lota 1 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 C. C 7 5 8 9 0 10 and 11 1 2 02 S Sj SEi SE SEi SEl SWi SW N Y SWi sW 3 40 N Nl SEt SEi SEi SEt SW SWi 4 S Si NEi NEl NE SEi sla 8 H 24 sWi Sw N vi N V wi SEi SEl S t a NW SW SWi SYl 12 12 O 40 13 13 Sw SWi SE |