Show Baby by er McKees McKee ys Grandma Sues for Childs Child's Custody DRAG OUT SKELETON IN FAMILY CLOSET Pleas That Child Cannot Be Brought S Up Properly in Present Environments By International News Service A ARtS filS Oct 8 Mrs H HT r. Sellers McKee Mc Mc- P PARIS Kee Iee mother of or A A. Hartupee 1 Mc rc Roe Kee Kee has brought suit for Cor the custod cus ens- tol tod tody of or her grand grandson on Bab Baby McKee which threatens to reopen n the time whole di divorce dl- dl vorce case In which her son and Mrs Cornelia Baxter McKee Tevis' his wire wife figured rl The child Is permitted to spend two da lays days every very weel with his him grandmother The remainder of or the tho time he Is ig In the custod custody of his hiM mother The French courts are arc loath to separate sep ser arate mother and child unless It can cane be e shown that the tIme mother Is absolutely absolutely unfit to have the of oC the Infant Mrs 11 H. H Sellers McKee wife of the thc millionaire promInent prom prom- In society charity charlt and church work worl ha has made mado the plea that the child cannot be bc brought blought up properly In Its present environment t. t Her alle allegations are likely to open oren some somo chapters and Introduce some pew now characters into th the domestic drama of the time beautiful Mrs Irs McKee sometimes called the handsomest American woman In Paris and often orten declared to be the thc I most moat beautiful dau daughter of ot her native state stale Among the tue natives that will be I brought In Is that of or Count secretary of ot the Austrian embassy at Brussels Brussel prominent amon among the nobility of or Hungary ar and well known In Paris He lie Is a former fiance o of Mrs Baxter It Is said she discovered he had no mone money and broke the a engage engage- e- e mont ment Hadie Hamid Pasha Pashia will be another It was he who assisted Mrs McKee when she was seeking a divorce Ho He loaned money mone to her and accepted her stocks as security Then he hue refused to give them back and she brought suit which was withdrawn because of or the publicity The Tho Turk was then commissioner of oC public works of or Constantinople He had plenty plent of mone money and liked Paris as al' asa asa a residence The young oung Turks when I the they took possession of the capital hz n. n 5 fr S S S S. S s sI v I 4 1 4 V I. I i S. S j a I IS S 4 S AdF S 5 S ilg t i k tv 3 r 7 t y tI K tins JiltS v II s 11 E. E mad made his residence here lucre a matter ofa ol ot a necessity I ty The transaction of oC the stocks with the thc Turkish nobleman cu cut t tIrs Mrs Irs IrsIc McKee's McKees McKees McKee's Mc- Mc Kees Kee's Income from to a year ear and caused her great Incon Incon- I The third ardent gallant g eager to marry Mrs l McKee Is Prince Jean The rue prince princ however needs a divorce to do this even thou though h he ma mahave may have the consent of or Mrs Irs McKee to his 1 suit Tho The sUit stilt of or Mrs Irs H. H Sellers McKee is sot set for Cor trial before the first tribunal tribuna of the Seine on Wednesday 1 and her herI I effort efort to obtain possession of or her grandson randson promises to be interesting |