Show AND SYNOD WILL MEET Organizations of the I Church to Convene Con- Con vene ene Next Wednesday SESSION THREE DAYS DAYSen imen ien en From Prom Utah Districts Will iscU S Ways and Means for Future W Work ork annual meeting of ot the Presby- Presby I n ii Synod of ot Utah will begin at atI I Presbyterian n church in Salt Thursday ening e and will vill con con- an and 1 Saturday when Re Rev ohn ohn Dixon of or New York and Rev t. t M. M r. r Donaldson of or Denver Deliver fal fa- fa a- a l' l divines of ot tho the Presbyterian I h Ii will deliver sermons Clergy Clergy- and nd I lay a dele delegates ates from all the tile churches of ot Utah will atthe at- at the thc meeting meeting- ceding ce Ing the meeting of ot m the synod 1 be the regular fall meeting o of the of ot Salt SaU Luke in which ten hes arc are represented This meet- meet rill HI ri ii comm commence ence Wed Wednesday evening g ge e First Presbyterian church with mon by Rev Claude laude Davis of or ore Nc- Nc e c eThe The official business of ot the tho presy pres- pres y will be transacted Thursday t tho presbytery meeting will be berned med to the thC synod meeting Thursday evening the synod meet- meet will nil ill begin with a 11 sermon b by Rev I Frank of ot ham Brigham CSt City At the slon sIan of the sermon the annual 1 as me meeting Ung- Ung will commence with lectiOn of ot a moderator and the then I n of ot two temporary clerks lay a ay morning mornin I U will be elected and amI standing comS coins com com- S will vIlI be he appointed The Tue pre pre- lon ion of reports will also atso be in- in 1 at this session afternoon session of or Friday will voted to a review of or home ms- ms ry y work In Utah with suggestions sug I. I r. r Dixon of or New York The reI re- re 7 I tot of the Sunday Sunda school missionary he ho Sunda Sunday school committee will willI I lowed towed b by a discussion on the thc top- top r How to Improve Our Sunday Is ISo I t T Womans Woman's Missionary i y y- will hol hold its meeting Frida Friday ng rig This session will vIlL Include by hy Dr Donaldson mis- mis ry rr secretary of the Rocky moun- moun of the Presbyterian church r. r Dixon secretary of ot the board mo me missions orts arts of or all an standing committees be presented Saturday morning IDI Dr Dixon will be the time principal er cr The afternoon session Sat- Sat be devoted to the transact if f t business Utah lUtah synod comprises three pres- pres 1 es es known a as the tho Salt Lake pros pros- r. r the North Utah I presbytery and Utah presbytery terr U S berger Electric Cars to Ogden Ogdon Incur on hour on th the hour hour In In an hour I Ij j A. A TO n II 11 OF 01 n. n rI T. T 1 satch s Sisters No will give Ivo a aI I IP Pat at the homo home of Sister I 47 North Seventh West est street on 1 esda afternoon Committee on Sisters Sar Sargent ent Davis 1 I- I Guynn an and larchant Marchant Members h lr friends are cordially invited |