Show MR TAfT IN N DANGER ON I BIG I Climbs Mount Rainier in Automobile Automobile Automo Auto Auto- mo mobile bile and Is Marooned Maroon d in inI I Mud Night Overtakes Party Before Journey Is Resumed CREEPS OVER MOUNTAIN PRECIPICE IN THE DARK Chief Chief Exe Executive Walks Over Great Deposits of Ice Above Clouds and Has Splendid I View Rescue View Rangers Rangers to PLEASED WITH EXPERIENCE os Ily Oct Oci S. S President S. lIft T up lip to Ic time the foot font of It If I the he glaciers 1 a on Mount It sad mid I ly escaped upending spending n a night In 10 the mountain fastness The Tue party part made the In nub nub- nod wb when ben o nearing the highest point reached h by the tin the nun nin- In lu mud mini up to the of af the wh lN e Forest rangers t with tennis teams of horses finally cleared the time thena ism na liny y Night had lund fallen and a storm threatened threatened threat threat- ened as the President started down the thede de decline lInc With Ith searchlights blazing the way war the tho Presidents President's car slowly crept along tho the edges of oC precipices and at times the outer wheels wore within two feet of a sheer drop of 1000 feet or more Mr Ur Taft arrived safely atel r at his train which had been taken to Ashford near the tho mountain and passed through h here at 11 1125 5 p. p m m. m en route to Bellingham Governor Ha Hay Con Congressmen Warburton ton and Humphrey S S. S A A. Perkins Republican Republican Re Re- publican national committeeman and a delegation dele from Tacoma accompanied led the President The President stopped for tor a long time at the foot of Nisqually glacier where a mountain torrent gushed from Cram beneath be- be neath the tho Ice Stretching Stretching- like a broad white ribbon from the cloud cloudy peaks peak above the tue glacier ended in a muddy looking mass the lower end being covered covered cov cov- ered with nIth the dirt and dust of years ears An occasional crack giving g A glimpse of white greenish Ice beneath serVed to the fl the gl glacier r foot oot from what might have been considered a somewhat unusual landslide The The- President climbed ne next nest t to l ker ier point where he alf alighted to enjoy the he the view vies There was vas a n. thought of ot turning turn- turn ing ng back here but the road was too narrow an and a tart Jart was made for Camp of the Clouds more than three miles mUes further on and some 2000 feet above It Jt was toward the end of or this part of ot the Journey that the tho serious orious part of or the he trip occurred Forest ran rangers ers plainly were worried when automobile after alter au automobile stalled in the mud muddy going g Mountain w wagons wons ons had been made ready and an effort would have ha been made nade to get the President out this way I I Ir if f the road had not been cleared or orthe orthe the he l machines broken down under the strain Four cars were wore left lert temporarily stranded In tho the mountains |