Show AMERICAN SEASON ENDS CHICAGO lANDS fOURTH M H-M f M t H M 4 tt 4 4 II nICA 4 II FINAL L ST. IJ G 44 4 4 w. w Y I. I ii Ia ret lct f Ili lindel In I 0 1 Ml I film Detroit Ml SI Gt 5 t- t TS Cleveland CI so n 73 a f i 7 7 1 ion nt f 1 t is 71 it On SO 4 f 4 ew York orli rl i 70 71 1 O too 4 tn 71 1 no 10 4 f s st. st Louis is 13 lOT lor JJ 4 1 Ie Ie 1 1 1 J. J 1 J. J 1 J. J J. J lull 1 1 J. J J. J J. J J. J J. J 1 J. J J. J 1 J. J T TT T i r iTT Chicago Oct S. S S.- S. With With Ith final games eastern fields the played on yesterday closing games gaines o of the 1911 American league season were played in the west est toda today B By virtue of or its victory over Cleveland Clove Cleve land today Chicago Chicalo finished the thc season season season sea sea- son in fourth place a fraction ahead of oC Boston Clev Cleveland land wa was third Boston Boston Bos Boa ton fifth firth fifth New York sixth Washington Washing Washing- ton seventh and St. St Louis last President Ban Dan B. B Johnson of ot the American lea league ue Issued the following statement tonight The Thie pennant race Itself naturally developed a few surprises and The rhe victory of oC Philadelphia Philadel phia under Manager Iana er Mack was to be expected Mack built up a 1 team for Cor this race that even exceeded his 1910 champions hut but nevertheless the de de- de tense lense of ot the Detroit club for or th the great great- er eri part of ot the season ma made e the race far from Crom a sided one-sided affair A sic sic- tory such as ns I am anticipating for tor Philadelphia in the worlds world's series will be a crowning achievement for tor the tile American league CHICAGO GO 10 io gl 1 t. Chicago Oct 8 S. S.-B defeating Cleveland land 10 jO 0 to 4 I. 4 today the Ih bite so Sn Sot th the season In place by br u II Might fraction traction of or a I point The 01 mauled Di Benz toe for three tallies In the tile fourth soil Doc Dc JC While Whilo wn was sent Kent to 10 the TOI White hold held the Nep to three hit bits while the SOS fox pOlln pounded James until th they wore were far ahead abend elder for fr the tho So made tour four our hits lilt and nd scored five run rune ono no of or which was ca nC a n homer Score n rt II u. E. E Chicago 12 2 Z lO 4 10 17 4 Cleveland ll MO 30 OO X 0 10 t 4 G 1 lotteries Bluz Heu White While antI I James and Easterly Umpire perrine aud aul I In ST. ST LOUIS JOUIS 5 17 DETROIT 2 St. St t. t T Oct Ocl S. S S. Thie The St I Louts Browns closed i their HIlr 1011 1511 season by lor the tho uit Tigers In 10 a double 17 t to 10 2 lu ju tIme the Kume rume and amid G 5 j to Iv 0 In the t second on some game Score co saiu 1111 n. n II n. n E. E St S Lulls COO Wl 01 37 y T 17 j I 3 Z t D.-t Detroit Druit rol L 2 11 10 2 6 4 Lake Lake and Stephens and Evou Evam Bull and Multi Second I go game game- rue n. n I jj ii I I jj St St. t Louis 1 20 O. O 3 7 o Detroit OW 0 II M and I Taylor TaIlor nn Umpire and |