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Show can principles." Da tbe; consider it an "american principle" to uphold liqnor dealers ia violating the laws of the country? If they do, may the good Lord deliver as from what the liberals define as .'American principles " "We paid our good money whenever we were called upon for campaign funds, (and were promised certain prlveleges in return.) and we eertainly neve some rights that should be respected," The above taken altogether, simply means that when the liberal party were canvasing Salt Lake City for the last municipal election, they collected money from the saloon keepers for campaign cam-paign purposes and in return thereof, among other things, promised them that the Snnday liqnor trafic would not be interfered with, and at the same time they bad the andicity to claim that they were the only Americans in Utah, that they were advocating American principles, and fighting a "priest ridden theocracy," And but what's the use, every well informed person knows that the liberal party is on its "last legs" and wlii n it is gone Its absence will be noticed from the fact that there will be no more Sunday liqnor selling In Utah. The l'beral party: peace to its ashes. THE MAYOR'S TROUBLE- Salt Lade's mayor seems to be having a decidedly unpleasant time of it He bas two fights on bis bands, one with tbe councilors and tbe other with tbe caloon keepers, who constitute the ma of tbe liberal party, and besides he stands an excellent chance of a squabble squab-ble with tbe pnblic. The rupture between be-tween the council and the mayor is due to bis censuring four members of that body for Tlslting a house of ill fame. They claimed however, that they visited the hoQse at the instigation of two reporters, re-porters, who stated that police captaij janney was there, and wanted to know what he was in anch a place. They found him ia the house of Hattie Wilson Wil-son and at an investigation held before the mayor gave evidence to that effect and upon their evidence he was disr charged. The sympathy of the public seems to be with the councilors and, when one of them gave the mayor a good roasting at Tuesday's meeting of the city council. He was highly complimented for doing so. 'Ye heartily approved tbe mayor's action In discharging Janny but cannot say we admire his course in censuring the couneilo's who furnished the evidence evi-dence npon which the ehief of police was discharged. In the fight with the saloon keepers we are with the mayor and cainf of police Paul, who are trying to close all saloons on the Sabbath, to which the liqnor dealers object. We cull the following fol-lowing from ihe Salt Like Herald: "The Liquor Dealers' association will have a meeting this evening, when the action of the chief of (police in closing the saloons on Sunday last will be discussed. dis-cussed. "We peid our good money whenever when-ever we were called upon for campaign funds," said one dealer last night "and wa certainly have some rights that ifcould be respected." Xfter reading the abova we wonder "iit the liberal party means by "Ameri- |