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Show BEFOULED WATER. Every day we bear rumors that some sheep men continue to herd their sheep quit) close to streams used for culinary purposes in defiance of the law passed by the last legislature making such an act a crime. We do not know how much reliance can be placed in the truth of these rumors neither do we know the names of the parties accused, but if our water is being being befouled we will use our every effort to bring the guilty parties to justice. Pare water Is necessary neces-sary to good health, anofnyone guilty of befouling streams used for culinary purposes Is, in our estimation, guilty of a crime inhuman. Some settlements are so close to the scene of these dipping operations that the water has no chance to purify before it U used by the residents. They hav-lag hav-lag nothing else, drink the befonled water, which causes disease and death among young children and the aged, and tempts the yonug man to partake of the foaming lager in order to get something some-thing "pure." We do not wish to redeet any.diseredit on our sheep men in general, gen-eral, for.although opposed to the present law, wa believe they willjabide by it like ail honorable citizens. Neither do we wish to injure their business, for we believe be-lieve the sheep Industry to b8 a great and important one and without it San-pata San-pata county would lose one of her greatest resources. When the health of a community Is takn Into consideration, however how-ever pure water shonld come first and sheep or any other industry second, for without pare water no community oan thrive. |