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Show Recitation "Heirship" Lillle Soreneon, Gunnison South. Recitation, "The Mortgage on the Farm," Maude K6d'Iiiigton, Dover. Song "Hope Beyond," Fanny Keatner and Louis Swaiberg, Gunnison. Recitation, "The Lips That Touch Liquor Shall Never Touch Mino," Eliza James, Faye'.te. Music by the band. Class exercise, "Knowledge of God," Nora Anderson. Gunnison South. Address, Bishop C. A Madsen. Recitation, Precious Freight," Frances 0. Keatner, Gnnnison. Song, "Children's Army," Augusta Swaiberg, Gunnison. Address, Apostle A. H. Lund. j closing remarks, J. B- Maiben. Anthem, "Glory," Gunnison choir. Benediction J. H. Hougard. Ephraim. 11 a. u. Opening hymn, "Wake to the Song of Jubilee," Mantl south ohoir. Prayer, Asst. Stake Supt. John H. Hougaard. Hymn, "Temple Song," Mantl south cuoir. Introdnctory remarks, Stake Sopt. J. B. Maiben. Class exercise. "Church History,' (Prepared by 0. C. A. Christensen.) conduced con-duced by Henry Lund, Ephraim. SoDg, "Basy Children," primary department, de-partment, Spring City. Class exercise, "Articles of Faith," young ladies, E. T. Parry, Manti north. Song, "Laddies," Ida Peterson, Ephraim. Eph-raim. Address. Sopt. K. W. Livingston, Spring ('ity. Recitation, "Natie Lee and Willie Gray," Ruby Malsen, Ephraim. Duett. "All Is Well," Fanny Bench and Ida Madsen, Mantl south. Address, Supt. C. P.Dorins, Ephraim Class f xerclse, "Self Denial," Mrs-Lizzie Mrs-Lizzie Hansen, Manti south. Song, "Belle Mahone," female chorus Manti north. Recitation, "A True Story," Wilford Otterstron. Ejhralm. PROGRAM of the Sunday Soheot Jubilooi.B Below ne give a complete program of the exercises at the Sunday school jubilees jubi-lees held at UayQeld, Gnnnison and Ephraim, on the 25, 27 and 23 respectively. respec-tively. Mayfleld. 11 A. M Opening hymn, "Lord Accept our True Devotion,' Mayfleld choir. Prayer, Bishop 0. C. Olsen. Hymn, "Class Matir Song," M lyfleld hoir. Introdnctory address, Stake Supt. J-3. J-3. Miiben. Class exercises, "Restoration of the i -pl," Lars P.Jensen, Mayfleld. CI i38 exercise On Priesthood, Susie hi 'on, Sterling. Dialogue. "The Jubilee," Sarah Jea--i! and others, Mayfleld. Song, "Loving Voices," Emma Soreneon Soren-eon and Levlna Hansen, Mayfleld. Kcita;ion,'-A Little Girl with a Little Our)," Hella Atwood, Sterling, Class exercise, "A Welcome Address," Minnie Nielsen, Mayfleld. Address, Bishop N. C. Christiansen, Sterling. Music, Westecskow, brass band. Dialogue, "Minnie's Coldwater Sermon," Ser-mon," Birtie Barton and others, Sterling. Sterl-ing. Class exercise'The Book of Mormon,'' Steve Olsen, Mayfleld. Song, "The Missionaries' Children," Estella Chrlstianson, Maj field. Address, Sapt. Charles Muslg. Claps exercise, "Orginizatlon of Sunday Sun-day Schojls," (Prepared by Charles Musig.) Ida Pearl Muslg. Resitatlon, "Good Night Papa," Minnie Min-nie Nielsen, Mayfl Id . . Class exercises, "Christ Blessing the Children." Tina Williams, MaySeld. Address, Supt. Henry Jensen, Mayfleld. Song "There are Friends That We Never Forget," Matilda Christensen, Mayfleld. Resitation, "A Poem on the Latter-day Dispensation," Ida Pearl Musig,Sterling Dialogue. "Xhe Goalps," August Chris tiaosen aad others, Mayfleld. Ad dresa, Bishop Parley Christiansen. Recitation, ' The Sign Board." Roddy Nielsen. Mayfleld. Song, "Have Courage My Boy to Say No." Dlantha Thompson and son, Mayfleld. May-fleld. Address, Apostle A. H. Lnnd, Music by the band. Closing remarks, Stake Supt. J. B. Maiben. Hjinn, "Glorious Things of Thee are Spoken," Mayfloid choir. Benediction, Counselor John Williams. Will-iams. Gunnison. 11 A.M. Opening hymn, IZion's Hill" Gunnison Gunni-son choir. Prayer, President Robert C. Frazer. Hymn, "Protection" Gnnnison choir. Introductory address, President J. B. Maiden. Recitation, "Marthyrdom of Joseph and Hyrnm," Lillian Larson, Gunnison. Class exercise, "Life of Joseph Smith the Prophet," Roxy E. Bartholmew, Fayette. Song "Butlercups and Daises," Josephine Jose-phine Hingham, Gunnison South, Class exercise, "The Return to Jerusalem," Jerusa-lem," Brigham Jensen, Gunnison South. Ouartette, "Invocation to Harmony," tout young men, Gunnison, Address, Sapt. John Reddington-Dover. Reddington-Dover. Recitation, "Don't Leave the Farm," Elia Bywater, Gunnison South. Song, "One Accord," Eliza Ann James, Fayette. Recitation. "A Story That Nobody Kuinis," Cha. E. Enblay, Gunnison South. A'idees, Supt. Chas. H, Eubla?, Gunnl- ;ii South. Cs xfrclse, "Questions on Church i :-:c!y," Margaret Hansen, Willow C'-tk. liusio by the brass band. Rcitation,"One Day Solitary," Joseph Osusten-ioo, Gunuison. Dialogue, "A Deaf Uncle" Wm. B'.wn, loliu A Mdlior, and John M. Bown, Fay-Hte. Fay-Hte. Song and chorus, "God of the Nation," little children, Gunnison. Class exercises, "Are We God's Children," Chil-dren," Anna Pedersoa, Gunnison. Dialogue, "Home Manufacturers" Hilda snd Lara Johnson, Willow Creek. Music by the brass band. Address, Apostle A. H. Lund. Closing remarks, J. B Maiben, Hymn, "Let Lotb Abound," Gunnison choir, Benediction, Elder John E. Metcalf. 2 30 P. M. Hymn, "Utah the Queen of the West," Gunnison choir. Prayer, Supt, John Larsen. Hymn, "Devotional," Gunnison choir. Addrees, Asst. Stake Sapt . John H. Hougaard. Class exercise, "Joseph eold into Egypt." Joseph Chrlstenson, Gnnnison, Class exercise, "Second Chapter St . Luke," May K. Mellor, Fayette. Quartette, "Come Where the Wild Flawers Bloom, Hannah Tunneson.and others, Gunnison. Recitation "Take Time," Ida Jensen, Gunnison. Song, "A Sunday School Song" Sarati J. Bartholmew and Daisy D. Dack, Jf-ette. Jf-ette. -y" Address, ex-Supt, R. L. Fra?'jf Remarks, (concerning 10 Grazer' faithful service), J. B, Maiben' " Class exercise, LehHn the Wilderness Wilder-ness tluabet.-. Sorenson, Gnnnison Sontb. Recitation. "Apace from Child's Journey," Hilda Johnson, Willow Creek Recitation, "Papa's Month," Olive Madsen, Gunnison. Daet, "Rose and Violets," Misses Swaiberg and Owens, Gunnison. Address, Snpt. John Bartholmew Fav-ette. Fav-ette. : . ' Recitation, "Ned Revenge," Master Bert Alrsd, Spring City. Address, Supt. John L, Bench, Manti north. Song, "The Clock," primary department, depart-ment, Spring City. Class exercise, "ChrlBt.s ViBit to the Nephites," Daniel Thouauder, Ephraim. Recitation, "BBtsy and I Are Out," Louis Larsen, Manti south. Song, "Only a Dream of Home," Cordelia Cor-delia Peterson and others, Ephraim. Address. Apostle A. H. Lund. Closing remarks, J. B. Maiben. Anthem, "Let the Mountains Shout for Joy," Mantl north choir. Benediction. Supt. J. H. Wodskow, Manti north. 2:30 P. m. Hymn, "Praise the Lord for Evermore," Ever-more," Manti north choir. Prayer, Bishop C. C.N. Dorius. Anthem, "Hark the Herald Angels Sing," Mantl south choir. Address, Asst. Stake Supt. John H. Hogaard Class exercises, "Testimony of Three Witnessss," John Dorius, Ephraim. Recitation, "Rain and Sunshine," Mrs. Jennie Acord, Spring City, Class exercises, "Eli the Prophet and Samuel," Martha Wodskow.Manti north. Address, "Missionary Aid," C. C. A' Christensen. Remarks concerning the Book of Mor mon Chans, J. B. Maiben. Class exercise, "The Sacrement of the Lord's Supper," John S. Blain, Spring City. Recitation, "The Drowning Singer," Jennie Reid, Manti North. Recitation, "The Engineer's Story," Annie Beal, Ephraim. Address, President Hnry Beal. Recitation, "What is Life." Neils Peterson, Mant north. Song, "I rVant to be an Angel," primary prim-ary department, Spring City Address, Mrs. Elmina Taylor, Salt Lake City. RecitatioD, "A Boy," Joseph F. Anderson, Ander-son, Ephraim. Song, "Far Above the Silver Star." Annie Mortlnson and others, Eparim. Class exercise, "The Prophet Lehi," Fanny Green, Ephraim. Address, Supt. David Candland. Class exereise, "Mottoes," Mrs. Sarah E. Hyde, Spring City. Duet, "3ee the Pale Moon," Ells Madsen and Eliza Westenskow. Manti south. Address, Bishop Hans Jensen. Recitation. "Mona's Water," Ethe1 Lowery, Manti south. Recitation, "Eloquence," Hannah Hansen, Spring City. Address, Bishop L. S, Anderson. Sonfj, "Robin," Mr. Nellie Aeord, Spring City. Address, President Canute Peterson-Closing Peterson-Closing remarks, J. B. Maiben. Doxology, choir and assembly. Benediction, Apostle J. H. Laud A very enjoyable time w eact occasion, some of tu d on Ing remarkably tool- numbers beat be-at Ephraim tha ' "i laBi jubilees held tl' "V9 Sabbath 8Cho1 stake of r '"'' the Sanpete total a -J. the closing one making a f - forty-seven held during the P" . fourteen years. The nnabated and ncreasing Interest manifested In this form of nnion and recreation and the wonderful improvement in the rendering ren-dering of the exeiclses musical and otherwise, gives pleasing assurance of rendering valuable aid in the Sabbath school cause. |