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Show HERE AND THERE. Cyrus M. Field died at 9:30 Tuesday moraing. The dreaded cholera is raging in Alexandra, Egypt. Governor Newton Booth, of California died sudddenly Thursday. J. L. Forepangb; the well known cap talist, couimited suicide lest Sunday No cause is known. Ou the 13 nst. at Middletown N. Y. a freight train struck a wagou aud killed four per-sons, The death rate iu New York la decrasing. owing to the morality among the child-, ren of that city. M. A. Twiggs was killed by a j osse while insisting arrest, near Bakersfield' ilo, on the 12 iust. The republican national committee have decided to establish-a branch headquarters head-quarters at Chicago. Jem Smith the pugilist has challenged chal-lenged Peter Maher to fight for $2,500 aud the championship of England. fhe Chicago carpenters have organized organ-ized an Independent military company fur the purpose of fighting private armed forces. It has been decided that Cleveland and Stevenson will be notified of their nomination nom-ination in Madison Square Garden, July 20. A largely attended ratification meeting was held at Des Moines, Thursday night, to ratify the People's party nominations made at Omaha. Missouri, . Kansas & Texas train was held up in Indian Territory Thursday night by the Dalton gang, who secured $40,000 from the Pacific Express company. com-pany. The free coinage bill was defeated in the House of Representatives by a vote of 154 nays to 136 ayes. This, it is feared, means death to silver legislation this season. The Areutene torpedo catcher "Rosalia" "Rosa-lia" fooadered in a storm off the coa ( of Uraguary Thursday. The officers were saved bnt the -crew numbering seventy are misasng. At the second day's session of the mining congress now being held at Helena, Mont., Frank G. Newland, of Nevada, was elected president, and on taking the chair delivered a strong and stiring free silver speech. The People's party convention at St. Panl, resumed work yesterday morning, I and at noon took a recess, having nominated nom-inated Ignatius Donnelly for governor, KIttiel Halverson for lieutenant-governor, H, B. Martin for secretary of state, and D. M. Ringdall for treasurer. On Thursdry last the president made the following appointments; Lieutenant Lieuten-ant Samnel C. Lemly, United States navy, to be judge advocate of the navy, with the rauk of captain. Postmasters Orego", Essie Q. P,obertson, Independence; Indepen-dence; Ulysses S, Grant, Dallas. California, Cali-fornia, Briggs C. Farnum, Paso Robles; Robert G. Mitchell, Pacific Grove. The eruption of Mount .ffitna is rap-Idly rap-Idly Increasing in violence. Several villages and a number of dwellings have been destroyed, All the craters are active, one ejecting a continuous stream of lava several yards deep and very wide. The stream presents the appearance appear-ance of a river of fire and is very beautifnl beau-tifnl to look at, though it is bound to ruin much property. Another crater is hurling large incandescent rocks to an Immense height, while the edges of the third crater threaten to crumble. Remington, Johnson & Co. on Thursday Thurs-day Pled suit agniuat John L. Weber, sheriff, and his sureties, Henry Newell and L. Simon for $555. The plaintiffs claim that they obtained judgment against the firm of Yonng & Adderly for $1,237.80 and interest, and a writ of attachment was issued, bnt possession of their goods had already been taken by the sheriff on othor attachments. They allege other attachments we paid prior to theirs, unlawfully, snd that his charges as costs amounted to between $400 and $500, and claim that many of such charges are exhorbitant, Illegal and wrongful, and,s.fryb.8 has enough, phoney o pay the balance of their claim, and is withholding it from them illegally, |