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Show minutes, but as each councilor seemed to have talked himself out of words, ho aunonuced that motions would be iu order. Ruid moved that the matter be post, poned until It was learned whether or no tliey could obtain the Christenaou properly. Carried. A CLAIM. The claim ef V. F. Maylett for $7.50 was allowed. . Luke moved to adjourn. Carried. Benediction by Councilor Reid. APPLICATION FOR LICENCE. Previous to opening tie meeting, R Llchtenstein, an Israelite who was compelled to leave his home and abandon aban-don his business in Russia dnriug the recent persecutions, applied for a free license to peddle notions, gents' f nrnish-tngs, nrnish-tngs, etc. Granted. THE HIT ('(OWL Hold a Special Session and Thoroughly Discuss THE CITY CREEK QUESTION But Adjourn Without Action R. Lichtenstein Oltains a Free L'cense. The City Council met in special ses sion Monday evening. " After opening the meeting with prayer, the mayor from the committee appointed to confer with the city attor. ney in regard to authority of the city to borrow money to repair city creek reported that the committee had done as directed, and learned that the city had a right to borrow money, and could get all that was necessary at 12 per cent per annum, paid annually, or at 10 per cent, paid semi-annually. Councilor Luke moved that the report be accepted. Carried. The mayor then asked what RCtiou was to Le taken in regard to the creek. Luke wanted to know if it was neces sary to act now. The mayor thought it was. "Because" he said "if we should have a flood it would do more damage than it had ever done before, the creek being in a very poor condition." Luke again put in an car and wanted to kn ow if it was ascertained how long It would be before arrangements could be made to turu the creek into the Chris- tenson property. Reid thought that arrangements conld be completed in one or two months, and was in favor of borrowing the money to make a channel through tho Christeu-son Christeu-son property. He thought that the council should do something immediately, immedi-ately, for to delay matters would look as though they had a question with which they could not cope. At this juncture, the mayor invited the reporter, who was using the window sill for a desk, to take a seat at the table, and the invitation was thankfully accepted, ac-cepted, Wintch thought the only question wa, will it be better to rpair the old hannel or make a new one? If we have to make a new channel, will it be beet to do it now, or wait until spring? As was formerly stated by Mr. Eeid, it will require one-sixth of the entire cost of a new channel, to repair the old one, and make It Bate. And it seems to me that it would be be t to obtain the Jacob Christeasen property, if possible. Anderson. If we can't get a title to this property, we will have to go down the street. We should make arrangements ar-rangements aceorrdingly, and obtain sufficient money to enable us to do so. Munk. I am like the rest and believe It Is necessary to change the course of the creek, if possible, before the flood season js over. If we can't do it now, it must be done in the fall. I am In favor of doing this work before the flood season is over. Councilor Bessoy. I don't like to shirk, neither do I court, any responsibility, responsi-bility, bnt this matter is a serious one. It seems that the only rsaaon for harrying harry-ing this matter is the fear of a flood. I think the creek is in a good condition for a flood, it would scatter it so nicely-Jt nicely-Jt looks like hasty work to do this now. We can't ret it done before the flood season is over. I think $200 would be sufficient to clear the channel for winter. win-ter. We must have a new channel and a place to dump gravel. I do not feel like borrowing money in our present circumstances, and can't say that I am in favor of pushing the matter now. Cox. It is a serious question, and it seems that something ought to be done, bnt at the same time I do not see how we can do it. If we could get the Christenson property, our floods .would be over, but I don't know what to do. Wintch Now the question arises, if the city is compelled to keep np the old channel for irrigating- the west end that wonld be an additional expense, would It not? The Mayor. If we are going to prepare for floods, w e must act at once. If we are going to let the floods take caie of themselves, there is no hurry: Luke The way I understand it as it now stands, the flood will probably go ont at Larson's corner I do net see how we can do Anything if we can't get the Christeneon property. In the meantime, inasmuch as we can't do anything now without the property we had better wait. Bessey. Now, if this council csn get along and have no more damages accrue, let us wait and let the next 1 council have a little of the creek bus -; ness. If we build a new channel, and 1 get the city in debt, we'll catch the devil. If we do not pet the city in debt we'll catch the devil for not building a new channel. The Mayor I want to shirk all the responsibility in this that I can, but if there is a piece of work that it is necessary neces-sary to do, I say do It, even if we have to run the city in debt. Bessey If we can get the work done before the flood season, I also eay, do it. He closed by suggesting that motions ba declared in order. The mayor stated that the meeting was called for the purpose of discussing the situation, and wanted the mattei horooghly discussed before declaring motions ia order, He waited a fen |