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Show CASTELLA EXCURSION. Tuat ('aste)le, has a large plate in the he:irlM of the .Sanpete people was again I'vidi-mvd by the jam that ensued as the crowd of pleasure seekers availed them-wlve.i them-wlve.i ot 1 lie occasion whuu rates were uaiu made cheep and our base hall da-volets da-volets an opportunity to dally with a "professional" nine the Provo team. The day opoued uy clear aud with the day-break a scene of activity commenced com-menced at Sulina aud onward sped the train gathering in the happy crowds-there crowds-there being no accident this year to mar the pleasure, hence the fuu ran high. About 600 to 800 people took in the jam aud by the time they arrived at the Springs tliis was swelled to fully 1,000. Picnic was ihe order of the day, many providing their own hash, the hotel, however, was crowded) to lt.-ut-uiost capacity. The game of base ball commenced about 2 p. m., with odds in favor of the Provo nine uutil the eighth iuning when the score stood eleven runs to each nine, this aparently had the effect of causing the umpire to bias his decisions to such an extent that another an-other was called for by the Sanpete boys to which the Provo's demurred resulting in a decision being rendered giving the game to the Provo's, nine to nothing. This made words run high for a while but order and quiet was finally secured aud Provo very gracefully conceded the game to be a tie and that honors be devilled de-villed equally-a very pretty compliment compli-ment under the circumstances. After the baseball game a race was run tetweon the Sevier champion, Schroder, and Hite Smith resulting in an easy victory for the former, a young man from Spanish Fork came in abont eighteen inches behind Smith, Smith is no slouch ai a runner and we believe will eventually prove uo mean antagon-ist. antagon-ist. After this au adjournment was taken to the pavlllion whenjtbe day ended wilh a most pleasant party. Taken altogether alto-gether the occasion was replete with pleasure and with the exception of the lack of capacity for such crowds at the Springs. This of course is fast being regelated to the past, however, since the hotel has been built and the grounds so plentifully sprinkled with bowel les booths etc. The bathing capacities though are pretty well taxed. NOTES, Judge and Mrs. Larter, of Mt. Pleasant, Pleas-ant, joined the throng. Geo. Symone, Harry Parker and Ml-chal Ml-chal Kelly were among the many who took their annual bath. August Anderson, superintendent of the Ephraim Co op, took a run np for a wash and bite to eat. The misses Schroder of Salina were seen cast iig their suncy smiles among the elite cf the excursion. Miss Flora Beanhe lady editor of the Richfield Advocate, came np to take to the sights with two or three notes lor paper. Webb. Green had a irost enthusiastic coacher in Mrs. Green, assisted t)y h'l frieuds, who just enjoyed every goad play mado by the boys. Of course' Webb, was the central figure, Hans Gottfredson, the Salina goffer, was among the masses. He expressed pleasure on hearing of the advent of the Timhs-Repobter and caised his name to be placed on the roll, as an advertiser as well as a subscriber. sub-scriber. He is a keen, I ts businessman and kuows when to strike for the good of the Salina Co op. |