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Show discharge the same into the ranks of the Kohi hugs, hopiug to aid in sending them across the river styx. We believe that it Is absolutely necessary nec-essary that we have a new thannel, and that the Chrlstenson property is the best place in which to turn the water, as it afforJs an excellent dumping ground for all the gravel and debris that comes down with the water. We do not believe be-lieve in spending money to repair the old creek when a new and much better one can be made with but Itttle additional ad-ditional cost. Messrs N. H. Felt and E. A. Gregory will issue the first numbor of the Manti Times Repobteb on the 16th of this month. The paper will be issued weekly at Manti. It is devoted to free silver and free politics, to this extent that space will be given advocates of any party to air their thoughts. Enquirer. This is partly right, bat should hav read ' devoted to the interests of Sanpete county, free silver and free politics." The rain descends upon tbe Just and the unjust. At least it did this morning, morn-ing, and the street in front of the Enquirer En-quirer office and the Cosmopolitan hotel was sprinkled. The rain is different differ-ent from Jnpiter Pfuvius of the street sprinkler, who makes an exception to the rnle, that is not just to the Enquirer En-quirer office and the cosmopolitan hotel Provo Enquirer. Wonder which the Enquirer considers con-siders itself, tbe just or the anjaat. EDITORIAL PARAGRAPHS. "This world Is full of trouble." Ev ery day we hear and read accounts strikes, lock-outs, murders, and calamities calami-ties frorn nearly evry portion of the globe. The entire eastern part of our country is disturbed over the recent battles bat-tles between the workmen employed at the Carnegie iron works in Pittsburg, and the murderous hirelings oi the Pmkerton detectiue agency; Idaho and the entire northwest is stirred up over the trouble at Cceur d'Alene, while in our own Utah, peace and quiet reign supreme, and everything is tranquil as a summer sky. Aye, verily, who can say we are not a blissed people.? It is said that some gentlemen fiom Provo, spent the Fourth of July in a rather novel but enjoyable manner. Tbey BtarUd for tbe mountains early on the morning of the Fourth and arrived ar-rived at their destination some miles from Provo where the snow was plentiful, plenti-ful, late In the forenoon. Having rested themselves and partaken of a little refreshment re-freshment in the shape of some "Old Rye" tbey at once commenced a battle with snowballs which la!ed over an honr. We, in our overheated sanctum, can but imagine how delightful it must have been to hare a big snowball elide gently down one's spinal column at mid day on the Fonrth of July. Wb were lust about to write a series of articles on free silver when we learned that the free coinage bill hod been killed by the bouse. As we believe that it will do no good to fight for au issue when it Is laid aselde, even though our cause ia just, we have decided to charge onr silver battery and lay low awaiting a favorable opportunity to |