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Show Hicks who superintended the, eveeti.'U of the plant, inform ni that it is a means of saving aliout SO per cent of the material. In other words, from a bloek of stone which they could got but one stone by cutting the saw enables them to gt two. The machinery was made at Davis & Howe's foundry, Salt Lake city, mid erected by Air. Thomas Hicks of this city. .' GRKAT IMPROVEMENTS. ANumber of Elegant Brick-ISiiill Brick-ISiiill . BEING ERECTED IN TOWN. Tuttle & Co'g Magnificent Business Bl'K-k. Other Important Buntings. The building trade in Mauti is in a very healthy condition thH season, and this is an it should fce. Tho buildings already ereded and those in course of conatrnction number something over thirty. This includes business blocks, stores and residences. Of those now in course ot erection one the most important impor-tant is Tnttle's inngui tictent BUSINESS BLOCK which is located north of their present place of business. It is SOsO feet and two stories high, built entirely of brick with the exception of tho front which will be of iron and stone, with plate-glass plate-glass windows, making the building absolutely fire proof. The ground floor will be divided into three largo stores all of which aretahon. The npner will be devoted entirely to one large hall, suitable for concerts, balls, theatres, secret society meetings etc. The walls are already np to the first story and the work is being pushed wiih a determination and vigor that is truly commendable. The stone used in this building is Oolite and white sandstone, and is furnished furn-ished by Parry & Co. The brick is fnrn-ished fnrn-ished by Chrbtenson and is of a superior super-ior quality The probable co-it of the building will be about i6,O0O. DWKLLINOS. Louis C. Olfon is erecting a six room dwelling on his property in the Korih ward. It will be two stories high, tram entirely of white sandstone, and will cost when completed about $2,800 Mr. Jed Crawford is building a handsome hand-some residence on his property just west of Main street in the north ward . It will bo two stories high, of white brick. Olson Bros, have the contract for the brick and stono work and Andrew Anderson will attend to the woodwork. The bnllding when Dinished will cost something like $3,000 Our yoang and enterprising citizen, Mr. Fred Kellar, is doing hiunelf prond in erecting a brick residence on his property in the east part ot town. It is of modern design, two stoiies high with three rooms on each floor, and wi 11 paralize Fred's bank acconut to the amount of about tl,800, Mr. Louis Madscn is erecting a six-room, six-room, two story residence on Main street in the South ward. The wall are brick lined with adobe, making a very comfortable dwelling, warm in winter and cool in inmnier. It will cost when finished about $2,000. Mr. Chris iladsen is also helping the good work along. He is erecting a neat brick cottage of three room that will about 1,200. F. M. Cox ia building an elegant residence resi-dence in the east part of town. It is two stories high, contains four rooms, pantry and summer kitchen and v. 11 cost abont $2,0C0. Mr. Arthur Parsons brick residence, just completed, is one of the rao3t desirable homes in central Utah. It Is of modern design, two stories high fitted np and equipped with all the eon. veniences of a modern city residence, Luther Tuttle is putting an adobe addition ad-dition on his residence; consisting of two rooms pantry and bath room, probable prob-able cost fSOO, The above are but a few of the many buildings now in course of erection, erec-tion, there are about fifteen others, descriptions des-criptions of which could not be obtained in time for publication in this issue. The nnmber of buildings contemplated contem-plated exceed twenty, in fact everybody every-body intends to build this season, and Manti is enjoying au era of prosperity such as she has not experienced for some time. The amount of money that will Le ei-pened ei-pened in the erection of buildings this season will not fall short f 100,000. llorsley & Co. are supplying a large nnmber of the builders with brick of a superior quality samples of which maJ be seen at this office, Another comm jnd.ible enterprise Is the erection of a stone' -sawing plant at a cost Of $1,000. It is tnilt by the church for the express purpose of sawing the stone nsed in the construction of the stairs leading up to the temple. It has baen running one week and Mr, Thomas I |