Show EXPENSE OF RAISING HEIFER mut mail so be worth more this than 60 who when two years year old to a be P profitable to dairy farmer 1 m made ads by the gap depart ft rural ot of agriculture radicals indicate the that the 11 areas cost of raising a heifer better on a dairy farm in the northern and ad eastern to sections action Is about 61 at the end ad ot of Is her or second ad year this include included udea an allowance banc of oc 7 bl 81 lor for labor label tha th ester Is given elvea a credit of 8 tor far the I 1 or she he produces produce thus th it ap P lom pears that the dairy farmer in the sections tec tiona mentioned cannot a afford to I 1 raise e a heifer that Is not worth more mom tin than tia 60 arm whan two year old |