Show CALL TO ARMS FOR NATIONS DEFENSE SE deat ahe tr of call to the he militia B of nil 11 the states at nai as contained failed 1 in ahe 1 rii following irate otsie mi hm baker 1 to ais m of the neaten in Is ir lie blew sl or f th A le enned i the pon of a in further I 1 aggas h alfin upon 1 im I 1 the lie to it d slates is tier her the 8 anil the necessity fur for its hie proper pi pio metio of th that iron 1 pr has bv D the proper to ex en I 1 c the tested in liin hill and the ilia anwa and coll out the aed and the guard necessary for that hint put purpose age I 1 1 aal I 1 ln I 1 Ime the quence instructed by the president to ran call into the service ot of un I 1 d states nd ad tc through vou van the fill tg units of 0 file or organized ini inilisi liti the in directs rethe to shall at lonal b he rud guard if 0 it the state let of f which tho the ores president ident assembled at the ilia state t t a mobilization point 01 or at tte the place piece to be ment men designated to ou u b by y the gal ge castein stein dit dipert uirt tor for muster into the bervice sr fee of at the let tilted red sm to be accepted accept edI nto into t ile hie federal service should hae the minimum ill um peace strength now prescribed tor far mg ired militia the in 1 at atch organizations will be lil and to which they should be raised as ami soon I 1 RS Is possible 1 prescribed in section ao 10 2 tables ot of organize von urd united I 1 ed states tiny army in rase me uy DI re regiment glatt battalion or cadron now low recognized as such contains to im na insufficient dumb of or s I to enable it to conform to master ter to regular army anny malohm malt hm tables the file organizations necessary to complete such unit may be moved led to mobilization cp camp add ad there I inspected parted under ad orde orders of the department borent comm commander uder to determine falness tor for acco recognition altton u organized by the war or department circular 19 of if dahill affairs 1914 the file ordral ehms desired from each state a as part of the file loral inlet tactical lacteal division and only these arami organizations gathins will III be accepted into service |