Show the times cimei 1 50 a year INSURE HOME I 1 represent e P resent the home fire ire I 1 insurance a co of new york this the strongest tranget tro nget and most reliable company in the world CHAS HAS ADAMS PAROWAN UTAH VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE F I 1 am desirous de airous of disposing of my home in cedar cita and wilt will sell ad it at a bargain it is located right in the heart of the town on main street and consists of a large brick house well finished I 1 will also sell a large tract of valuable farm land located several severa era miles north of cedar ideal for farming and stock raising all ail property pro prop penty erity will bear investigation and is located in that section of iron county that is growing by leaps and bounds in a few ears eam the land will double in value if you are interested write or phone me JOHN PARRY cedar city utah fol jo 1 iasi acin no YOU WANT WHAT I 1 YOU WANT WHEN 0 you want it 0 certainly you do and we are in bus ines for that very purpose to give you 1 what you want when you want it and the best that is to be secured you have been told 0 that there is a great demand for lumber well we wish to call your attention to the fact we can supply you so place your order earl yand we promise that you will not be disappointed if you hear c that there is a shortage of shingles c in parowan carowan tell the person who tells you that he is wrong because we have a large supply of the best stara star A star shingles the kind that give satis fac tion if you want any come right along we can supply you c 0 do you want oats to feed your horses if you do remember we have plenty and the kind you ought to have every pound full of nutrition and when fed to horses saves a lot in the cost of feeding hay your flour bin 0 may be about empty and if it is come and get some of our ex cellena flour the kind that is manufactured in in northern utah ard guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction trade at the peoples store we give full value for every dollar 2 PAROWAN 1244 EQUITABLE GO UP AS SIN J al alma bemon superintendent 0 I 1 A splendid bargain P ia A well equipped farm consisting of 60 80 acres good house V barn granary stable stabled sta blea workshop and outhouses out houses 7 flowing ifil 46 acres now under cultivation balance good pasture land 11 l 1 all well fenced dl ONLY TAKES IT CLEAR TITLE GIVEN A ONLY 4 MILES FROM PAROWAN IF YOU WANT A FARM WORTH WHILE COME AND investigate 0 3 1 another bargain 40 acre farm under cultivation 12 horse ion power pump ali well throwing gallon per minute Gar carnary nary team harm barm harn barn n nesa wagon wage harrows harrowa and other machinery goes goca with it i lj ONE OF THE BEST SNAPS OF THE M FIRST PAYMENT 2 BALANCE ON TWO YEARS tl TI E M J if you want a farm that wil suit you invests gate now j rollo rollof smith real estate agents 2 1 the times 1 50 a year quality ras first every article in III our complete line 0 of fa ac i a we handled by us V because it is the iho v c BEST of it 8 lind kind and therefore can pe be sold to our cult mers in in abao absolutely good faith this policy of selling only the highest qualify goods makes a customer of every new buyer who comes into our store por for instance penns idama Chi proof VACUUM CUP TIRES their rev reputation otoo to for lament degn fw d meef kdouh kd them ou wonderful d fa 11 odd ad lwy he boldi 0 do the confidence fidei ol 01 out our s ten t en Guam td set not to lud ki 0 on at alip pory pery pavement Oll 04 prof oed nd pr warranty red ta oo 00 vr caina for miles XI dons garage cedar city utah 0 J osa I 1 INI ladies misses childrens children footwear in all white white while soles white 0 combinations novelty boots ladies all white kid boots ladies a patent mary janes we also have a choice and dainty assortment of infants shoes just in we have always in stock a choice line of staples for men in work and dress shoes our line of hosiery embraces any and esery style perfect weave wear and wash hats and more hats we have an enormous lot of hats but still have a great as sort ment of the catchiest catch iest hats of the season smart flexible sport and knock a bouts in combination colors always on hand ot FLOUR GERMADE HAY AND GRAIN southern largest store PAROWAN COOP CO OP M 6 HI GO CO |