Show the th philadelphia Phil idelphia hatch elor he saved in 30 3 deais on a salary r of 10 a month is no lor greater enter as a thrift artist tt than tha some a fell bullowa who ho get elected to public office and get richer iban than t that in a fw years it is said that wizard burbank n is raisins raising cactus to be watermelons water melons if he can get fet this thin system working in mexico the south might be able to get tol nd of the color problem by paying carranza to plant my several 1 million of burbanks cactus water melons sickness and death are expensive luxuries few can afford the them until absolutely necessary wed like to see both done away with wilh but then law would old the doctors and undertakers der takers make ake a livings living if 11 mr me hughes should app happen to get licked go back to g law or gyrate on the chautauqua platform 7 |