Show make must music in early spring mari many take it for or granted that th the early frog songs of spring are sung amig by the tha handsome big green grace fellows fellow which are am common throughout gho t the tb summer minor there scarcely could b be a ii graver or mistake th the common leopard bee parrit frog flog due doea sing ing in the tha early spring bu but it its note at is a dull and throaty t nimble nelm the real th chorister eriste of the newly 1 Y thaw thawed 4 ponds I 1 la byte zil a mottled brown brown mite scarcely an inch in length th the marvel larval is that so BO tiny a singer binger on can mako make so an much noise muse picketing ng a avi byla la is the most timid ot of frogs and only the very persistent search searchers can get a glimpse of it buthe on the r remote ap ot of a human observer the tiny wag einger becomes silent and alias to the tha invisible depth ot at its ita chiessi pool it is ie extremely t only canny and wary wacy it really la Is not worth seeing anyway but it P is well worth hearing |