Show CEDAR CITY NEWS LETTER OLD RESIDENT DEAD saturday morning edwin C cox an old and highly respected citizen u of f una this city passed to his final rest reit after an illness of steral several months it will be remembered that sometime ago the deceased was stricken with paralysis of the left side and that after a time t ime he recovered slight ly and it was a thought that he might ultimately gain the use of his left limbs but about a month ago he a gain got worse and gradually continued to do so until death came to relieve him last saturday edwin cox is known by a host of people in southern utah and loved by every person who knew him he was a man of stirling character at strong gin in the cause of truth and was always most ardent and faithful latter day saint ilia heart was big and always full of love for his fellowmen fellowman fel lowman and it he has men bt en as said A of him repeater repeatedly ily that none ever left his door without a kindly word and encouragement to face the vicissitudes of life he was a gifted poet and many are the poems that he has composed all dealing with the finer things of life and show conclusively that his was a grand nature devoid of the meaner things of life and one that was always reaching out for the infinite and sublime he was a firm believer in god aud a loer of all things divine the deceased leaves leavea a wife and several children to mourn his departure impressive funeral services were held over the remains monday afternoon at which there was a large concourse of relatives and sympathizing friends the tab was appropriately draped for the occasion and many were the loral floral offerings placed upon the cas ket historical edwin edwin C cox england aa was born absom merset shire england may 21 1838 at the age of 7 he went out to service during which time he be was not permitted togo to go to school but acquired a good educe tion through self effort and elviro ment cut he joined the church of jesus jesua christ of Latt erday erdity saints sainta in wales when he was 18 years of age he did much missionary work in his net native e land and suffered persecution se ee u tion and mob violence vio lince and pas sed ed through many trials that strengthened his belief in the goa pel he had espoused helas he was married to elizabeth reid in june 1865 and emigrated to america arriving in new jersey about four years later in 1874 he be a and d his family came to C edar cedar and jan 0 22 1896 his wife died leaving a family of nine children and her husband to mourn her departure october 13 ther 1898 h he married his second wife julia burton who survives him as does seven children 34 grand child ran and 9 great grand children david height haight who was taken 1 some me time ago to salt lake city to u undergo an operation is reported as being able to be brought home ind and will arrive here today or to the cedars how hotel changes hands this week and gronway parry will hereafter have full charge mrs ben morris of enterprise was waa in town lift last week visiting her sister mrs jane hamilton we are informed tha karl hey borne and myrtle bauer and oison bri errant ant and elora une both couples of this thia city have gone to st george to be married in the temple contractor geo A wood is 13 busy with a force of men tearing down the old part of the cedar hotel a so that the erection of the proposed annex can be commenced it is mi woods intention to have the annex completed early this fall one of the neatest mili milbery nery stores in southern utah without doubt is a that operated od by miss froyd she keeps constantly in stock the very verv latest in trimmed hats an and d is d do 0 ing an excellent business as a conse quence rumor has it that the tha contract for the erection of the new building for the cedar sheep association has been let to mr ashton of fit salt lake city as has haa al so the contract for the erection of a bungalow for victor ford quite a few of our farmers are cutting t their heir alfalfa because of a shortage of hay in town it is a couple of weeks too early for cutting the first crop but when it becomes comes a necessity to do so to get gel feed for work animals no one can be censured for cutting so early A member of the fair committee stated thi other day that the reason that no work had been done on the race course and fair grounds was because of the scarcity of feed he also stated that as soon as there was sufficient hay in town teams would be put to work leveling and ing the grounds the new garage are assuming shape rapidly and the walls are go mg ing up in record time it will not be long before they will be becom ed and when once finished will be equipped in such a manner that re pair work on nut autos can be attended to with dispatch and satisfaction to all auto owners by actual count sowe so we are informed there were more parowan carowan visit ora era at conference saturday and sun son day than was waa ever before known and it was particularly noticed that quite quires a number of the people of paragonah Para gonah ah and summit were here also it was encourage ing to the authorities to see so many from the northern part of the stake thus thos lawrence has haa secured the contract for the erection of an iron fence for bengt nelson jr the fence will be set up LP in solid cement to footing ot ng and rid will be an ornament th that at mr nelson can well be proud of mr lawrence is an agent for iron fences and has ban already placed several in position in town and hab bab prospects of more before the year is in out |