Show condition of the national guard in the various states according to the to latest test war or depart mant cut records th the condition of 0 the so ha S tamal gould Is as follows follow alabama aldei alde I dupai talent good filid artillery poor infantry fair fail and ad good aimi AI rl mi NIci medical lical department good 1 fault fair and good artansa 1 I 1 erst infantry complain companies B DF D F and I 1 K poor others amid a or kiy Y good gold 8 cond infantry fantry rn compa mrs C and K poor lotheia go good 4 or f fuer ir ino aleal medlen I depart department good 1 fair flold artillery very good gold coat coast artillery good imil and fair into fill or poor hy by cula temy Colura dm medical deportment 11 good d coi pa of engineers fair cavalry 9 good 0 it feld ni tillery T poor infantry Info good gold and poor hy fly companies connecticut medical deportment department very good r coventry fly 91 good it baid it a excel lent lem field artillery t 1 lie ry very cry go good it most coast artiller good all and ery cry good gold by coin ponies infantry excellent ind and very or good district strict of columbia medical department part ment r excellent aleut signal bagnal corps fair infiniti fair good and nd excellent by corn pan lea ge georgia gi medical I department fair infantry f fair it and poor by min companies ponies cavalry good field artillery very good coast artillery good cold and poor bv companies id idaho ho infantry very good and good gold illinois ld medical edical department very cry good engineer corps fair c cavalry try ex bellof and very good field bold artillery very re good and good gold latr infantry y very cry good and fair by companies re seventh reth and it infant infantry chicago excellent and ery cry good good h medical feel department fair T field artillery 1 1 fair infantry good ad and it varv rv good gold b bi companies low a medical department fair field artillery illery good formally f fair air u end id ver veri good by complete companies K kantas mackal department very g good ms D held eld artillery fair infantry very good gold und good by companies hen lucky Y bled medical leill department filar 2 fair infantry iry fill fair and ad good to ex relent by min companies III Is 1 I slana medical department ey good ce cavalry good field arall 01 yf teri len fair infantry goo good me fair and ad poor by companies maine I bledl medical I department fair limet coast artillery corps fair air and ad go good I 1 la far fentry good marland Marla nl medical department very cry ims good infantry very cry good and fair by 1 companies I p fee Massachi I 1 isett eft s medical department excellent it cavalry try very cry good field or ar tillers excellent coast artillery good and very cry good cold infantry good ind tery cry good by companies michigan medical dep department a critical poor engineers corps fair sign signal car corps good cavalry cairy good field mill lery iry poor infantry good and ad v cry good minnesota medical it pertinent department c fair lie field id artillery very cry good I 1 in fantav good and very sery good by corn psalms mississippi medical department poor infanti y fair and poor by companies es cegan missouri medical department e t good gold cavalry ry very good still artillery cry e excel rid ant of infantry very good and fair by companies a M montana tana medical department ery cry good infantry excellent and good nebraska medical department ery cry g good most in infantry excellent good and fair by companies PI P I new hampshire medical depart ment cut fit fair ic ci cavalry y fair field till artil lery good a it coast artillery poor in alcele most faulty fantry excellent and m very ery good now new jersey medical ell ell very cry good aval cavalry ry 9 good lu d artillery I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 ry very good gold infant infantry f fair 1 t to 0 nood new mexico medical department good artillery excellent infantry I 1 very cry good gold and good |