Show road will notice the advertisement of chas adams to be found in a this ibbie lie mi adams is 13 no an ag agent e at for the home rire insurance company of new york and is i pre pared to insure your property proper tv against I 1 los from fire subscription subscript to times 1 50 per par and wort the price phil benson and family left for far the mitchell saw mill yesterday yual erday where mr benson will find employ treat ment for the summer for the past few popular county clerk W warner mitchell has hasi been kept busy ting marriage licenses to young people leopie among whom are the following fol lowine geo A paragonah Para gonah della smith cedar city loving edon an Twe tweedie edia and Carri rath tRuth VV Wi immer namer los anacles jos M robinson and zulu zola robb palmah rara gonah mah harsey haney durdon dunton and ad eale afien J Para paragonah gonah oah randall wilcox and he H e jackson Jack aon farolan Fa rowan chas M and ad margaret margare A perkins perkina cedar ity butter wrappers printed at thib nice |