Show most moat certainly carowan parowan is a bimmer resort just think of how hotst seta rate in summer bummer the party that promises pi to reduce the price of gasoline will get the automobile vote of iron county between r regulars cowboys and ane texas national guard the rio grand should be as safe as ai the mississippi but the bandit sub marines run the blockade too much old uncle abner sat a that folks are like blocke chickens chy are 1 at their 1 best when kept loi baay and n hungry y the reason abner or has te for tich such philosophy is a be because a he I 1 is at busy and never hungry mrs mra jos joa T wilkinson naon ia Is reported ill III monday her as being quite son dr harold wilkinson of hurricane was called to her bedside to give medical attention julia barnum sidie day and will barnum were called to cedar on account of the illness of john tait mr tait fell from the loft hift of his barn and ami broke several ribs chas of hamiltons fort and misa aliss maggie pei pd kins of this thia city left yesterday for st george where they w will ill be united in the holy bonds of wedlock the young couple are well known and aghy respected and their many friends will them success niec essm in their married life yesterday morning the people of this city were astounded to learn that stephen smith had died from what is 13 reported to be abbess on the brain the news is ia all the more startling because stephen was known knon to be apparently well only two or three days dave ago and was waa taken lit ill ao 0 far as can be learned about bat burday the deceased was well known and respected by a large number of people haec sincere sympathies go out to th ohp relatives who ars are called to mourn the parowan carowan man who believe in buying as much as possible in parowan carowan needs a lot of adding to and subtracting from some fools begin to provide for their old age by the time sixty when they should have boggi bogui forty years earlier |