Show UTAH 6 TATE NEWS at aidt kelton be BOX A number of cows elder county have died tram from ayd hydrophobia the past week due dua to the we hit of rabid main coyotes R J st sims aged 0 ia V to chosa ho home ham Is sat aard to ha be in aberdeen n baah it deed IS bt the do county only hospital at SIT salt lake ile of 1 mention alcoholism be ben goodrich S a miner fear suffered tho as of both eyes when number I 1 in his of giant powder caps exploded pocket near r a mine joe 1 in alta gaining imam entrance by breaking through the tha skylight bobbera mared entered a jewelry lewelly stora shiro at salt lake and got way away with 1 I 1 GOO floo worth of jewelry alaa I 1 malile W williams I 1 aged ad 22 oa of the most no noted t sit singers of the into died at salt lake june is 18 from rom p pneumonia contracted mateena mate ent it at LOS lo A an gel geles five hundred doll dollars he has been ban voted led by the alta alia club of salt lake to go 90 toward the promotion letio of the ditl ens 1 military military training camp to ie be held at fort douglas august I 1 to september 16 george georga keese keene said and john 0 arm anen nere ere arrested at salt lake ku charged with having stolen bloden bra brass and a d copper fixtures imm from the oregon short una line estimated to be worth in the vicinity of laoo 1000 1 loo john 74 years yeara of age ong one of the pioneer mining engineers free ot of utah and ad the region died at salt lake june 18 of bright a III disease D and ad heart afflictions after a long illness III se miss laura Rol robinson binson 20 years of age who was severely injured when she ehe waa a t thrown brown from a an auto near the jordan high school on the road mad between sandy and murray marray has a hance base tor for recovery joseph wilkins 25 years of age at tempted to commit suicide at salt so t lake by drinking poison tinta but Is now dow a out ut of danger ile he had but recently secured employment and his bis wages had bad ban been g garnisheed garni san juan county never has ap an reared feared to be more prosperous it la Is reported while the cattle and agri cultural lintel industry I 1 is going ahead with leaps ind and bounds mining activities ot of importance mi are gaining steadily more alore than forty local bull business and professional men have guaranteed that ogden shall have chau acqua at tract tr actions I 1 goo to bof not less I 1 than to an one week walk next year by signing a contract with the elbison white chautauqua core coin pa pany Y A site bite for the NIG ma ba batala monument I 1 00 the new grounds was wait selected subject to thi i ap approval chii of the next legislature on im J june 16 ty fly the mormon lot battalion committee anil ad a subcommittee Bub committee of the capitol capital coin mission fall th the hill house has passed be senator ator smoot a bill pre previously amaly passed by the tha senate authorizing the grant ot lead lands to the town of myton for tor aeme cemetery ry public lic park water ater supply and school put poses the house amended the bill to require payment of 1 za an seve acre tor for the lands islas the state convention of health boffl cers closed at salt lake on jims is 16 I 1 I 1 ath I 1 I 1 an address by dr T B B beatty tty secretary of the state hoard board ot of health in 11 which he 11 administered a stiff re in buke to be thus those communities which did 1 not I send end their health officers to the meetings meeting more than will III be asked led ot at the board 0 ot directors of the den ver rw rio grande by H U wedge president of the road mad tor for improve ments meats and the budding of additional feeders foods r S outside laid ot of the proposed um tell tan be basin sin line when the directors hold held their meeting in july utah a 6 state militia is coad composed 1 sea of of six x troops of cavalry csar c sar 6 battery ot of light field artillery S acty corpt ind and a bond band aggregating if ng a total ham of slightly more than officers anil ad men this represents price strength and it increased mir to I 1 w wv strength the complement will be about goo we men the dienge a suit alt brought by flor enca nee harris R is agelus ernest spiers spin to recover 5 as compensation alim for breach h of f fir promise 1 I so to marry ry came to A termination at sell salt lake when he a fler der a stipulation between the sitar theys for or the contest ints the jury s discharged a as discharged as aa it if I 1 in the case of 1 A mistrial acme another I 1 islas leaah a upon life fit was given to frank do de prelim under sentenia sen tenca of alle rth death r th tor 1 I the th hilling of eugene alien ain in t the to I 1 bagh it boy 1 mine I I rob bery it at bingham three years yeara ago by the he state board ot of pardons dons I 1 on joe june T 17 th the board will later let consider con hider de pretto s for commus tion firm ot of sentence to life Ip imprison risom meat the huge lizard or reptile area ered ared last reek near amal by dr de la ecart ri douglas of the carnegie um ot at pittsburg la is spotted reported to be one of 0 the largest in the united states state it la IS alio al Is io said aid to be a one ot if the test beat P pra served its me isu rementa are given at flet length reek neck 65 teet and estimated weight ft hen alive at at several scores a S of t tons A special train will carry to lie bal time the dl algat gat to the athes nit lonal elks colive im mom ution from the file lodges ledges of 0 utah idaho and nevada and ad I 1 every fudge 1 itt utah will ha be represented PI plana are now holes being ilia tor for running 1 the train tell which will leave salt lake july 5 that rimer illner grant atias I it john smyth the man who attempted to as lault ft to efto little girls nt it salt lake way ay have been area connected D com sith ith the burder of alis alice empey 9 years of ue a near I 1 ammon A m idalio idaho kurij 16 i 1 the llie opinion of |