Show ath celebration the celebration of the ath of july in a paran par an will be one that will ap peal to alt all and although the time fur far pre preparation pa ration has been short the various committees have been at work energetically and have prepared good programs programs for the day the services in the tabernacle in the forenoon will consist of excellent musical numbers under the direction prof L 1 eckles and rev rice of cedar city has been secured to deliver the oration in the afternoon at 2 io 10 there will be a childrens dared dance in the opera house at 4 15 a be baseball same game will be played between the cedar nine and the parowan carowan nine on an the fair grounds after which there will be harness and crotti trolling ar races and broncho riding contests for suitable purses after the sports at the fairground fair grounds there bill ill be sports for the ell ildron children I 1 in the city park and at 8 30 in the evening at the rex the old people will de be treated to a splendid show to which they will be admit red led free the days celebration will cl close a as with a grand ball in the opera house |