Show VILLA AGAIN HEARD FROM bandit chief said to have again cast lot with wilh carranza ca el faso fee 0 texas A representative ot of the state department received word through ingli Carran zista zita sources thursday that pancho P a ticho k I 1 nuts ala has made nade peace with the its de facto goi go lemonade leo eminent ac A cording to this not information reent mil which 11 anz accepted by the 1 as being accor ion ate villa already it e has been ale placed it in command oc lif a diacon ot the car ranza cama army with calixto cabala cent contreras era eraa the force which the bandit chief bo Is to in ia command au d 1 is row being mob b dazed on a rench ranch between J ji minei and parral in southern chi 1 limbo |