Show EX EH EXU U S. S S LEGAL AIDE IS HELD IN BIG FRAUD Former Assistant Attorney I General Charged With Wit Deal 7 i r United Dr fly Frew LOS ANGELES Sept Sept- 8 8 Willlam-V. Willlam son S. S Summers former lormer assistant United States attorney general was arrested here today by government officers r and held in bail o of on a charge of having defrauded persons per per- sons In southern California of Summers resides in Glendale He was indicted secretly by the tha federal grand rand jury yesterday He asserted- asserted ly persuaded several hundred persons to settle on lands in Los Los' Angeles county on that representatIon that the old Spanish land grants w were re faulty and that the land had been obtained by bythe bythe the he government illegally said Peter V. V Davis assistant U Us S. S attorney h here r He then ch charged them sums ranging rang rang- ing irig from to for legal services services ser ser- cr- cr vices the complaint set forth on the representation that he would act as counsel and attempt to obtain title to the lands for lor them Summers also was formerly United States district attorney at Omaha Neb He was arrested last June on ona a charge of ot failing to file an income tax return for lor 1931 and the case easels case is still pending ass ass' I |