Show Provo Legion Post Makes Nominations PROVO Sept 8 Clarence 8 Harmon Harmon Har Har- mon L. L A. A C Culbertson and Howard Strong were nominated for commander com corn mander of Provo post No ro 13 American Ameri Amen can Legion at the regular meeting Wednesday The election will be beheld beheld held September 21 Other officers nominated no are First vice ice commander I Lee e Snarr L L. B B. Bigler second vice commander Carl Hansen adjutant Orval Singleton ton chaplain Alden Chatwin sergeant- sergeant arms at-arms t arms Fred Newell service off officer leer George S. S Ballif finance officer Ray Hansen historian Lyle Bell and Erin Ervia Er Er- via vin in Nelson executive committee L. L A. A ChrIstensen Arnold Rawlings Hugh lugh Ross John Beesley Albert Kirkpatrick Walter Hedquist and Stanley Bonnett Bennett Three members willbe will willbe be je named o-n o on the latter committee Dr Frank Reynolds was appointed as' as s post representative on the Utah county council of child chUd health and protection It was decided that the local American Amer Amer- lean ican can Legion drum and bugle corps members will leave Saturday evening for tor or Portland Ore to participate in in the he drum and bugle corps cont contest st of the he national American Legion convention con con- |