Show ROUND ROUNDTRIP TRIP TO TOr r Denver Colorado Springs Pueblo A and Sunday Every Saturday i During Durin September I taji rn t I tilt Return Limit Thursday following In each case Tickets good In cb chair lr cars or coaches Dining cat car service Only 16 Hours t to Denver t For further details phone Wasatch 1 I I Union LI In on Poc Pacific Paci c TH THE Ii OVE OVERLAND RoLAN D 1 ROUTE UTE Something Saved on Ev Everything r PURE FOODS IN CLEAN STORES Do your shopping i in the modern modem span and manner in clean surroundings in bright cheerful a atmosphere mo phere with courteous attendants always at your service ervice Features for Friday and Saturday Peanut Butter MaxI Mum Max Pound Mum Pound 2 Jar Airway Coffee Collee lb ib ZOc I A A. teal Heal Quality Blend Best Foods pt SALMON Tall Can IS I'S Libby's Fancy Red Potato Chips fib n Ib 9 Fresh Milk quart C Maid o of Clover Clover uA A Grade Palmolive Soap 3 bars FREE FREE 2 2 Giant Crystal White FREE W RAMS HAMS A Whole Skinned or Half lb Ib ID 2 C Lamb Legs Lambs bS lb ib Snow White M P Pure ore o L Lard ar No Limit 4 I HENS HENS' HENSn KAL Young Medium n Size I II Alf lb II w C 5 6 NEW MODERN STORES STORE 1508 1608 South East 1458 South Main South and Highland Drive Drive Murray Utah East at South lIt Minute Ups Make-Ups By v V. V V. V 91 You win will notice that the new bobs may be longer but that the th curls or hair at the nape of ot the tho neck Is upturned In order to get this effect with a water wave yoU you must curl small strands of ot hair around your finger and push an invisible pin through each one to keep them In place until they have dried Make a p. whole row of ot these curls and use multitudes of ot Invisible hairpins dont don't comb them out until the hair Is 15 thoroughly d dry Tomorrow Tomorrow BlendIng Blending Powder Sets Sets' sf bi v Pit Lido Ledger WT 1 NOTICE I hereby give notice that I will not be responsible for any bills bUls contracted contract ed by my wile wife Peters after ner this thia date Dated this day of September 1932 WILLI WILLIAM M PETERS Wife Wins Freed FreedO From Neuritis I 1 Couldn't Work york for Five Weeks Weeks- Puts Her Heron on Her Der Feet The German Specialist who di ered now hs S made It an anable able to everybody through hood stores Thou have d 6 covered this magic m relief from rheumatism sciatica lumbago neural neuralgia gin So certain are arc results result u tI If It the very first three doses of Nut Nur do not drive ty av tho the pain your our m mea mor will be refunded without question It out of boxes sold Bold recently 01 three people reported failure to B gj et lief an lid an astounding re record 1 Nur KUI works different than any other tr tre ment In tho the world For It cont no narcotics or opiates and nd i Is 13 ab b harmless oven even to children i Why suffer a single hour of un essary plAn ps-In Let Schramm-Jonni Schramm Drugs tell you about this l- l rito that drives away torture and i able ables you to work In pence peace Delay e 0 a causes you jou ou suffering Try day lAd Ad DENVER RIO GRANDE WESTERN R R. R R BARGAIN FARES t. t j CONTINUED DURING SEPTEMBER SEPT Round found Trip from SALT LAKE CITY to DENVER COLORADO SPRINGS 1 8 O 0 PUEBLO rDO J On Sale Sept 11 10 Return lO Return Limit September IS 15 t Grand Junction 4 84 Glenwood Springs On Sale Sept 11 10 Return 11 Return Limit Sept It 14 Marysvale Richfield 2 Price On Sale Sept 3 11 9 10 Return Limit Sept 13 IS GOOD IN COACHES ONLY ONLY ALL ALL TRAINS Ask Agent Arent About Fares Fires to Other Points f f L 4 i a 1 f 2 i A 4 A S v I 4 Ii F Iw I A I 1 I j. j s 1 8 4 y M 4 I c I L F. F A c I c I f A I 4 4 N e I ERIC THE RED Nature I in the Raw as pore s I by Harland Frozen Frater in i inspired by that marauding Viking chieftain whose vandalism branded him as the Terror of k the North 1000 A A. D D. i I zI ii I and and raw tobaccos j i i have no place in cigarettes f A They are not present in so so these fine tobaccos after proper S S the mildest cigarette aging and mellowing g are then I given the benefits of that Lucky I ever smoked you Strike purifying process described buy th the finest the very finest by the words Its words Ifs toasted That's W tobaccos in 10 all the world world but but why folks in every city town and that does not explain why folks hamlet say that are such SlED everywhere regard Lucky Strike as mild cigarettes ts roP the mildest cigarette The fact is I ji we never overlook the truth that Its It S t toasted oas t e d g 4 Nature in in the Raw is is Seldom Mild That package 2 of mild Luckie I ii I If Ifo a man write a better book JooR preach a better sermon Jermon or Dr malt make a kiln better trap mouse than his bis neighbor tho b hi hiI I build J bis hiJ house in the woods the world will make a beaten path to his hiJ d door or RALPH W WALDO AIDO EMERSON I I not this explain the worldwide world acceptance and md approval of Lucky Strike Co I L 1 |