Show 12 Dairies Exceed Bacteria Limit Twelve Twel dairies delivered milk containing con con- taming more than the legal number of bacteria to Salt Lake consumers during August to a report released by the board of health Thurs Thurs- day Of this number eight dairies delivered delhi delhi- ered pasteurized milk containing more than bacteria to the cubic centimeter and four dairies delivered d-cliver d draw raw milk containing more than bacteria per cubic centimeter This is a decrease from the 14 dairies that exceeded the bacteria standard in July and already four cf of the August offenders have reduced d their bacteria count to within the limit fixed by the board of health according according according ac ac- ac- ac cording to Dr L L E. E. E Viko city health commissioner Dr Viko said Thursday that he believes believes believes be be- more efficient inspection and testing provided by the new milk ordinance ordinance or or- will enable all dairies to stay within the legal count I |