Show Home Horne Rule Bill Text Will Be Advertised To acquaint citizens with the text tex of the proposed home rule in cities cities' amendment to the state constitution to be voted upon next November Secretary of State Milton H. H Welling Thursday prepared to spend in in the Utah press will run four tour times in each daily newspaper and anti eight time times in each weekly In Inc state The amendment empowers towns in Utah to select charter commissions com corn missions to provide their own char char- Under the present law only the state legislature has this authority Proponents of the measure contend that citizens ns of Salt Lake or Ogden should have complete control of ot the respective local governments without being compelled to yield to the opinion opinion opinion ion of a state legislator from some other community or district The amendment is similar to one defeated in the election of 1920 The vote was to Twenty Utah counties gave cave majorities for the amendment but heavy majorities against the measure w were re recorded in Salt Lake and Weber counties countiesS 4 S r |