Show Did You KnowIn Know Know- In Chile the church Is forbidden by law to perform marriages unless preceded ceded by state marriages Therefore There- There fore ore all devoted Catholics who marry I ar are married twice on the same day The rays of the sun which are said aid to be most health giving have havea I a wave wavelength length h of from to millionth mil mu- part of a meter and are invisible invisible in in- visible to o the human eye eyel ye C Improperly prepared and arid addressed mall mail causes a loss to the post office department and users of the malls of ot to annually S Amethyst ca cairngorm chalcedony opal jasper agate and some other pr precious stones are forms of ot quartz S More than locations In the Atlantic At At- lantic antic Pacific and Indian oceans have been een found to ta have depths of ot more than feet At the the great grea salt mine lne at Rumania more than tons of rock salt mined annually are The body of a full grown elephant contains about 70 gallons of pure oil S SHigh High quality starch has has' been successfully suc sue extracted from swe sweet po S Gold is the thc conductor best best conductor of heat and second to copper copperas as a conductor of electricity J. One ton of wood pulp will make three square acres acres cres of paper Air i r routes ut utes s operated over the British Brit Brit- ish empire now cover 2281 mIles milci ler I- I |