Show r rr Financial Financial 82 Money to Loan From Preceding Parel A Th J IDLE LANS LANSI NS REFINANCING I 15 JS TO 30 MINUTES MINUTES' TIME COMPANY j East Id 1st South South- Was Vae SiGN AND TAKE ON OU YOUR PERSONAL NOTE TO 10 OoOO It A stud steady Job and end your promise to pay ou Bur lJur only requirements Quick courteous service CASH CREDIT CO COo SCOTT 5 W tJ 2 12 MONTHS RECEIVE B I l RP Repa r per pcr month monthS 43 K 10 1 00 Repay Repsy per month month Repay per PCr r B. B Aft Repsy TM per I On OPLES PEOPLES PEOPLE'S FINANCE THRIFT CO South State Was Wu 1976 men lied by State Banking Dept pt FRIENDLY LOANS Q o confidential service at a II low cost monthly ily payments PI Phone write or orr come In r BENEFICIAL L LOAN SOCIETY BJ Sida 10 W. W 3rd South Phone ne Wasatch 1277 7 State Supervision Islon I un CAN CAli GET PROM JS n UP No or Easy Repayment P Plan Plon lIn DISCOUNT JUDO JUDGE 3RD SO MAIN MONEY BUDNEY WHEN YOU NEED ITi IT ITa a i 1 IS IJ t to ISO on our personal note Dote In ID 1 fc hour Steady Stead Job only requirement P r Rites reduced 6 mos robs to repay SALT LAKE DISCOUNT CO COo season Reason Building Wasatch h 1932 CH for sellers sellers' equities In R. R E E. contracts I Toronto l fi Co 38 W W. 2nd d So Was 1353 RUDY money mone on OD Irrigated farms and S S. JU L I. C. C residences Home Homo Inv ToY Say Sav Co Walter Wilker Bank bil ll I 1111 Business Service p 89 Bedbugs Exterminated REsULTS E GUARANTEED Li 4 HOURS GUARANTEE EXTERMINATING CO Inc Ine 6 Hi MILTON AVE II HY J I VJ LOVINGER LOVINGER'S S INSECTICIDE for killing BEDBUGS ROACH DOOM for ROACHES WI Was 2314 So West Temple St t 90 90 Carpenter Work carpenter era crot I brick plas PIU t k roofing F F. O G Utters Orlen W R r. r J BAvE VE your building and alterations done It costs no more A A. A Lee Ue W W. R I IT Dlf its it's C carpenter work garages roof repair repair- In Inc r. r It at reas rest prices call W W. n. R 91 Cement Work BEST alks steps waterproof retaining walls valls Gilts Giles W W. 97 Detectives fiti Ann Legitimate d detec- detec fr tIre Utah Say Sav fc Trust Truss BId DidIO W W. 99 99 Furs and Furriers CLEANING L glazing repairing HUDSON BAY BAT FUR CObos CO Those Phen bos Was 1161 nel Main Floor Finishing ELECTRIC sanding machine for rent also lo polishers So State Was Foot Specialists 00 YOU have tired ach feet Ingrow- Ingrow Ing Ine nails SoU SoIL hard corns st s- s t often mistaken for tor arch troubles Wh Why bother with home borne treatments treatment when Khen you ou ran have tx both th feet gone cone one over com completely I for tor SI 00 Efficient service and cleanliness i ness ness neS painless Twelve years In this same ume location Dr L L. P P. Delk Foot Specialist Pelt Felt bide Phone Was Va 2128 2125 for spot Furniture Repairing ROYAL E 2 Ef S' S Wm 1591 91 and repairing w UPHOLSTERING ref renn In antiques antique renewed fl Williams Furn Rep E. E So H H. General Genera Repairing ll SY WAS WASHERS fac ac reV reD rolls all makes 1935 1039 E 5 Hy ny 2111 e Locksmiths Locksmiths t JACK JAC FLOWERS is y g WEST WT-S1 BROADWAY WAS r CALL CHAS CHAP A A. FOWLER FO It t 62 63 W W. V. V Broadway Bro Mattress Repairing K made with or Tr Inner spring units Furniture re 4 It t red S. S 1 L. Mattress Mfg Co W W. J Moving and Storage IAN VAN VAli wu WHEN YOU HAVE HOUSEHOLD GOODS TO STORE MOVE PACK OR Sift n Fireproof proof Warehouse Clean Vans l Careful MOD LIon Reasonable and responsible un service lee LONG DISTANCE MOVING CALL WA WAS 1483 1463 motor vans van a ca city o of or coast cout to COUI For nr expert or an in rind of 01 fJ n J Win Was 1562 ir r Was Wac TRANSFER CO WAS WI tov FURNITURE PIANOS ETC MOVING NG AND STORAGE RAD M WASATCH SATCH A 1175 1178 w WE SPECIALIZE IN MOVING e. e BALT Ul LAKE TRANSFER CO WAS VAS 2338 Patent Attorneys o lAS THOMAS U u. S S R d i i- J milks marks s Drawings bid Was 1232 Papering Painting Capering samples f furna Pili nt- nt I e ci cleaning w W. W R It Duke Hy fly J J. VESI LLO Prices expert paperhangers clean- clean 4 ers pa J L L. L Pearson Hy lIy 1365 INoC and pa PaPerhangIng rha sm small o or lob Par For or es est t phone H Hy Oh i JoA 5 CI an N. N 12 rm rm- Sun tell samples guar luar to I c. c on Paper Jacobs n Hy Ely W 2550 ING if IN p NG Yale fly Hv 1 1 16 Printers and Binders rR f RY co O clars com com- printing 35 s EdIson Was Wms 1801 TOR l- l rl crime and ni-ilie ni library binding see UC v r G. G Dust Ut t Co Edison EdIton st Was 1670 1670 l' l 25 Watch Repairing i t OH SO STATE h 26 Lost and Found k 8 brown leather lot lost on O Og- Og Writ L. L Ie iway wu 11 ii p p. p m m. Monday night 1 It De 1 Geo Peterson i Utah r L Reward eward fro fro- I at t shinned 1 tan terrier doe dOl dOlon on b A East Ets hu ho numerous wars Cars dJ Return to above o address Re- Re 1 tl t Ing ca e clothing and MaIn m in It at itt v Automobile parked puked on North Worth Worthin Temple emp e t me Ime ground Tues T eve returns to 20 F. F tat let Inet n 00 So will receIve c reword reward anee iL r- r L. L Travel avel and md Resorts 1 Travel cl Opportunities f Los 10 DE LUX S I Vegas Verns S 8 L 1250 n Steno eno 60 ODO I Kansas City 1 1700 1100 BON 2 20 New York H 00 AND INSUltED bOT HOTEL RI i 80 SO M MAIN U tr esIe to to Portland ore I lady rd ref H Hy uy W. J II I I Travel and Resorts I Travel Opportunities r We offer you ou liberal stopovers Regular meal mul stops bU buses buset Every rl is equipped one of our with large deep re pas 33 reclining fl tri n air cushion seats U. U Ice cold drinkIng water at r Inside baggage racks and many other features futures that you would expect In Sn a tr transcontinental bus When you travel via UNION PACIFIC STAGES you are offered railroad certainty bus certainty bus economy econom- courtesy courtesy and comfort SPECIAL REDUCED FARES TO Chicago A ALL 1 EASTERN 60 SO Detroit POINTS T 34 00 Omaha Omah 2300 2303 New York 48 New Orleans 35 ool JacksonvIlle n Fl 1800 EAST BROADWAY 77 77 W W. SO TEM TESt WAS 13 1166 6 WAS VIAS 1 t CITY TICKET OFFICE South StaIn Main Kenyon Hotel WAS VIAS 1369 CO COAST TO Si COAST iO-COAST Sf STAGES AGES I IThe The only Independent bonded Insured bus bui line assuring jon IOU guar luar trans ope rAt rAt- Inc ing 2 25 reclining chair coaches to to- to Los Denver S 8 1100 Frisco R R. T. T 1 22 2270 2210 70 Grand Omaha 1400 Kansas Cit city 1700 1100 Chicago KW 20 2000 U 00 W New York Main Main a Dg Depot Hotel S b South State Phone Was 2303 OMAHA RAPID TRANSIT WEST COAST STAGES LOWEST FARES FASTEST FASTEST SERVICE GUARANTEED TRANSPORTATION 3 position reclining chair coaches Los toa Angeles S 8 8 Las Lii Vegas 7 00 Denver 0 00 New Vi York 34 nat I 1700 gg Detroit 32 22 City 1700 GRAND JUNCTION 28 00 WILSON WELSON HOTEL W. W CULLEN HOTEL SOrEL W. W YOUNG man going oln east about Sept 15 IS v. M do part of driving and nd share expenses References H fly Hy M. 1591 TOURIST TRAVEL BUREAUS BUREAU 3 BUS depot Share expense plan to travelers tr all points U S R IS So W Tempi Was PARTY ARTY wishes to to Seattle share 10 ro cz- cz pense 24 West Weal 1st North Steamship Tickets all lines tours and cru cruises 5 American Express Co 24 4 W. W 2 2 S S. S W. W Places to Eat 5 D' D AS chicken and nd steak dinners 2228 E E. So Phone Hoi Hol 1 I Employment I 1130 Male Help Wanted YOUNG OUNG man to travel in nearby counties about 2750 50 per week to start car furnished furnished fur tur- where necessary See Sec Mr Hazard Felt FeIt 9 a. a m. m to 5 p m en WANTED Young Young men to learn rn nil all branches of radio electricity and telegraphy OPportunity Opportunity Opportunity Op OP- Op- Op to earn tuition Practical training train train- in IDI ing for lot 20 years rears Wes Western rD Electrical college col eol- lege lere top floor Regent Was 1018 2 NEAT men 25 to 4 45 for outside work Call 2 to 5 S p P. P m m. 01 WAlker Valker Bank Dank bIde SALESPEOPLE SALESPEOPLE- new Brand specialty good eod comm A S hotel FACTORY representative e wanted to handle bandle COLD STORAGE LINE REFRIGERATORS In 15 Nevada Idaho Utah and western part of Wyoming for coming season Mall Stall letter stating experience etc to Box G 0 Tele not later than September Septem Septem- ber bee 10 MECHANIC overhaul maintain fleet ranch trucks must b be good and a no other need apply Own bedding required Wages 2 per day and board Address John JohnG G G. Taylor Lovelock Nevada MAN IAN who has hos had bad experience selling sellin a nationAl national na no- brand bund of gasoline and oil to dealers In this territory Box H 38 TWO solicitors with route and car for tor Cleaning and dyeing good food proposition Call In person only East Enst So 50 Schools for Men YOO YUU LI H. H dI tinier Moll Barbet Barbel Collece CoHere Recent st at SALESPEOPLE SALESPEOPLE- SALESPEOPLE Workers can m mako good wages WARtS S hotel 34 Salesmen Wanted THE TE Just starting big birr ad advertising c campaign will accept applications from Irom lew few high high- class sale salesmen men for lor Salt Lake City and other Utah territory Leads furnished d. The Britannica Inc Market street San Francisco Calif SALESMEN who tho are arc now traveling tramline In Idaho Nov Nev Wyo western Cob Colo Utah western Montana n making n contact with I b buyers o of r iam or motor oils and lubricants u can n make maLc a pro profitable fUmble connection with local distributor tor br of one one- of the oldest lines of hll high high- h- h grade erode products ever offered Au Auto ability of ol financing self sel honesty willingness to work ork hard Will use 4 time full men 3 who carry other lines linen Ref Reply Reply Re Re- f ply to Yar arrange by nl letter tf for r 1 Interview giving fe fenU confidential nU H details jt TAILORING TAILORS O SALESMEN We are open opening In exclusive territories In your town Bole Boise Pocatello Rock flock Springs Loran Logan Provo Pro Richfield Cedar City etc to represent Homeland Tailoring Tl Co Inc one of the most pr progressive tailoring houses In country at popular prices Wonderful Wonderful Won Won- d OPP Our salesmen earn 25 to 1125 week Write or call at once Branch Dranch Of Of- flee Salt SnIt Lake MEN IEN WANTED to conduct world renowned Rm home service business in and near cities of ot Salt LIIk Laki- City Park City Heber Reliable Rubble hustler can enn start alan earning 35 weekly and Increase rapidly Write Immediately Rawleigh Co Dept UT S Denver Colo Cob SALESMEN ALES MEN to sell radios machines and electric appliances II See Sea Mr Cush- Cush nAn man 9 to 11 Mh floor g O h J 35 Positions Wanted Wanted Male Male AMBITIOUS stu student attending college collen wants place to work for board and room Call Was IL YOUNG man student wishes time part work any any kind for lor board and rm VaL WM 2753 PARTY ARTY with year ten personal loan ex experience experience ex- ex desires connection with local concern Box H 43 Tele FILIPINO experienced housework wants s schoolboy Job lob Was WB Female Help Wanted OPPORTUNITY PP ff for town out students t to earn living expenses while attending e n Hena- Hena gera gers Business Fn teB College fl I Writs Write A for catalog a fo LADY between ages ases 40 30 to travel sell ell use steady fol r article work ic expenses Ask Aek for Mr f paid ld Roberts Ob good t Culler pay hotel 2 to 4 and C G 30 to 8 1 p p. p m m. PROFITABLE winters work worle must mutt know your Write 1 P P. O O. Box giving references and reasons for wanting work ork S i LADIES for home advertising work Miss Was Wo 70 for appointment S 6 WO WOMEN good lood pay North Third West tf I girl upstairs work and care of two children small wages good home Apply Regent street YOU YOUNG W woman nf for r general housework ref- ref 6 1 W W. North Schools and Colleges SCHOOL OP OF BEAUTY CULTURE THE BEST IN THE TIlE WEST VEST No other vocation so profitable Catalog on request 3rd Ezra Thompson bIde bldr Was 7 t O. O ur HiGH G SCHOOL of Beauty Culture Learn a p profession flAre that makes you Independent de t for life Largest e and best beat eQ equipped d Beauty a School 1 west of f Chicago Write f for tor catalogue lt 3rd floor Clift ft S Spec pec rates In wanted d now nos' to learn for positions ol opening January 1 3 1933 Phone Wasatch or apply McCornick McCornick nick Building Dancing Schools n E 3rd o Open all aU sura mer special summer lummer rates Was WOODWARDS WOODWARD'S 2488 S 5 MAIN le Ie less Galls Dally ft h Sun Write Writ for catalog Was 39 Positions Wanted Wanted Female Female ro NO 24 brother through college wants want place to work for simple board o and rm ren m for self and brother t du u Refined rJ educated a d dm cultural t background k ri Will serve as sec acc house house- keeper tutor driver for car Ref Both Bothof of quiet hAbits Box G 53 Tele EXPERIENCED housekeeper and nd cook will co go out of town Tint Rest of ref Was Vas 2082 YOUNG girl to with housework or care for children Sm Small II wag YAIr wages s Woe Wae COMPETENT woman rood cook coole nursing housework Was 2792 2782 Mrs Mn M. M II Auction Sales Sale 1 W H R ADAMS AUCTIONEER 1484 TO 1486 SO 80 STATE STAT HY tOY M 04 DERRICK I AUCTION c. Rich High Auction Service Was Wall J B n. n HALL AUCTIONEER CASH OR COMMISSION HY 2236 Auction Sa Sales cs THALES M. M DERRICK THURS SEPT 8 10 1030 30 A. A M SI AT WILLIAMS AVE VE this me ave runs east from South F. F East st I will sell without reserve 4 of excellent furniture and andrues rues rugs PARTIAL LIST Leather and matt 2 all lea rockers lib table and chairs to match mac rack books throw rugs rues floor lamps curtains pictures d. d table ru rue end tables oak g buffet 1 I oak a JS desk b brass bed beS t ape and Je Jea matt malt a t i also wal wol bed e Ace sprint spring rl c chest cheti drawers r lino kit lt din ehrs and d dc table Me Mer Singer sewing mAch much phonograph and records record table lamp refrigerator elec dec washer lias her TV wagon uon sleighs fish tackle tools dishes utensils Us Nult said Be Be- Bethere there SURE THALES THALE-S M M. DERRICK AUCTIONEER I I Announcements I 1 Personals A T T You will find the Physiotherapy center centera a bide tonic for underweight reducing school for overweight o pep p station for everybody Irrigation Was Vaa 1056 COSTUME DESIGNING course consisting of 12 subjects offered by professional de designer designer de- de signer from Hollywood Limited enroll ment merit Special dressmakers' dressmakers course Rea flea tuition Further Information write writ Box BOT H 1137 Tele ELEC cabinet baths massage massaro Mabe Mabel Ma Ma- be bel Johansen Templeton bid bids bide W V. 2448 SWEDISH massage Ife and bath Alto Alta Longbrake Long Long- brake 23 S S. S W W. V. V Temple 11 a a. a m m. to 8 P m mV V VITALITY T LITY baths mass massage Rm Roe 76 I So 80 State Best operators Was Vas 1314 I ELEC ELC massage alcohol rub hot baths i Hours 10 8 Atlas rooms TO the ruptured belts to order comfortably fit tit Immediate relief H S. Tel Tel SWEDISH massage and bath bails Hours Houri 9 a a. a m m. m to 9 p D m m. Rm 20 62 So Main Slain MASSAGE tub bath alcohol rub Martin Apts Apis 49 So Main Apt 17 17 8 0 p p. p m rn SWEDISH massage and violet lolet ray treat treat- ments 1435 1431 W W. 2nd So Mrs Wall Vall WANTED WANTED WANTED-To To hear from horn m my brother An- An cut ItUS J J. J McDonald McDonald- McDonaldson son of the late John B B. B McDonald Sister Battle Hottle Inquiring Would appreciate information Swim t to Reduce A S swim a R dB day keeps tat fat away aWA 6 lessons guar Prof Thornton Warn Worn Spes W W. 1732 1132 Medical Announcements DR GRIFFITH for men men Call 1134 South Main St Was Vas Florists ERNEST LAMBOURNE 67 57 So So MAin Wu I 1516 Salt Lakes Lake's oldest and antt leading florist A jealous head is soon brok broken 5 I Small men hate great preat men pity 40 I I Every why hath bath a wherefore I 0 I Caution is the parent of ol safety safet |