Show i I I STUFF Politics fl and andi i F. F Finance t Newspaper Syndicate ir WASHINGTON TON B By Br Paul raut Mallon allon Pr president Hoover has hac decided to tar tir the hide off cit the veterans veterans' U a L He will spring it in an early speech The bold course has been the sub sub- jf t of recent private political discus discus- Sus at j the White House Big strati strat strat- i wd and vote men it as ase I ea I ISe Se e only way wap to meet the bonus issue f The administration has been bun deeply I about bont that subject Boos of In recent state conventions conven conven- Ious founded like like Important important political In lii Washington It Is evident I t the American legion leelon convention con 1 b Portland Ore will Intensify the aspects of the trouble Ibe president will wm not aim at the l' l 4 His objective will be a major majorr r atlon on veterans' veterans bureau I Mures They ThC say he will recommend f that these be cut third one about third about a year It will be charged numbers of able bodied and men are getting veterans' veterans they do not need or I- I merit in these times f Information is in his hands about r two to minor rackets They involve two Jl veterans veterans' groups which exact substantial contributions from memo mem I. I bers bus The sum is used for getting vet vet- enns favors from the government Thoe on the Inside suspect these two groups are milking the veterans uni un un- fairly a di fl i I Va significant that this decision knade Junde as U tb the legion lelon convention con Is IsI sliest There lucre Is still a ray of ot I I- kept ope pe In la high places s that a resolution r. r Hoovers Hoover's B. B E. E F. F IJ pol- pol I. I may be de defeated by that COD en n- n n. n There Is no io hope of avoiding a cub ash bonus resolution and prohibition ft repeal iL Some Democratic ups higher sug sug- ut the proposed drive is only a to Influence le legion lon action That toes does os not appear to be the case It looks very much as if it Mr Hoover a going through Admiral Byrds Byrd's conomy organization will get the Credit it Mr r. r Hoover relies relics Jor lor most of his eran advice on War Secretary Hurand Hurand Hur Hur- and Colonel Hanford MacNider usefulness in a public way ways is s been diminished by his vi vigorous rous pursuit of the B. B BE E. E F. F know now DOW push the administrations administration's vets ets on the s stump ump That hat is why he I resigned last week yeek a as minister to Canda Can Cari- tda da It was was was' said that would be more more effective if he hen n 1 dropped his hU diplomatic position 1 t. MacNider Is well out of the Cana Cana- f fu job The Ottawa co conference ference f our opportunities across northern b border The tou tough h luck of the presidents president's r ident recent fishing trip is beginning to seep rt Continued on Pare Pue Three INSIDES INSIDE S STUFF F Politics Politic Finance Continued from Pate Pace One out It seems now it was even worse than at first reported All those yarns about pound nine-pound trout were fishermen's fishermens fishermens fishermen's fishermens fishermen's fisher fisher- mens men's mens men's tales T The e president actually caught nothing worth mentioning Even more exasperating was the fact that he was led down the Chesapeake Chesapeake peake by vivid fish stories told by Mrs Lamont Lament wife of the former Secretary Sec of commerce The week before before be be- fore she caught plenty After running running run run- ning back and forth across the bay for two days the president concluded that Mrs Lamont must have been lucky or else else else- The Thc crowning blow was furnished by by- bythe the called so-called dumb fishing guide the up the third day at Tangier Tangier- island The fisherman it itis is reported was unaware unaware of the presence presence pres pres- ence of the president He charged a higher rate for bait and nd his services than are charged in Washington a War Secretary Hurley caught his Inland Waterways corporation advisory advisory advisory advis advis- ory board in a political faux pas They issued a statement urging private private pH- pH vate waterways carriers to band to to- gether Hurley heard half an hour later and ordered the statement statement statement state state- ment killed Observers pointed out how low the the- railroads railroadS' would feel about that in a campaign year American American Amer Amen ican lean legion officials claim not to know how the B. B E F. F boo battle will go goat goat goat at Portland They say there are so many new men on the delegations this his year they cannot tell what willbe will willbe willbe be done Four st state te conventions denounced the presidents president's actions The other did not act There are strong strona indications that thata a denunciation resolution will be smothered NEW YORK By James McMullin William Randolph Hearst had a lot lol lotmore more more- to do with the Walker resignation resignation resigns resigns- tion ion than appears on the surface Hearst papers are supporting Roosevelt Roose Roose- velt but also been supporting support ing Walker as against the Hofstadter committee for a period dating back long ong before the Roosevelt nomination The situation was rapidly developing into an awkward editorial dilemma which Is now averted The resignation lon tion brings a measure of political politic 1 relief re reo re- re lief Ilef to Roosevelt also although no one here that here doubts that he would have seen the he matter through to its logi logical al con con- elusion Walkers Walker's exercise of the traditional traditional tra tra- tra right to cuss the court when decisions are adverse has made him no new friends a a a aJohn I John F. F Curry Tammany boss now has an unusual opportunity to work up ip a very ery high nuisance value for tor himself The Democrats Democrat were vere privately privately pd uneasy about results In New NewYork NewYork NewYork York state anyway and Tammany's influence now takes on added tance a a Mayor Joseph V. V M McKee is well wen thought of and has the reputation of being a square shooter He is no reformer reformer reformer re re- re- re former but neither is he a machine politician of the usual type His relations relations rela rela- with Tammany headquarters are not too cordial He has a big bg personal following although he lacks the attributes attributes which gave Walker such trem tremendous tre tre- m popularity Such working relations as he has with Governor Roosevelt are likely to be without friction a aa One of the largest New York banks is planning a drastic slash in the ranks of its titled officers around the first of the year ear Personnel cuts hitherto have been confined to lesser em em- The bank is making earnest efforts to locate jobs among its country country coun coun- tr try correspondents for as man many of the departing officers as possible They will not be replaced t |