Show CLOSING UP THE HOUSE How to Protect Furniture Carpets and Brier Brie-r Brac I is a somewhat serious undertaking to leave a well furnished house shut up for several months hence the items to remember remem-ber and the advisable things to do make rather an interminable lst First of all ascertain which rooms i 1 any are inclined to be damp and move their contents into the dryer app artmeuts trip the beds roll and tie the mattresses with cord leaving them on their respective bedsteads Bian lots wooleu materials pillows cushions etc must bo sprinkled with niotn powder and sewn up in old linen or thick new brown paper Turning up the carpets at the edges is very good but taking them up altogether is better still In that case have them beaten at once and they will be ready to put down Furs i not in use are best left in charge of a furrier though they can be sewn up in old linen Stand all the furniture a far from the walle wall as possible when the piano has been sewn up in old sheets it might be covered with antI damp paper thongh that is really unnecessary Rub all polished woodwork with sweet oil before covering as everything should be with dusting sheets Muslin curtains and other draperies drape-ries that take starch must ba washed rough dried and well blued to keep them from turning yellow Light or delicate tinted L blinds should be taken down Brass things F will keep best wrapped in newspapers Do not grease them or they will be touched with verdigris On the other hand bright I steel fireirons etc must be rubbed with I lard or sweet oil and tied up in old rags and j paper r The same applies to all kitchen utensils I J etc that are apt t become rusty Tin lined packing cases are impervious to damp I and would prove invaluable for packing I Where articles are left in cupbords etc line the shelf or drawer with large sheets 1 of paper with which to cover the contents r aore closing the cupboard eto Woolen rf f curtains and draperies must be well shaken and sewn in cloths I valuable dresses are loft in the wardrobe have long sacks made to hang them in The question of fire courting damp is a matter of opinion Many believe it is a good thing to light one occasionally and especially for the winterto leave the blinds or shutters open whore it is feasible feasi-ble for sunlight is wholesome to things as well as human beings Of course in such cases the furniture should be arranged so as not to be too near tho widow where delicate things apt to warp are concerned r Shut all windows and registers of chimneys chim-neys |