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Show A pain in the side or back that catches you -when you straighten up calls for' a rubbing application of Ballard's Bal-lard's Snow Liniment. It rolaxes tho contracted muscles and permits ordinary ordi-nary bodily motion without suffering or inconvenience. Prico 25c, 50c and $1.00 per bottle. Sold by Schramm-Johnson, Schramm-Johnson, Drugs, "The Never-Substitu-tors," Five (5) Good Stores. (Advertisement.) Tho Mother's Favorite. A cough modicino for children should bo harmless. It should bo pleasant to tnko. It should bo offoctual. Chamberlain Chamber-lain 's Cough Remedy is all of this and is tho mothers' favorite everywhere. For sale by all dealers. (Advertisement.) J. J. j - Report made to the bank coramlBsloner of the state of Utah, of the condition Walker Brothers Bankers, H located at Salt Lake City. In tho county of halt Lake, atatc of Utah, at ths flose of business tho 2Sth day of Feb-ruary, Feb-ruary, 1911. RESOURCES. Loam? and discounts., 3,1S3.360.S( 1 Overdrafts , 9 820 64 Stocks and certificates, etc.! 10l!s5715 Mirniture and fixtures 35,000.00 1 )Parl S1?16 31.938.00 H R. R. llrst mort- yM gage and oth- rr bonds $ 326,400.00 HH Due from na- yM Morial banks . CCD, 135. 44 H Due from state H banks a n d bankers . ... U0.6SL35 Exchanges for clearing house 105,168.71 Checks and cash Items 1,214.59 Fractional silver - 19.101.51 Silver dollars .. 13.3S0.00 H iold coin 233.922.50 Currency 7S.5C3.00 Total cash resources 1,537,880.10 H Customer's liability letters of credit . , 10,325.00 Total $5,019,781.73 H LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid In $ 500,000.00 H Surplus fund 60,000.00 H Undivided profits 42,832.37 H Dividends unpaid 3.00 H Due to national banks $ 129,369.68 Due to state banks and H bankers 157,555,27. . Individual do- posits 1,995,095.66 Savings depos- fM Its 1,258,421.61 ! Certified checks 3,942.47 Cashier's checks 45,675.12 H Demand certlfl- vM catcs of de- posit 21,282,08 H Time certlfl- cates of de- H posit 757,245. 87 H Total deposits 4,325,620.76 Letters of credit, customer's liability 10,325.00 1 Reserved for savings Intorest. 3.0JJ0.O0 Total ,,..,$5,019,781.73 H Slate of Utah, county of Salt Lake, as. E. O. Howard, being first duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is cashier of the above-named bank; that the above and foregoing report con-tains con-tains a full, true and correct statement -of the condition of said bank at the M close of business on tho 28th day of Feb- - B ruary, 1914. E." O. HOWARD. Correct Attest: H L. IL FARNSWORTH. JT. G. M'MILLAN, F. A. DRUEHL, -Directors. Subscribed and sworn to beforo mo this 1th day of March. 1914. J. W. BOUD. Notary Public. IH My commission expires May 2, 1917. I, C. A, Glazier, bank commissioner of the state of Utah, do hereby certify that tho foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of the statement of the above named company, filed In my office this 4th day of March,' 1914. (Signed!) C. A. GLAZIER. Bank Commissioner. H Kickapoo Worm Killer Expels Worms. The causo of your child's ills The Bfl foul, fotid. offensive breath The start- intr up with torror and grinding of Jm tooth whilo asleep Tho sallow complex-ionTho complex-ionTho dark circles under tho eyes Aro all indications of worms. Kickapoo JM Worm Killer is what your child needs; it expels the worms, the cause of the IH child's unhealthy condition. For the BH removal of scat, stomach and ,pm jH worms, Kickapoo Worm Killer gives sure relief. Its laxativo effect adds IH tone to tho general system. Supplied BJH a a candy confeotion children like HVjH it. Safe and sure relief. Guaranteed. Buy a box today. Prico 25c. All Drug- cists or by mail. Kickapoo Indian Med. M Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis. IH (AdTcrtltement.) jH ONE GOOD JOB BRINGS TWO. That's why the Century continues to HH grow Century Printing Co., 2S1-35 Edi- eon St. (Advertisement.) BH BBBBBJ |