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Show Scene from "Milestones," "Milestones, ' the most widely discussed play of many years, comes to tho Salt Lake theater for four days and matinee, mati-nee, oponing Wednesday, .Murch 11, with l he same brilliant company of Txindon ae-tora ae-tora who created a sonsatlon In the east by their remarkable interpretation of the moBtVllfflcult roles Imaginable and who arc now delighting tho theatergoers of Los Angeles, ".Milestones" is the comedy-drama by Arnold Bennett, novelist and essayist, and Edward Knoblauch, author of "Kismet," which ran for two ycara In London and a year In Now York city, and which comes here In the course of ono of tho most remarkable tours of tho United States on record. The average play deals with the problems prob-lems of a single set of people within a short period of time, "Milestones'' follows fol-lows the fortunes of two families through three generations, and It is all tho more remarkable that all this action, whlrh covers 11 fly-two years of time, is shown in a single room. In tho average play the hero and rr heroine marry after thrco acts of struggling strug-gling ugalnst misfortune, treachery and general villainy. "Milestones" unites live different couples In matrimony without the aid of a single villain, and whilo wo sec the young lovers of the first act grow into tottering old grandparents, we see also their children and grandchildren living liv-ing their romances, lighting their lights, enjoying their triumphs. And as each gurieratlon has Its own manners, lis own. ideals, its, own customs, tho little room In which all this goes on changes with tho times. Producer and stage manager contribute their Important hulp to tho unfolding of the intorestlg story, whilo tho, brilliant actors grow before our very eyes until it lu hard to roallze that all this has taken place In loss than three hours of actual time. Nothing llko "Milestones" has ever been seen before. That the appeal of thl3 play la universal la attested at-tested by the fact. thai. It is now being HUccnssfully played literally around tho world, in almost, every language. |