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Show BOTH HLXER5 WORK fdr ma ira Fans Much Interested in the Benefit for Baseball Club Next Wednesday. Gilbert nllant and Danny O'Brien, who meet in n twenty-rouud boxlnc. contest In T-oc,id?ro hall In Murray on March 11 for the benefit nf the Murray bav.-lmJI icim, r.orli-d out yotieidny before largo crowds, and tho faus aro alrcmly cvlneJnK a sreat deal of InlcreH In the bout. Whllo a number of ptnoot; havo cipreed the opinion tlyt Oillant would Tln. Alex McLcin. nallan'.'r. Vianor. and Uallant hlmsult are uol looking for an easy (lino by tmy mrann. Tho Irulh of tho matter Ij that both Gallant and hit manager Know Jul how lousb a proposition O-Brlen Is and they took no chances on not b-ine b-ine lioro In tlmo to Bel lhoroupr.tr acclimated. O'Brkn liar, bojrd n number of (hn bfjit born lu hau I ranclsco and the only ono who ever pot Burnn of Oakland, with whom Gallant recently ,vi i ,. ? tweiuy-round draw. Burns bcl p Brlen In thn eicbth round, mil tho fichi rrlt-cs rrlt-cs on tho eoont and even Hums himself raid thul U was lils nuporlar knoRlodgo of tho gomr. th.U won for hlm. ns O'Brien nun a novlce nt th.! Kirno at lht time, whllo Burns w8s at his he.u and up to thnt time had never bom beaten. It -wan idmrtly after tint tint ho wa sent asalntl olK'iiil and wa dcfeitnl. O'Brien hoa met "Bud" Anderson six timer f lino 1,1, defPM. at tho hand of Burnn. and bus niiDCKnui in inree voiindR to hlr. credit al-tlioush al-tlioush Anderson dodgen this record throuch tho BSfcrtlon that lio a: vng lu-lpleFR .m tho ropes whon tho police ictoppr.d tho context. con-text. O Brlen nljo har, a too-round aud a flf-loon-rotind doolslon over Anderaon. wlillo Ander-fop Ander-fop hie enrner u ton -round ileclalou over hlm and cot a four-round dr.iw. O'Brien alr.n hna a de-ellon de-ellon nnd a draw with Hay Campbell of San njiiclhco, who lo In New York taking tlio best lightweights back there Into camp lu great ahope. Campbell wns ono or tho best rour-roundora on the coast and xlnce ho Jumped Inln tho longer rouln gamo he haa not lost a declKlnp ecipt lo 0 Brlen. Camptyll defoaled "Flgiitlnn" Dlcl: Hjinnd since ho wns declolono.T by O'Brien. While O'Urleii's work In Iho gymnnHlum la not n spectacular 33 Gallant's, his workouts nro lm-Ing lm-Ing WMlched hy the wlxo heailp: wlih eonnlrtprahlr Interest They feel that ho Is a gicat deal bettor bet-tor than he h.iii ahuwn In hlo four-round bouts hyro. nnd therefore' tbluk ho has a good rhanco of staying the. twenty toilnds with Gallnnl nnd porlmns bring' homo a derlon on point. Gallant will no doubt bo n ten to nnvon favorite the Hltuntlou would mako pretty good betting for tho ehorl-onder. Th Utah Light 4 Itullway company han promised prom-ised .1. Smith, who la handling the bnut for tho baseball club, that Jt will furnish all tho jtreel cara tieccriary tn hamllo the crowd, nnd that a rpcclal ear iiervlco will bo put on tho Murray lino, with crr, ovory few minutes beginning be-ginning Lliortly after 7 o'clock. |