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Show ? j ' ' 2Eb Efc- U err. . ", 5 M Authoritative Styles ' gpring Opening This Week i 3 sats : fKERYWHERE in this great land, in every city and town, merchants all Sm weec arc sog' Warner Spring Models. 'rfMERY WOMAN whatever her size or age ought to see these new styles. -as;lPU have not seen them, this is for you do not wait; pick your style now JVjhape your figure in natural lines. iWc hope you have not selected your 'fcmS g0WrlS, mCQ tlie7 would look so much beter .if fitted over a new fiMiA Y0RD about the new WarQer Corsets. Simple, pliant, elegant and '"Ska Bg and sll0rt skirtsJ medium low or topless each corset is a ttjgPferc example of corset designing and maldng. ERE IS THE same sweeping guarantee with every corset made to shape ' ! to wear not to rust, break or tear. This regardless of the model -iKSi or boneless it may seem to be boneless; nevertheless it will shape. iT1! suPPort thc form wear. ,W Try It Test It and You Will Approve of. It. LD EVERYWHERE $1.00 to $5.00 "jiM , Every Pair Guaranteed PBR, I: B CREAM A pure, healthful, Cream of Tartar Baking Powder When buying an article of food you are entitled to know exactly what you are buyingits buy-ingits quality and ingredients. If this information is refused don't buy it. Some of the low grade baking powders are advertised, but the ingredients of the powders are scrupulously concealed.. A housekeeper would not use a baking powder containing alum if she knew it. It is well when buying to examine the label on the can. Unless it sbiows the 1 ingredient cream of tartar, don't buy it. Dr. Price's baking powder is absolutely free from alum. . I Storage (O.S.LRy. Trackage) Also Furniture stored, packed and shippe j at cut rates. FURNITURE DELIVERED FREE TO KEYSER FIREPROOF STORAGE CO. Hurry! Hurry 1 1 Hylnnd 3125. 80c Hyland 3123. A FEW DAYS MORE Finest Dry Cleaning for Ladles and Gentlemen. LADIES' SUITS LADIES' DRESSES 9 JMjf GENTS' SUITS ...... I GENTS' OVERCOATS , LADIES' SKIRTS A.ff GENTS' PANTS TCV Suits Sponged and Pressed, 35c. 505 SO. 7TH EAST. ROYAL CLEANING CO. i Bell Bakery 61 East 1st South Mother's Bread, Three Love for 10o. Cream Puffa, 20o dozen. A complete lino of Bakery Gooda. THURSDAY SPECIAL ONE HUNDRED BOYS' & 1 QQ SUITS and OVERCOATS atH -O 1 VALUES UP TO S8.00 IN THE LOT. N Suits for boys oC years up to i G years. There arc Kus6ian, Norfolk B and a fev double-breasted styles. Overcoats with convertible collar, vel- jH 3 vet collar and' large shawl collar. Some have belt and flannel huins. Thero IH 0 is not an undesirable color or fabric or stvlc in the entire lot. The are 3 all ueTV tho kind you will readily pay double and moro for next fall. 1 35 Dozen Boys' Blouses, regular 50c and 4 g 9 65c grades at, each & JL C S including blade sateen, blue cliambrays, woven, striped and printed mad- m, fine tiereales and soisettes. They're mostly 25c values, but we've in-9 in-9 eluded all small lots and tho soiled stoclc of our UOc and 65c lines. Si7.cs 1 to 14 years. Great Sale of Camisole Laces I Used for corset covers, etc. These are the laces that havo beading on IH top and bottom all you need is l'j or V yards, and enoueh ribbon to IH draw through, and your corset cover is read5. Special for Thursday IH 30c kinds at, yard 16c i 50c kinds at, yard 33c 35c kinds at, yard 23c 60c kinds at, yard 39c 40-inch Shadow Allovers, worth $1.00 and $1.25 gBI H goat 33CI Comes in white, cream and ecru for waists and dresses. 1 Seed and Nursery Book I .1914 NOW READY I This up-to-the-mlnuto guide nook Is brlmmlnfi full of Information that means dollars to every purchaser of SEEDS, ROSES, SHRUBS, TREES, POULTRY SUPPLIES. You're entitled to a free copy mention this paper and phone or write for It today. Porter - Walton Co. Sa,cke I '1 Don't They H ' ( Know That. ' I aaaaal Proper Number of Is now on sale for len cenb at every news-stand m the IH TOM United States? Just out. 3 Obey that Impulse. I HAMILTON'S! I I SMART SHOP I I J New Spring Models I 1 For Women and Misses K H I DRESSES, COATS, SES C0RSETS and I I I The spring fasbious are DISTINCTIVE and I H I DECIDEDLY BECOMING-. I 1 Our advance showing gives each customer a 1 I DISTINCT INDIVIDUALITY, as the HAMIL- I H 1 TON IDEA must be in each garment regardless of 1 I its cost. 1 3 Tailored Suits in TAEEETA, MOIRE and 1 H 3 MANNISH MATERIALS. 1 H 1 Afternoon and Evening Gowns and Dancing 1 1 Frocks in aJl the new shades are very attractive, I especially when fitted over our new Spring Corsets. 1 All who have seen our hat department say we I I are showing the best line we have ever had. We 1 t I are anxious for your opinion. 1 H |