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Show MARKET PRESENTING STRONG APPEARANCE Logan & Bryan. 169 South Main street, members New York and Boston stock exchanges and Chicago board of trade, furnish the following, received over their private wlro yestorday afternoon: From Logan & Bryan's Now York Of-flce Of-flce There was nothing in the news of particular consequence all day. but tho stock list nevertheless presented a strong appearance and shorts covered freely In tho last hour. Trading during the past few days hus been of such a professional nature as to minimize the Importance of fluctuations, but mill it has been rather forcibly demonstrated that the amount of long stock dislodged on declines at this period la hardly of sufficient extent to make operations for a decline very profitable. profit-able. It Is quite true that prices have receded easily on limited offerings, but still attempts to cover shorts liavo been followed by rapid Improvement, owing to tho limited amount of stocks for sale around prevailing Icvols. Loss anxiety is expressed relative to the situation In Mexico and the last occurrence, oc-currence, which caused all the talk In International circles, Is now being looked upon as one of thoso happenings which it is only reasonable to expect under conditions con-ditions such as prevail at present. Thero Is no use, however, in denying tho fact that conditions in the section south of our borders will from time to timo exert an adverse Intlucnco on international markets, mar-kets, particularly as the solution of Mexico's Mexi-co's Internal disturbances win perhaps not bo brought about by methods altogether alto-gether in keeping with modern warfare. war-fare. Continent More Cheerful. The contlnont is a little more cheerful, cheer-ful, as the French bank Is gaining gold and strengthening Its position to a degree de-gree which will probably permit, within the near future, the lilting of the embargo em-bargo against new financing. Tho French stale loan will doubtless be withheld until un-til such time as European financial interest in-terest are able to relievo themselves of the burdens imposed upon them by the recent warfare In the Balkans. It seems that many private loans havo been made to European slates and that the same have not boon funded Into obligations of fixed maturities and, consequently, the same aro becoming burdensome and acting act-ing aa a barrier to constructive endeavors. endeav-ors. There is good reason for believing that Washington has become convinced of tho necessity of railroads securing additional revenue if general trade Is not to continue con-tinue to languish, and while, of course, the eastern lines may not obtain the full amount asked for. still It Is not unlikely that such Increases will be allowed as will permit the carriers to conduct new financing and enter the markets on a larger scale for labor and materials. Consequently, wc bellevo that while tho outlook Is somewhul clouded, a movemonl wlllushortly be Inaugurated In the stock list having us Its object the anticipation of an improved order of things, and wo therefore believe that advantage should be taken of the present level of quoted securities values to make purchases. From Paine, Webbor fc Co., Boston Despite continued weakness In American Ameri-can Sugar the balanco of the list rallied well In the late trading, with Steel stocks the leaders. In tho local market Arcadian and Arizona Commercial were again active and stronger, tho latter selling for 0 5-16, the high on this move. The-Mexican The-Mexican situation looks a little moro encouraging en-couraging and much will depend on developments de-velopments there during the next few days. There has not been much profit In selling stocks on bad news of late und they look like purchases to us on all breaks. |