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Show Iffy Jfolf $f ibmte Istwid very morning hy Full Lake Tribune Publlfhlng company. j TKItMS OV SUBSCRIPTION, nally and Funday. one month......! Pally and Sunday. three months., .w Dally and Sunday, one year ijj.ou Sunday Trlbjnc. on- year JT' 'undHy Tribune. Fix niontlis ' j ScmMVtekly Tribune, one year.... l. TIic Tnbuim Is on iolo In every lm-' lm-' rorlant clly In the United Slates. Haider ot llio papr may ascertain tlip name of tl local spent in any city bx telephoning tlila office. ' .-. c. Bcckwirh. Special Agent. Sole-Klcrn Sole-Klcrn AdterttMng Agent. ICastcrn office. of-fice. Tribune Bulldnib'. New York: Vv'cst-, Vv'cst-, cm cfdc-. Tribune Bu,llrtlng. Chicago. UuMnees commnnloi lions thould be ad-iFH ad-iFH ' dretsed. "The Tribune. Suit Lake City. U wtalK" . Telephone Exchange 264. (j I' vvirn you all to gel your Tribune, ili'i tclt-phone the city circulation department nnd a copy will be 6ent yuu by special i inewenser. :- , Kinercd Hi tlii) Po5tofn-o at Salt Lako )'t ; Cily as second-cUK3 inattar. m fjjjl: Thursday, March 6, 1914. |