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Show WOLGAST SAYS HE'S Irani m Michigander Eager for Fight Day So He Can Trounce Ritchie. By, International News Service. AIILAVAUKEE. Wis.. March Wltfi Just one week more ln which to train. Ad Wolgast Is but three nounds over the required notch he will have to make for the battle 'with Willie Ritchie hero next Thursday night. lie performed before be-fore 1100 fans at Morgonroth's this afternoon, after-noon, plaiting with shadow boxing, the former champion went through all of n. lighter's training stunts, from pulloys to real boxing. He went throe rounds apiece with ."Young TMnkoy" and Krcddlo Andrews, An-drews, which left him in line perspiration. perspira-tion. Me wound up the day with pome pulley work. l can't, account for It," tald Ad. after winding up the afternoon. "I never had so much ambition, night now I am In better condition than when I fought Klvers. 1 feel better, am fichtlng better? and. I can t remember when 1 f4iad so much desire for real "liard work as I have at the present time. "By next Wednesday I will ho down to III! at leust. 1 know that Hils will give Ritchie a hi advantage in weight, but-1 can't help that. I am goimr to got In the best possible condition regardless of weight." White Picks Ritchie. CHICAGO, Ala rob l. "Willlo Rilchle Is a. real tighter, all light, and I would honestly hon-estly like to try txyicluslons with him. Hos grand boxer and he can hit. That's tho combination that makes champions. I look for him to .shade Ad Wolgast in their ten-round mill at. Milwaukee Thursday Thurs-day night of next week, but ho will know ho has been In tho toughest half-hour scrap of his career when he gets through It they were boxing at I'M ringside I would pick Wolgast to win.' Cut at the weight they aro making, 1.15 pounds at t. 1 rather anticipate that Ritchie will have ..something of an edge when tin; conflict con-flict Is over. At that T would rather 5!S?.im,.ch,c m'5,0lf o fight Wolgast. ulllln Is a straight, stand-up boxer, and L would know how to fight him. Wolgasfs peculiar style baffles a fellow. Ad is a dangerous man and he makes vou tight a,,r.,1Rn nnd tumble battle always. I will bn present nt the ringside to challenge chal-lenge tho winner." Charles Whllo. Chicago's slashing lightweight, unbtirdoned himself of tho abovo remarks after closclv watching Champion Ritchie In his workout today. Ritchie went through five busy rounds of milling before a hunnh of fuiiH today |