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Show j. c. siuwr DIES m LOi ILLISS Decedent Was General Manager Man-ager and Vice President of the Erie Railroad. 1 GARDEN CITY, I. L, March -1. J. C. Stuart, lice president and general malinger mali-nger of the Erie railroad, died at the Garden City hotel this afternoon. He had heen 111 for somo time. Mr. Stuart was 53 years old and one of tho best known railroad men In the country. He was chairman of the committee of railroad rail-road managers In the long negotiations with the engineers and firemen concerning concern-ing their demands for increased wagets. Mr. Stuart waa a born railroad man. He took up his life's work while hardly more than a bov. In 1888 he was' made chief train dispatcher of the western division di-vision of the Chicago & Northwestern, a position that ho held until June, 1S92. Ho was then made assistant superintendent of the Galena division in June, 1S9. This position ho held until February, 1898, when he resigned to accept the position posi-tion of general superintendent of the Chicago. St Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha road. Two years later tho Baltimore & Ohio socured his services as general superintendent of the middle and northwestern north-western divisions. In September 1901, he was promoted to general superintend ent of transportation of the Baltlmoro & Ohio system. It was while in the service of the latter road that Mr. Stuart became closely associated with F. D. Underwood, who subsequently got his services for tie Erie. Mr. Stuart became- an Erie man on January 1, 1903. when ho was made general gen-eral superintendent of the Ohio division and Chicago &. Erie, and helped to mold i that part of the Erlo system into a homogeneous whole. After only a year's work there he was made general manager man-ager of tho Erie, tho position which he held up to't'.ie time of his appointment as vice president in November, 1909. Several Sev-eral months ago Mr. Stuart's health began be-gan to fall and he practically retired from active service, retaining, however, his connection with the Erie, with the title of assistant to the president. |