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Show PROBLEM DEMANDS QUICK SOLUTION WASHINGTON, March 4 W. O. Thompson of Chicago was appointed counsel of the United States commission on Industrial relations today. Chairman Walsh made this announcement with the explanation that Mr. Thompson, an expert ex-pert on labor problems, would accompany accom-pany the commission and take an active ac-tive part in the hearings soon to be conducted con-ducted In different parts of the country to develop a basis for an effort to Improve Im-prove relations between employers and employees. Mr. Walsh, discussing work of the commission, said Its efforts would be centered cen-tered upon devising and puttfng into operation op-eration machinery through which labor disputes can be amicably settled. Tho presont Industrial conditions, ho said, furnished a problem imperatively demanding Immediate solution. "Industrialism has come on us like lightning out of a clear sky," ho added. "Fifty years ago wo were an agricultural people, living In rural districts and small towns In the mo3t part, and havng a chance of getting Into a firm whenever wo took a Job. And now! And now! Huge cities, sucking the very marrow out of the country a change in employment employ-ment from tho small store to some monster mon-ster corporation that squats In one state and exercises tentacular activities in twenty. It has come so suddenly that we have not had time to adjust ourselves to now conditions. Wo are still going along as though there hod been no economic eco-nomic disturbance. Of course, there Is trouble, and It Is not at all Improbable that this trouble may assume the shape of revolution unless our Industrial, political politi-cal and social Institutions are changed to meet the new demands." |